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1、Sunday is a regular holiday.


2、How do I request time off for a one-week vacation?

第六条 全体公民放假的假日,如果适逢星期


6 Where the vacations having a holiday for all citizens happen to be on Saturday or Sunday, they shall have additional holiday with working days ;



4、When our vacations coincided, we often holidayed together.


5、Private holidays are given by your company and can be taken anytime during the year usually with pay.


6、Over time and on-duty arrangement, meal demand should be submitted to HR in advance.


7、did you have a nice holiday?


8、Can I ask the vacation and sick leave?


9、You wouldn’t dream of taking a day off and your next vacation is booked for, oh, never!


10、What was originally intended to be a year sabbatical has now turned into a vocation.


11、I do this only during holidays.


12、Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.


13、· Next Wednesday is a holiday。


14、They now have one-week vacations each quarter -- known as their "Qx vacation."


15、Our holiday was so disappointing.


16、Most companies will work with you to piece together a compensation package from sick leave short-term disability and vacation.


17、Our vacations coincided this year.


18、How do I request time off for a two-week vacation?

休假 根据员工要求,公司批准的长期的无薪假期。

19、Leave of absence Unpaid time off, on a long-term basis, requested by an employee and


20、School vacation begins on Tuesday.

21、Schedule an activity-based vacation.计划一个活力的假期。

22、The May Day holiday is shortened from three days to one day, while the three-day National Day holiday and one-day New Year holiday remain unchanged.五一假期将由三天缩减为一天,同时国庆的三天假期和元旦的一天假期保持不变。

23、Today was the last day before Half-term holiday.今天是期中假期之前的最后一天。

24、That meal was simply divine!假期简直是一晃而过。

25、Iam swapped with work after 10-day holiday.我休了10天的假,假期过后有一大堆工作要做。

英文句子26:,26、Peak period rates apply for departures on Friday - Sunday, eve of Public Holidays & Public Holidays.旺季在这里是指星期五到日、公共假期与公共假期前夕。

27、Can I ask about the vocation and sickly?我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?

28、China's holiday economy began with the first seven-day National holiday in 1999.中国的假日经济始于 1999 年的第一个为期七天的国庆假期。

29、I love the holidays.假期真的过的太爽了。

30、Roman Holiday and National Lampoon's European Vacation are two films.美元疲软并不意味着您非得用“《罗马假期》”代替“《欧洲假期》”。

31、where did you go on your hoereliday? 你假期去哪里度假了?

32、The study also found that students who imagined a recent international vacation forgot more words than did students who imaged a recent domestic vacation.该研究同时发现,想象近期国外假期的学生,比想象近期国内假期的学生忘记更多单词。

33、Holidays often unsettle her.假期常常使她浮躁不安。

34、Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

35、He's off for two weeks,他有两周的假期,

36、Can I ask about the vocation and sick leave?我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?

37、Spring break is a special time of year when all the students in North America get at least a week off school to relax and recuperate.春假是xx年当中非常特殊的假期,所有北美的学生都有至少一个星期的假期可以好好的的放松和恢复体力。

38、Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?

39、The vacation is being over, and this is the last one in my college life.五一假期快完了,这是大学里面最后一个假期了!

40、Tracks yearly vacation, overtime compensation, sick leave and other leave information.管理和追踪年假,调休,病假和其他假期信息。

41、He's wangled an extra week's holiday for himself.他用计弄到了一星期的额外假期。

42、Philip was enjoying the second week of a two-week vacation the same way he had enjoyed the first week: by doing as little as possible.飞利浦正在享受两周假期中的第二周假期,与他享受第一周假期一样,他是尽可能地不做事。

43、They vacationed for two weeks.他们休假两个星期。

44、Holidays will allow you to track vacation days accrued by each employee, allow managers to approve leave requests and manage the planning of their teams;假期跟踪每位员工的假期时间,经理批准假条并且管理团队计划;

45、Handing in homework for the holiday.收交假期作业。

46、Weekends, school holidays and end-of-term trips are busiest.周末,学校假期和旅行末期都是高峰期。

47、Find out if your company or organization offers "sabbaticals" or similar options.看看你的公司或机构有没有提供“未来假”(长期带薪休假)或类似的假期。

48、I spent all time in there.I had a great vacation.I really want to visit there again.反正就是按照自己的经历来说,英语作文就要是最真的,最好整篇文章都有3~4句的感受,这样会给你的作文带来很大的提分。

49、China has canceled week-long May Day holidays.中国取消为期一周的五一假期。

50、To avoid vacation depression you need to also consider: What's your "vacation personality"?为了避免假期抑郁症,你还需要考虑: 你的“假期个性”是什么?

经典英文句子51:假期,51、Congress is in recess for the holiday season.国会在假期期间正休会中。

52、Book hotels, cars and vacations with Air Canada Vacations.通过加航假期预订酒店、车辆和假期。

53、He is absent on business. About three months' leave.他请事假了,大约三个月的假期。

54、For example, an employee might take a six-week leave with disability pay, take the following two weeks with vacation pay, and then take an additional month without pay.例如,员工可能要休六周带薪病假,接着休两周带假日薪的假期,然后再休xx月不带薪的假期。

55、I expect to see some fine films during the holidays.我期望假期能看上几部好电影。

56、Where did you go on your holiday? 你假期去了哪里?


标签: 假期

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