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1、The annexes are an integral part of this Agreement.


2、They are composed of their parts.


3、It is very interesting to me because it's a discrete invention that happened in a point of time in response to information technology.


4、And there's two parts of the filter.


5、The newly formed floodplain is the part of main channel.


6、Bucket sand drainage installation is its key part.


7、Things with parts can be destroyded.


8、This e-mail body has a static portion and a dynamic portion.


9、Shopping is a large part of commerce.


10、The quota feeder mainly has the power section, the transmission part, the control section, the bunker and the rack section composition.


11、An automatic aluminum stick unloading mechanism consists of five sections:clamp section, lifting and drop section, displacement section, support section and control section.

对各个组成部分的r 必须加以区分。

12、R must be par titioned for each individul component.


13、Create the dockable around the content component.


14、What are our parts?


15、The thesis is divided into four parts which consist of the foreword and the main body of the rest three parts.


16、The machine is composed of three parts.


17、This course is part of the abovementioned Programme.


18、The fusion body has many components.


19、Things that have parts can be destroyed.


20、They have a lot of components and they have to work right.

21、Shoulder eaves is part of building roof.挑檐是建筑屋面的一个组成部分。

22、Components of OWL Web Ontology LanguageOWL Web 存在论语言的组成部分

23、They are both subsets of the "Dies irae."它们是《末日经》的组成部分

24、German naval strategy had partly brought about this change, but only partly.德国人的海军战略部分变成了这样的组合,但只是部分的。

25、By blunt head cleaning brush, brush of slender steel wire, and handle.清洗刷由钝性头部、毛刷部分、细长的钢丝部分和手柄组成。

英文句子26:,26、This chapter consists of three parts.本章由三部分组成。

27、The equipment consists of grinder and vibrating screen for removing bran.该机组主要由打磨机、除糠分选筛等部分组成。

28、The Chinglish Dictionary is part of the Chinglish Library. The Chinglish Library is part of Chinglish City.秦英词典是秦英图书馆的组成部分,秦英图书馆是秦英城的组成部分。

29、Hospital cleaning operating department is the core components of hospital construction.医院洁净手术部是医院建设的核心组成部分。

30、However, to construct the middle-range theory is not only a part of the rational strategy but also a part of the legitimate strategy.而建构中层理论既是合理化策略的一个组成部分,也是合法化策略的一个组成部分。

31、SJ series twin-screw extruder driven in part by the processing components.SJ系列双螺杆挤出机由驱动部分与加工部分组成。

32、How many components does the Guangzhou Asian Games City comprise?广州亚运城共由几部分组成?

33、The cycle of Newtonian dynamics has two parts.牛顿动力学体系由两部分组成

34、And there are three components to the Aufbau Principle.构造原理,由三个部分组成。

35、Part one includes Chapter 第一部分由第二章组成,在该部分用数值积分的方法对螺旋绕组磁场的分布进行了详细的计算。

2. In this part, detail calculation to magnetic field distribution of spiral winding is taken by numerical integral method.

36、This section briefly outlines the status and next steps of five key strands of translational research that will form components of robust mouse rejuvenation.这一部分简要叙述现状和下一步转换研究的的五个关键组成部分(它们将形成小鼠健壮返老还童的组成部分)。

37、Education is an important part of our developmet.教育是发展的重要组成部分。

38、Smelling is an important part of evaluating tea.闻是评价茶的重要组成部分。

39、Expanders are devices that are part of an SDS.扩展器是 SDS 的组成部分。

40、The foot measurement is an important part of anthropometry.足部的测量是人体测量的重要组成部分。

41、The whole test stand is mainly made of pump stage part, intake part, discharge part and data acquisition part.整个试验台架由泵级部分、吸入部分、排出部分和数据采集部分组成。

42、John Ruskin, British writer and critic 爱美是健康人天性的重要组成部分。

43、The mountains in the south are part of the Qilian mountain range.南部高山是祁连山脉的组成部分。

44、The collection of fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm is an important part of the German culture, which shall be transmitted as a part of an intercultural exchange.格林兄弟童话集是德国文化的重要组成部分,同时也是跨文化交流传播的组成部分。

45、The "UK" is made up of four countries .联合王国是由四部分组成的。

46、Travertine is an important part in Karst.石灰华是岩溶地貌的重要组成部分。

47、Non-greasy cream protects vulnerable skin with effective titanium dioxide, a natural UVA/UVB reflective barrier.无油腻商品有用掩护肌肤,有用的二氧化钛组成部分是一种天然的预防UVA/UVB组成部分。

48、This is a multi-part article.这是一篇由多个部分组成的文章。

49、The mould base is the important component of mould.模架是模具的重要组成部分。

50、It comprises Part A (mandatory Standards) and Part B (non-mandatory Guidelines).它由A部分(强制性标准)和B部分(非强制性导则)组成。

经典英文句子51:组成部分,51、Salutogenesis: saluto-- health; geneis origin.由两部分组成,saluto健康,geneis起源。

52、Matroid theory is an important part of combinatorial mathematics and discrete mathematics.拟阵是组合数学和离散数学的重要组成部分。

53、The research consisted of seven experiments, some split into two parts, each with a group of between 这项研究由七个实验组成,一些实验会分成两个部分,每个部分由19到xx岁的20到57个人的小组来完成。

20 and 57 people aged

19 to 22 years old.

54、The seat portion is formed unitarily with the valve seat member.座椅部分组成酉与阀座的成员。

55、KOOBFACE is composed of various components, each with specific functionalities.KOOBFACE由几个部分组成,每个部分均有特定的功能。

56、Dominion is a part of the British Commonwealth.自治领是英联邦的一个组成部分。

57、Color. g Green component of the color.绿颜色的组成部分。

58、For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, BorC)for the correct answer.这部分试题由三部分共30个问题组成。

59、The article mainly introduces the component of the firing control and each component's function.介绍了换流站触发控制功能的组成部分和各组成部分的功能。

60、How would each component work?各组成部分将怎样运作?

61、Econometric models generally have a short-aggregate supply component with fixed prices, and aggregate demand portion, and a potential output component.计量经济学模式一般有短期的总供给的组成部分:固定的物价,总需求的一部分,和一个潜在的产出组成部分。

62、The rest of httpd.conf consists of two Directory stanzas.conf 中剩余的部分由两个 Directory 节组成。

63、It is. It's a lot of different components.是。有很多不同的组成部分。

64、Thus, JSF components consist of two parts: the component and the renderer.因此,JSF 组件由两部分构成:组件和渲染器。

65、Its content is suggested including two parts, one part for theory and one part for practical skills.各高校武术普修课内容由理论部分、技术部分两部分组成。

66、Editor's Note: This article is Part 编辑说明:本文是一个由

1 of a five-part series.

5 部分组成的系列文章的第

1 部分。

67、Participating in the content component, the panels are part of the development of enterprises.在参展内容的组成部分中,开发企业的展板是一部分。

68、Figure 图

1 The Components of an MVVM Application

1 MVVM 应用程序的组成部分

69、The rotor has two parts, the permanent magnet part and the electric excitation part, which have the same axis direction and share one armature.该电动机的转子由两部分组成——永磁体部分和辅助电励磁部分,它们同轴向安装,共用一个电枢绕组。

70、Appraisal is an important part of teaching activity.评价是教学活动的重要组成部分。

71、The distilling box is the component of dry-washer.蒸馏箱是干洗机的组成部分。

72、The circuits of the part are composed of a splitter and a demodulator.该部分电路由分路器和解调器组成。

73、sysconf() is provided as part of libc.sysconf() 是 libc 的组成部分。

74、Individual pieces of information are provided via information-centric services that are part of the portfolio.信息的各个部分通过以信息为中心的服务来提供,这些服务是该组合的组成部分。

75、Shade Realm: The Umbral component of a Shard Realm.影域: 碎域中由影界组成的部分。

英文句子模板76:Components,76、The basic concept, the components and the way of detecting intrusions of the DIDS are introduced.介绍了分布式入侵检测系统的基本组成,各组成部分的功能和入侵检测的方法。

77、That means it's got parts and could be destroyed.由部分组成的东西能够毁灭。

78、A refitted plane consists of four sections.改装后的专机一般由四部分组成。



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