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1、Was the software or hardware recently upgraded?

硬件设备对比软件方案:ModSecurity是一个软件Web应用防火墙引擎,本质上是个Apache module。

2、Hardware appliances vs. software solutions: ModSecurity is a software web application firewall engine that is an Apache module.


3、The company deals in both hardware and software.

选择最适合的版本下载,然后双击.deb 软件包安装软件。

4、Choose the version of Dropbox that best matches your computer, then double-click the file to install the .deb.


5、Real-time simulation supporting software is a special tool for the development of real-time simulation program, and real-time simulation program is the core part of the simulator.


6、Refurbish: Software will be updated with required content files.

尝试用 Info-ZIP 软件 解开该文件。

7、To unzip the files, try the Info-ZIP software.

全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格水平考试软件设计师证 用比…

8、National Computer technology and software professional qualification level software architect license exam …

29west LBM:ZeroMQ是自由软件!

9、29west LBM: we're free software!

SIGTERM :软件终止信号

10、SIGTERM - software termination signal


11、The software limited switch is introduced as an example of software machinery in this article.


12、Its application is not just limited to hardware synthesis, but also to software compilation, especially to retargetable compiler design.


13、We are like a bank now. Microsoft Financing helps to finance software, services and hardware.


14、In the current software design, more and more emphasis is gained for building software in terms of pre-existing components.


15、Look at the software help-wanted ads and you'll see numerous listings for software testers.


16、Free software users have no objection to help files.


17、The computer software encryption is one efficient means for software developers to protect their intellectual asset in the form of patent.


18、Download the Windows software from limera1n.com.


19、For me, Software Craftsmanship is about putting the individual back into the activity of delivering software.


20、As with all the leading software vendors, Adobe has a picture of where software is going and wants that future to be on their platform.

21、This software is registered to…这个软件注册给…

22、"TYDIC Balance Management Software V1.0" won the award of 2010 China Annual Innovation Software Products.“天源迪科余额管理中心软件V1.0”获得2010中国年度创新软件产品奖。

23、Take the software vertical, for example.以行业软件为例。

24、Our product cleans and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more.我们的产品清除并阻止所有,方式的恶意软件包括蠕虫木马,间谍软件,广告软件,勒索,键盘记录,后门,密码大盗等等。

25、This series begins by describing software architecture and defining the place of services within software architecture.本系列开始将介绍软件架构,并确定服务在软件架构中的位置。

英文句子26:,26、GB/T 8566 "Information Technology- Software Life Cycle Process" is a programmatic standard for software engineering.《信息技术软件生存周期过程》标准是软件工程纲领性标准。

27、The SCADA the researching communication software in is introduced, such as the functions, the environment of software and hardware, the modes of net framework, and the frame of software.继而从功能、软硬件环境、组网方式和软件结构上对课题中通信软件所在的SCADA系统作了总体介绍。

28、This software is a handy PDF password recovery software, which recovers PDF password easily and instantly.这个软件是一个方便的PDF密码恢复软件,它恢复PDF密码容易瞬间。

29、Computer-aided software design;计算机辅助软件;

30、I am a Software Gardener.我是一个软件园丁。

31、With the evolution of software and software tools, architects have overcome this limitation.随着软件和软件工具的发展,架构师们已经克服了这一局限性。

32、EdgeGuard Solo is client security software that protects you from malware attacks that legacy, signature-based AntiVirus software misses.东软独奏客户端安全软件,保护你的恶意攻击的遗产,基于签名的防病毒软件的怀念。

33、Presently, software projects have a trend of becoming high complex and big-scale, which introduce problem for software development and upgrade in technology and management.目前软件项目呈现一种复杂性高、规模大的趋势,这给软件开发和软件升级带来了技术上和管理上的困难。

34、The WASCE package contains the parts/wasce.tgz part file.WASCE 软件包包含了 parts/wasce.tgz part 文件。

35、Agent-Oriented Software Engineering;面向Agent的软件工程;

36、Ni academician thinks, develop own software, want to strengthen the confidence of pair of homebred software above all.倪院士认为,发展自主软件, 首先要增强对国产软件的信心。

37、It stores almost no files or software.它几乎无需存储文件或安装软件。

38、VAS?Videotex Administration Software?可视图文管理软件?。

39、Software distribution makes use of a simplified single content packaging format called the software package.软件发布利用了一种称为软件包的简化单一内容包装格式。

40、Step 第五步: 构造软件库

7: Generate the repository

41、Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.有些自由软件基金会的软件,则适用GNU函式库通用公共授权规定。

42、SOA provides for effective software componentization, which helps promote code reuse and contributes to a more flexible IT infrastructure.SOA 是为高效的软件组件技术提供的,软件组件技术有助于促进代码的重用,并提供了更灵活的 IT 基础设施。

43、Welcome to the Like software companies to provide computer simulation of the national title examination software.欢迎使用莱克软件公司提供的全国职称计算机模拟考试软件。

44、With the emergence of the Object-Oriented technology and software component technology , the software reuse technology develops rapidly.随着面向对象技术和软件构件技术的应用,软件复用技术得到了迅猛的发展。

45、His career has been dedicated to advancing software application development and supporting the community of software developers.他致力于促进软件应用程序开发和支持软件开发人员社区。

46、Quality and software maintenance.质量和软件维护。

47、Component based software engineering (CBSE) now becomes the mainstream methodology at software development. It includes domain engineering and component based development (CBD).基于构件的软件工程(CBSE)已经成为软件开发的主流范型,它包括领域工程和基于构件的开发(CBD)。

48、We handle software products.我们经营软件产品。

49、The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) places software quality assurance at the foundation level 软件工程协会(SEI)将软件质量保证设置为CMM的基础级别

2 of the CMM.


50、There is even a full business-accounting package, something often seen in open-source software.甚至有完整的商业会计软件包,常常看到一些在开放源码软件。

经典英文句子51:软件,51、It Supports all new version softwares and Hardwares.它支持所有新版本的软件及硬件。

52、Application quality metrics are versatile and can be used in a wide range of application lifecycle processes.应用软件质量量度是通用的,可用于软件生命周期的全过程中。

53、In addition, many either produce software for client consumption or incorporate software into their products.另外,许多公司为客户消耗提供软件,或者将软件并入它们的产品中。

54、It's a software platform...它是一个软件平台...

55、However, unlike Antivirus software, most Anti-Spyware software will not update on its' own.然而,与反病毒软件,大多数反间谍软件将不会更新其自身。

56、It provides BFP network file sharing support.这个软件提供BFP网络文件共享支持。

57、By using custom instruction to realize some related function and NIOS II CPU to carry out the software, it can achieve a reasonable mix of hardware and software.完成了系统中软件和硬件设计,给出了软件流程图以及硬件模块的仿真结果。

58、Ohloh –Open source software directory.Ohloh-开源软件目录。

59、Software and Hardware, ashamed, returned to their homes.软件和硬件面有惭色,各自回了家。

60、"Agentless discovery" means the software automatically crawls an IP network to record every device and piece of software attached to it.“代理发现”是指软件的自动抓取一个IP网络,以记录每件设备和软件的重视。

61、Software is deterministically unreliable.软件肯定是不可靠的。

62、The examples used throughout this book of various applications, software bugs, and software test tools are in no way intended as an endorsement or a disparagement of the software.本书中用到的所有实例,包括各种应用程序、软件缺陷、软件测试工具都不代表认同或排斥该软件。

63、It allows you to navigate through the hierarchy of software components, thus giving you a better perspective for software to ECU mapping.它允许您通过软件组件的层次导航,因而让您更好地观察软件到 ECU 映射。

64、The hardware environment for the ASP software is already full-fledged at present. But it is still difficult to develop and publish such kind of software for most software developers in China.国内运行ASP模式软件的硬件条件目前已基本成熟,但开发并发布一套完善的ASP模式软件对于国内大多数软件开发商而言,仍然存在一定的难度。

65、The software works according to the communication protocol between the control center and mobile sensors.软件设计是围绕端机软件与前端控制中心通信协议来实现的。

66、In a word, software.一言以蔽之,软件。

67、The idea of workbenches, desktops, suites and many others was before in enterprise software.工作台、桌面端、软件包以及很多其他概念在企业级软件里由来已久。

68、Tibco: we're still free software!Tibco:仍然是自由软件!

69、Third: Baotou software industry and Inner Mongolian software park enterprise's development condition appraisal.第三篇:包头市软件产业及内蒙古软件园企业发展状况评估。



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