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关于”交通规则“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Traffic rules。以下是关于交通规则的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Traffic rules


1、To reduce transport accident in city we must publicize traffic regulations and improve road conditions.


2、Multiple rulesets, using an internal orchestration through a ruleflow.


3、These Principles set forth general rules for international commercial contracts.


4、In the rules learning mode, the rules can be produced automatically through the cluster process.



4: Divide et impera - Decompose by business worker

4:分解和规则 – 通过业务参与者分解


6、This check function reports the number of rules processed and how many passed or failed.


7、Policies on condo repairs are specified by condominium bylaws.


8、Road Bike: Riders are required to wear ASTM, ANSI or SNELL approved helmets and obey the rules of the road.


9、New SEC rules will speed other information, too.


10、The addition of new scalar rules in a rule set usually only increases its execution time marginally.

背景:该指导方针适用于10b-5规则(Rule 10b-5)所规定的通常称为“内幕交易”的特定罪行。

11、Background: This guideline applies to certain violations of Rule 10b-5 that are commonly referred to as "insider trading".

为了您的家庭幸福,务必遵守交能规则。 (Do...)

12、For the happiness of your family, Do obey traffic rules.


13、Strictly follow the traffic rules when driving a car. No speeding, no unnecessary overtaking, no red high jumping and no drunk driving.


14、As a general rule, mediating request/response message interactions in the bus is not that much more difficult than mediating a one-way message.


15、In prosody, a rhythmically significant stress on the syllables of a verse, usually at regular intervals.


16、Construction management section

2. Traffic planning division

3. Civil aviation bus division.



北京中国人民大学Han Yusheng教授说:“如今,只有当人们违反交通规则时才会受到处罚。

17、Prof. Han Yusheng, Renmin Univ. of China, Beijing, said, "Currently, people are only punished if a traffic offence occurs.


18、"Motorists must be disciplined. They must not cross into other people's lanes, " said motorist Eko Juli.


19、Do not allow parking in the traffic rules in place to reverse in case of emergency.


20、Reducing a rule to its principle says that, for the purpose at hand, the principle cannot be questioned or further derived unless you create a new rule.

21、The ShippingService interaction owned by the ShippingService service specification defines the rules for how the shipper and orderer interact.ShippingService 服务规范所拥有的 ShippingService 交互作用,定义了交付者和订购者如何进行相互作用的规则。

22、Depending on the charge, the person will receive a certain number of points on his or her driving record.依据此指控,这个违反交通规则的人驾驶记录上将会被记上(所扣)分数。

23、We have to do something about this communication rule.我们必须改改这交流规则了。

24、First, do research on the guidance idea and principia and gist of constituting of traffic management planning.本文首先对中小城市编制交通管理规划的指导思想、规划原则、规划依据等进行研究。

25、Violations of any of these rules may be cause for removal of driving or site access privileges . Continuous violations are cause for dismissal.如果违反这些交通规则,可能导致取消车辆驾驶资格或进入现场的资格。持续犯规则将导致被解雇。

英文句子26:,26、D or --delete: This command deletes a rule from the chain, either by specifying the rule to match with -D or by specifying the rule's position number in the chain.D 或 --delete : 通过用 -D 指定要匹配的规则或者指定规则在链中的位置编号,该命令从链中删除该规则。

27、Adopt and approve its own Rules of Procedure;通过和批准其议事规则;

28、We should apply completeness considerations with discretion.通过判断,我们应该应用完整性规则。

29、If business rules are implemented via a BRMS, audit trails or event mechanisms can notify the business of the results of the rules execution.如果通过 BRMS 实现业务规则,企业可以通过审计信息或事件机制了解执行规则的结果。

30、Thee right of way is not decided by anyone's preference, but regulated by traffic laws.在路上的先行权并不取决于任何一个人的喜恶,而是由交通规则来决定的。 罾。

31、This submission rule defines which data instance is submitted and how it is submitted.这个提交规则定义提交哪个数据实例,以及如何提交。

32、I hate driving into town at Christmas time because the roads are full of jail- walkers.我不愿在圣诞节的时候开车进城,因为路上全是不遵守交通规则乱穿马路的人。

33、But if everyone does his part and observes traffic rules, the road will be safer to all of us.但是假如每个人各尽其责并遵守交通规则,道路将会变得更安全。

34、The Shenzhen Stock Exchange released the draft trading regulations for China's growth enterprise board.深交所发布了中国创业板交易规则的草稿文件。

35、Condorcet rules have been tested for 100 years.但是,通气和孔规则已测试的xx年。

36、When a rule is triggered, DM3-ADB extracts virtual machine instructions of rule action and executes these instructions by virtual machine.当规则被触发时,DM3-ADB从规则库中取出规则动作的虚拟机指令,通过虚拟机来解释执行。

37、Article 145 A listed company shall have its shares listed and traded in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations and the rules of stock exchanges governing transactions.第一百四十五条上市公司的股票,依照有关法律、行政法规及证券交易所交易规则上市交易。

38、In present Criminal Law, rules of traffic accident crime are principle, but the cases are often complex. People deal with hit-and run traffic accident in different way;现行《刑法》对交通肇事罪的规定较为原则、概括,实际案件复杂多样,人们对交通肇事逃逸的认识、定性和处理不

39、Principle 第五项规则: 围绕对方的兴趣而交谈。

5 - Talk in terms of the other person's interests.

40、This rule also applies to digital interviews.这个规则同样适用于通讯面试。

41、Authors: Legal and Compliance Department, Bank of Communicat.作者:交通银行法律合规部。

42、Vessel Gargantua is not complying with the traffic regulations.你没有遵守通航规则。

43、Prof. Han Yusheng, Renmin Univ. of China, Beijing, said, "Currently, people are only punished if a traffic offence occurs."北京中国人民大学Han Yusheng教授说:“如今,只有当人们违反交通规则时才会受到处罚。

44、There are four parts: the first involves questions mainly related to traffic regulations, driving knowledge and emergency response.有四个科目。科目一主要包括:交通规则、驾驶知识、临危处置知识。

45、Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.交通法规将被严格执行。

46、Check Record Plans, Traffic Permit and other information.检查图则,交通许可及其他资料。

47、Discussion is made on the fundamental principles of information digitalisation, and introduced the base programs.通过对交通档案数字化基本原则论述,介绍了交通档案数字化的程序。

48、Members have to follow the rules and regulations of the IT Club.根据会章规定,会员有义务遵守会章规则及交纳会费。

49、And, Example C is a brief illustration of using transportation planning models to evaluate traffic impacts of a large-sized regional commercial zone that will be developed in the future.案例C则重点阐述了运用交通规划模型来分析大型区域性商业开发区的交通影响。

50、Medium in which the transmission is mainly regular and which usually has a high regular transmittance in the spectral range of interest.主要通过规则传输来传播可见辐射的媒质,通常在感兴趣的光谱范围之内具有高规则透过率。

经典英文句子51:交通规则,51、This rule category supports business agility by enabling nonprogrammers to maintain the rules.此规则类别通过允许非编程人员对规则进行维护从而支持业务灵活性。

52、Commercial rules engines usually let you express rules in a proprietary English-like language.商业规则引擎通常允许使用专用的类似英语的语言来表达规则。

53、Secondly, the most important preference of citizens about this plan is convenient parking, transportation and public security environmental condition.而空间规划偏好则首重「停車、交通便利而治安良好的环境条件」。

54、Rate scale to indicate traffic rate value.率的规模,表明交通率的价值。

55、Flexibility and modifiability of business rules implementations is achieved through the rules maintenance support enabling dynamic changes (using the original rules language).业务规则实现的灵活性和可修改性,通过激活动态变化的规则维护支持而实现(使用初始的规则语言)。

56、In this place whoever violates regulations governing traffic and transportation and thereby causes a serious accident, he commits the…在此场所行为违反交通运输管理法规,造成重大交通事故的成立交通肇事罪。

57、Home-market rules on enforcement and investigation will prevail, with clearing and settlement intermediated by home-exchange entities.随着国内交易企业的即时清算和结算,通过调查和实施的国内市场规则将会流行。

58、You make it sound like a traffic infraction .你说的好像是交通违规似的。

59、That service is in fact the implementation of those rules, often within a rules engine.该服务实际上是那些规则的实现,它通常在一个规则引擎中。

60、Coastal; Small town; Transportation Planning; Traffic survey methods; The four-step method; Green traffic; Development pattern.沿海; 小城镇; 交通规划; 交通调查方法; 四阶段法; 绿色交通; 发展模式。

61、In the streets of Guangzhou, many passers-by broke the traffic rules and cross the streets.在广州街头,行人不遵守交通规则随意乱过马路的现象处处可见。

62、They then discuss the "Rules of Play," which define the minute-by-minute activities and rules within the framework of the Rules of Engagement. They suggest that然后他们讨论了“游戏规则”,它定义“交战规则”框架内每一分钟的活动和规则。

63、According to the theory of Cellular Automata, we built an improved traffic-flow model, and gave the evolving rules of every vehicle.根据元胞自动机理论建立改进的交通流模型,给出每辆车的演化规则。

64、People focused on the tally process might choose to call Hare's rule "Majority-IRV" and Hill's rule "Condorcet-IRV".人物集中在统计过程中可能会选择请克利的规则“多数通气”和希尔的规则“孔通气”。

65、The modularity of rule types and subtypes enables a business policy to be expressed as both structural business rules and behavioral business rules.规则类型和子类型的模块化可以使一个业务策略通过结构化业务规则和行为业务规则表达。

66、Down by Law Express small details on 2013 new traffic regulations deduction rules.下面由法律快车小编详细介绍xx年最新交通法规扣分细则。

67、Intel's RCP platform rewrites the communication rules of Wi-Fi radios.Intel的RCP平台重写Wi-Fi无线通信的通信规则。

68、Declaring a main target is usually done using one of the main target rules described in the section called "Builtin rules".主目标通常是通过使用在“内建规则”一节中描述的主目标规则之一来声明的。

69、It provides for strong prudential, capital, and business conduct regulation of all dealers and other major participants in the derivatives markets.它对所有的交易员和衍生品市场的主要参与者规定了严格的审慎规则、资本金和业务规则。

70、Rules can generally be stored as files or in relational databases and can be modified.规则通常作为文件存储或存储于关系型数据库内,规则是可修改的。

71、As a case study on avenue Champs Elysées, a real-time, rule-based, reactive arterial bus signal priority algorithm is put forward.以巴黎香榭丽舍大街为应用背景,提出了一种实时、基于规则、反应式的交通走廊公交信号优先算法。

72、Filtering rules (for example, access-control rules) are often centrally managed by an administrator.筛选规则(例如,访问控制规则)通常由管理员集中管理。

73、On the base of the main transportation index in America, we demonstrate the motive, principle and thought which should be built in our national transportation.建立我国交通运输统计指标体系的设计目的、原则和设计思路。第二章主要从静态的角度描述我国交通运输业整体规模。

74、Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws.骑自行车者无拘无束,仿佛两轮车就可以不遵守交通规则似的。

75、A single ruleset, using an internal orchestration though a ruleflow.单一规则集,通过一个规则流使用一个内部业务流程。

英文句子模板76:Traffic rules,76、Finally, the mass media should also play a positive role in helping people realize the importance of abiding by traffic rules.最后,媒体应该帮助人们意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。

77、China in the "Civil Code" section 114 of the derogation provided for the first time, the rules, "Contract Law" Article 119 of the Rules of the provisions of the development done.我国在《民法通则》第114条首次规定了减损规则,《合同法》第119条对该规则做了发展性的规定。

78、A typical conclusion was that rules that assign property rights and rules that let people trade lead to good outcomes.一个典型的结论是:财产分配权规则和让人们交易的规则带来了良性结果。

79、Jaywalker may be held fully or partially responsible if they are involved in an accident with a vehicle.不遵守交通规则的行人如果遇到机动车事故必须负部分或者全部责任。

80、A traffic code contains rules for driving.交通法规包括驾驶条例。


标签: 交通 规则

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