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关于”中国传统文化“的英语句子43个,句子主体:chinese traditional culture。以下是关于中国传统文化的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:chinese traditional culture


1、The Chinese traditional favonian pattern is the precious inheritance of Chinese .


2、The filial piety is a traditional Chinese virtue.


3、The Chinese traditional culture is kind of material form of the Chinese thinking, speaking and operating.


4、The mentioned factors of the historiographer culture formation reflected in Wen Xin Diao Long, are a characteristic of Chinese traditional theory of literature and art.


5、Filial piety is one of the moral creams in Chinese traditional culture.


6、Folk-custom music is the most representative part of Chinese traditional culture.


7、Chinese guqin culture has a long tradition and standing.


8、As China is the orient of the culture of Confucianism, we should present the construction of government's clearance.


9、To study on modern cultural collision from the view of artists, Zhu and Xue choose Chinese seal as the medium of creation.


10、As with what she promulgates, the name, SINO indicates that it merge China's traditional culture into international concepts.


11、Yellow River and Luoshui culture is at core of our traditional culture from regionalism.


12、Wine culture as a special kind of cultural forms, in traditional Chinese culture has its own unique position.


13、The environment suitable for living of South Hunan traditional residence has embodies deeply traditional Chinese culture.


14、Chan poetry is a precious gem of Chinese culture.


15、Traditional Chinese woodblock prints and Chinese paintings watermarking is the art of traditional Chinese culture, Rose, is the national spirit, the representative of national characteristics.


16、When Chinese culture absorbs the essence of the west culture, we maintain and carry forward it.


17、I can see the "realm" of a traditional Chinese literator.


18、I think it's a great idea to let Chinese children start to learn traditional chinese culture and traditional chinese literature with reading Jin Yong's books .


19、Nowa group of Chinese traditional who love music to inherit and carry on the Chinese traditional music culture.


20、Chinese traditional teaching theory is the product of particular Chinese culture, and is connected closely with it.

21、The culture of keep-fit in Zhou Qin kingdom is remarkable representative of Chinese traditional sport culture.周秦养生文化是中国传统养生文化的重要组成部分。

22、Also fond of reading especially for the western literature and the Chinese traditional culture.喜欢阅读,尤其是西洋文学和中国传统文化。

23、Chinese medicine is an essential part of traditional Chinese culture.国医是中华传统文化的一个重要组成部分。

24、With the beginning of Yangqin entering China , its aesthetic characteristics had taken shape gradually with affected by Chinese traditional culture .从扬琴传入中国开始,其审美特征就随着中国传统文化对其的涵化而逐渐形成。

25、Students must respect the habits and customs of China and other countries.尊重中国人民和他国人民的文化传统和风俗习惯。

英文句子26:,26、China's traditional culture, there is a "filial piety" basic concepts.中国传统文化中有一个“孝”的基本观念。

27、The Guqin This is a representative instrument of traditional Chinese musical culture.古琴是中国传统音乐文化中具有代表性的乐器。

28、Abstract : Rural culture is the foundation of the Chinese traditional culture, and is an entry-point to understand the Chinese society.摘要 : 乡村文化是中国传统文化的根基,是理解中国社会的一个切入口。

29、There is a close relationship between the Confucian forgiveness and ancient Chinese legal culture, which makes the latter a unique feature of the Public Law.儒家恕道与中国古代法律文化传统有着内在的不可分割的密切联系,使中国传统法律文化表现出鲜明独特的公法化的个性特征。

30、China has a long history; the Chinese traditional culture is deep and sophisticated.中国历史积厚流光,中华传统文化博年夜精湛。

31、The cultural and historical basis of so-called"Chinese characteristics"can be drawn from the reflection on"cultural China", cultural tradition and cultural practice in China.“中国特色”理论的文化历史依据,可从文化中国、文化传统和文化实践的反思中得出。

32、Filiality is the core of the traditional culture of China.中国传统文化中孝占据核心地位。

33、In the context of China's traditional farming culture, "the Dans"became marginalized, which is the inevitable product created by China's traditional farming culture.在中国传统农耕文化语境下,“疍民”遭受了被边缘化的命运,而这正是中国传统农耕文化建构的必然产物。

34、The mentioned factors of the historiographer culture formation reflected in Wen Xin Diao Long, are a characteristic of Chinese traditional theory of literature and…而《文心雕龙》体现了中国传统的史官文化的这些因素,正是中国传统文论的一大特色。

35、The traditional culture of Chinese is a culture of the filial piety to some extent.中国传统文化在某种意义上是一种“孝文化”。

36、Generally speaking, the diffrences of taxation culture between China and Britain are diffrences of times.中国传统税收文化与英国税收文化之间的差异,从整体上说,是时代的落差。

37、"Harmony is the most precious" is the basic idea of Chinese traditional culture.“和为贵”乃中国传统文化的基本理念。

38、Jade culture as a part of Chinese traditional culture contains abundant mental implication.玉文化作为中国传统文化的一部分,承载着丰厚的精神内蕴。

39、Shi-fa is a China traditional culture part.谥法是中国传统文化的一部分。

40、Even as Traditional Chinese Culture spreads around the world and more people become interested in Chinese, foreign culture and concepts have begun to spread into China.尽管中国的传统文化在全世界传播,有越来越多的人对中国感兴趣,外国文化和理念也已经开始传入中国。

41、It's important part of Chinese traditional culture. The influence on martial culture is great as well.它对中国的其它文化亦是影响深远,比如中国传统的武侠文化。

42、Chinese traditional literati paintings and classical gardens are the essence of chinese traditional art.中国传统文人画与中国古典园林是我国传统艺术的精华。

43、Chinese traditional culture is under the threat of foreign cultures represented by the wests.中国传统文化在全球传播的环境下,正受到来自以西方外来文化的冲击。

44、Chinese traditional culture around the two words: loyalty and filial piety.中国传统文化围绕两个字:忠和孝。

45、The strategy of marketing of Puer Tea culture was discussed according to Chinese tea culture.结合中国的传统茶文化,探讨普洱茶的文化营销战略。

46、The modern Chinese culture formed in the conflict and combination of the Chinese traditional culture and the Western culture.中国近代文化是在西方文化和中国传统文化的互相冲突及会通融合的过程中形成的。

47、Connotation is a special character of Chinese traditional culture. And Ming furniture, which attains a pretty high level of art, is a representative one in Chinese traditional culture.含蓄是中国传统文化具有的一种性格,而明式家具是中国传统文化的完美诠释者,达到了相当高的艺术成就。

48、As the sources of the Chinese traditional culture, Confucianism and Taoism were the important parts of the modernization of the Chinese traditional culture which he was engaged in all his life long.儒学与老学作为中国传统文化的源头,是胡适毕生从事的中国传统文化现代化的研究的重要组成部分。

49、There are mainly four types of cultural TV programs on China's TV screen:propaganda for overseas type;中国电视荧屏上的文化栏目主要有四类:对外宣传形象、传统文化型、时尚文化型和读书栏目。

50、Can be said that traditional Chinese culture, Confucianism Naishi mainstream thinking.可以说,儒学乃是中国传统文化的思想主流。

经典英文句子51:中国传统文化,51、Augury is the important part of Chinese traditional culture.占卜是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分。


标签: 中国 传统 文化

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