关于”对比的句型“的英语句子41个,句子主体:sentence patterns of contrast。以下是关于对比的句型的高一英语句子。
英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of contrast
1、Phase Congruency Model avoids the hypothesis of the edge type in advance, and is invariant by contrast.
2、The proportions of the golden rectangle are thought to reflect perfect symmetry.
对比发现,局面转移模型比线性回归模型更加适用于刻画LIBOR 对SHIBOR 的影响关系。
3、By comparing, the regime switching model is more suitable for characterizing the effect of LIBOR to SHIBOR.
4、The sorting is performed by the default comparer for the type of the element.
5、By contrast, the new four-linkage processing advantage was pointed out.
6、However, it is difficult to select suitable material of model pipes for larger model scale.
7、This thesis establishes the new facet-tree classification scheme, by comparing and summarizing typical facet description model.
8、This type of face requires the creation of contrast to bring out its true beauty.
9、Objective:To study the curative effect of point application to chronic bronchitis and the comparison between heat-phlegm and cold-phlegm.
10、The new set of models are more proper for lithography simulation for thick SU-8 resist.
11、This view is typically contrasted with nominalism and realism.
12、How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia.
13、Results Model groups displayed remarkable pathological changes under electron microscope, compared with antithetic groups.
对东风4A(B) 型机车和东风4D型机车作了性能比较,指出东风4A(B) 型机车改型升级为东风4D型机车是必要的,也是可行的。
14、The performances of DF_ 4A(B) and DF_ 4D locomotive are compared . It is necessary and feasible to upgrade DF_ 4A(B) into DF_ 4D .
15、Comparing the ejection ratio in cold and hot conditions, we find the method of calculating the ejection ratio in hot condition from the ejection ratio in corresponding cold condition.
16、Comparing the simulation results with the experimental results of the typical transonic flow, the effectiveness and reasonableness of the method are veri…
17、Using a historical simulation method, the Monte Carlo method and the variance - covariance method as a model for comparison, The forecast model to compare the various results.
18、Using the silver paste and epoxy resin as die bonding materials, two kinds of power LEDs are made.
19、By comparing the trace of simulator with that of the processor RTL model, design faults can be quickly and accurately located.
20、ClassCastException - if the specified object's type prevents it from being compared to this Object.
21、It is also interestingly, a classic case of Smithian vs. Keynesian models of regulation.有趣的是,它也是经济学新制度主义与凯恩斯主义模型的典型实例对比。
22、Like much education research (large schools vs. small, charters vs. public), advocates on either side can find vindication if they look hard enough.和很多教育研究(拿大型小型学校对比,特许学校和公立学校对比)类似,双方的倡导者们如果研究得足够深入,就能找到为自己开脱的内容。
23、The performances of polyurea grease are compared with other types of greases.对比了聚脲润滑脂与其他类型润滑脂的性能。
24、There is a long annotation about this sentence in《The Ancient Chinese》which edited by Wang Li.王力主编的《古代汉语》对此写了一条比较长的注释,认为:宫之奇以上这几句话是针对虞公的`晋, 吾宗也`说的,意思。
25、Based on these, multiple linear regression, LMBP, MOBP, VLBP and BRBP model are used to forecast oil-gas prospecting cost, and each of their forecasting performances is compared.在此基础上,采用了多元线性回归模型、LMBP模型、MOBP模型、VLBP模型与BRBP模型对油气勘探成本进行预测,并对各模型的预测性能进行了比对。
英文句子26:,26、By virtue of numerical simulations, flow distributions within the thruster, thrust, specific impulse and thrust efficiency of the thruster in radiation and no radiation models are presented.数值模拟结果对比给出了辐射模型和非辐射模型流动分布情况,并比较了两种模型推力器推力、比冲和推进效率。
27、The typical measurement data are given and a comparision is made with type BZD-2 parallel electrode neutron chamber.给出了典型的测试数据,并与BZD-2型平板形电极电离室进行了对比。
28、The features of toroidal field are studied for different boundary conditions, Rayleigh numbers and depths.对比了不同边界模型、深度和瑞利数时的环型场的变化特征。
29、Figure 图片
1: The traditional model for web applications (left) compared to the Ajax model (right).
30、Then the color and contrast attenuation models are presented to replace the color term and the contrast term in energy function which will reduce the infection due to illumination.其次,算法提出颜色衰减模型和对比度衰减模型,改进能量公式中的颜色分量和对比度分量,消除光照变化对于减除结果的影响。
31、Genetic Fitness is WHR, facial symmetry, and things like that.遗传基因就是腰臀比、对称的脸型,诸如此类。
32、The area ratio of the nozzle has little influence on separation for the same divergent section.对于相同的喷管扩张段型面,喷管面积比对分离位置的影响小;
33、The combustion performance of a U-type flame holder has been experimentally investigated and compared with that of V-type and double V-type flame holders.对提出的带U型槽射流缝隙式稳定器(简称U型)进行了热态燃烧性能的试验研究,并与V型和双V型稳定器进行了对比。
34、For example, the statement “Men are taller than women” is an empirical generalization.比如“男人比女人高”这句话是一个经验总结。
35、I showed you some of the promising features introduced by AXIOM, going beyond the typical XML object model.我介绍了与典型的 XML 对象模型相比 AXIOM 引入的一些很有前途的特性。
36、Finally, single sand bodies were correlated by using model, lithology and thickness ratio.最后利用模型以及岩性和厚度比例对比单砂层。
37、Question: In patients with small or medium-size rotator cuff tears, how do surgery and physiotherapy compare?问题:对于肩袖小型或者中型撕裂的患者,手术与理疗效果比较如何?
38、Objective: To identify protein profiling difference of white adipose tissue between type 目的比较肥胖型2型糖尿病患者和非2型糖尿病对照者脂肪组织蛋白谱的差异。
2 diabetes and control.
39、This type of caching yields better results for HTML pages than for the portal pages.这种类型的高速缓存对 HTML 页面比对门户页面会产生更好的效果。
40、Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is a typical NP-Complete problem. Star alignment is an effective algorithm for MSA.多序列比对(MSA)是一个典型的NP完全问题,星比对是一种有效的多序列比对算法。
41、Minicomputer is a small computer, larger than a microcomputer but smaller than a mainframe computer.小型计算机(小型机)是一种小的计算机,比微型机大,比大型机。
42、A comparative study between deep-Vee and round bilge hull forms for high speed displacement vessels under the same particulars is made.对高速排水型艇深V型和圆舭型在相同主尺度情况下进行了对比研究。
43、Style Tips: find a pair that contrasts with your face shape.款型贴士:选择与脸型形成对比的太阳镜。
44、Support for custom editors for date, dateTime, time datatypes, and other types such as color支持针对日期、日期时间、时间数据类型以及其他类型(比如说颜色)对编辑器进行定制
45、Some researchers have pointed out the key to the regional correlation of the upper Pre-cambrian in South Liaoning is how to link and correlate with Jixian and Xiadong stratotypes.辽南上元古界的区域对比的关键是如何与蓟县层型、峡东层型的衔接或对比。
46、Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any one thing! ! !请将“你自己对付成功的决计比任何事故都重要”这句话牢记于心!
47、According to correlations of oils and source rocks in Linnan area, it shows that there are three types of oils, namely Es_3, Es_4, and mixed one.从油油对比、油源对比等方面对临南地区沙四段进行了深入研究,提出临南地区存在沙三型、沙四型和混合型三种原油;
48、That's a typical north London derby for you and we've had a couple over the years.对我们大家来说,那绝对是一场典型的北伦敦德比,这些年来我们俩家的比赛一直如此。
49、It is also used to predict the influence of steam-oxygen ratio, carbon-oxygen ratio and part…模型还预测了汽氧比变化、碳氧比变化以及粒度变化对气化过程的影响。
50、Moreover, flow distribution was also calculated by free-vortex flow pattern and compared with that by iso-reaction coefficient flow pattern. Relative evaluation of these two calculation…同时还对自由涡流型进行了计算,把这两种流型的计算结果作了比较,并对这两种流型的风扇进行了评价。
经典英文句子51:对比的句型,51、We can get the similarity among 3D models by matching the similarity among feature binary trees.通过对3维模型特征二叉树进行相似性比较可以得到3维模型的相似性。
52、But for numbers, for example, we can have a variety of types.可是对于比如数字,我们有很多种类型。
53、The end of the session saw a mini-match being played.训练的最后进行了小型的对抗比赛。
54、After comparing the combustion characteristics of normal shape-coal and tinpot shape-coal, authors made one conclusion that the shape-coal fired boiler has lower economy when using tinpot shape-coal.通过对型煤锅炉燃用一般型煤及劣质型煤时燃烧特点的对比分析得出型煤锅炉燃用劣质型煤时运行经济性差的结论。
55、However, the type of culture Toynbee did not make a further distinction.然而,汤因比并未对文化的类型作出进一步的区分。
56、Hydrogen production capacity and ecological characteristics of ethanol-type and butyrate-type fermentation were investigated in continuous-flow reactor.对生物制氢反应器乙醇型发酵和丁酸型发酵的产氢能力及其生态学特性进行了对比分析。
57、Moreover, flow distribution was also calculated by free-vortex flow pattern and compared with that by iso-reaction coefficient flow pattern. Relative evaluation …同时还对自由涡流型进行了计算,把这两种流型的计算结果作了比较,并对这两种流型的风扇进行了评价。
58、Finally, this updating method is used to update the dynamic response of a scaled model of fighter's wing beam structure.以某型飞机的翼梁缩比模型为研究对象,对所提出的响应修正方法进行了验证。
59、The sulphide capacity and sulphur distribution of slag during were calculated using KTH model and Turkdogan's formula respectively, and then compared with measured values.使用KTH模型和推导硫分配比公式对生产过程的硫容量和硫的分配比进行了计算,将预测与实测的硫分配比进行对比;
60、The table compares the proportion of people from each household type living in poverty in Australia in the year of 1999.这个表格对比了xx年澳大利亚不同类型贫困家庭的人口比例。
61、Finally, the SCC is compared with the same mixing but vibrated concrete on compressive strength.而且还对自密实混凝土与同配比振捣成型混凝土的抗压强度进行比较。
62、Granular model can better reflect the characteristics of feedstock of MIM than continuum model.颗粒模型和连续介质模型对比,更能反映MIM喂料的特点。
63、A simulation of a typical model is presented to compare the performances of BSF and EKF.最后基于一个典型的非线性模型对BSF 和EKF进行了仿真比较。
64、In other words, who you tend to hang out with is more influential, weight-wise, than who your next door neighbor is.换句话说,你经常聚集在一起的人比隔壁的邻居对你体重的影响更大。
65、For improving the coal combustion performance and combustion efficiency, we used Ma Fulu and thermal instrument to determine the being on fire speed, the ignition loss, the calorific value, etc.为改善型煤的燃烧特性、提高煤的燃烧效率,研究了某种活性燃煤添加剂对型煤的燃烧性能的影响;对添加不同配比量燃煤添加剂后型煤的起火速度、烧失率、热值等进行了对比研究。
66、Objective: To evaluate the nephrotoxic effects of ionic contrast media (ICM)and nonionic contrast media (NCM).目的:对离子型与非离子型造影剂的肾毒性作用进行前瞻性对比研究。
67、The last type with high optimism and high pessimism corresponded to the active-inflexible type and the passive-inconsistent type.高乐观高悲观对应的应对灵活性模式中主动不灵活型与被动不一致型比例相当。
68、The result of the study is: precipitation in storage was improved, less influence on the viscosity of the coatings and gloss of the film.前言: 概述了凹凸棒土在高颜基比溶剂型涂料中的应用与对比,结果表明可改善溶剂型涂料的储存沉淀性,并对油漆光泽和粘度影响也不大。
69、Pitt's final words to me reinforced the impression of connubial bliss: "I'm happier than I've ever been."还记得上次访问,皮特对我说的最后一句话是:“我比任何时候都幸福!”
70、Objective- To compare the caries prevention effect of resin and glass ionomer cement sealant.比较树脂型和高粉液比玻璃离子封闭剂窝沟封闭对第一恒磨牙的防龋效果。
71、Workflow mining results in an "a posteriori " process model which can be compared with the "apriori" model.工作流挖掘旨在构建一个用于与“前期”模型相对比的“后期”模型。
72、The results of the isotropic model are better than that of modified Cam-clay.对比计算结果说明各向同性模型优于修正剑桥模型。
73、The ELAN effect in the ERP experiment justifies the priority of categorical information, also, N400 and P600 prove that lexical meaning and syntax interact with each other.ERP实验的ELAN效应验证了标准理论和管约论句法信息优先的合理性,N400和P600的对比证明了词汇语义与句法的互动。
74、In the light of contrastive study, genetic pattern and ton-grade models of skarn Fe-Cu deposits in eastern Hubei Province have be built.通过对矽卡岩型铁(铜)矿床的研究对比,建立了鄂东独特的矽卡岩型铁(铜)矿床模式及品位、吨位模型。
75、Phase Congruency Model avoids the hypothesis of the edge type in ad.相位一致性模型避免预先假设边缘的类型,且不受明暗对比度的影响。
英文句子模板76:sentence patterns of contrast,76、Simulation results show that compared with classic models, the new model has better prediction precision, better generalization ability and lower dependence on the number of samples.通过对比仿真实验,证实了该模型同传统模型相比,具有预测精度高、泛化能力强及对样本数量的依赖程度低的特点。
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