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关于”有意义的短句“的英语句子44个,句子主体:meaningful short sentences。以下是关于有意义的短句的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:meaningful short sentences


1、And that it has great meaning to take affective measures to reduce accumulation time for accelerating car turn-round.


2、As one important source of solving shortage of the water resources problem for irrigation, the slight saline water is widely concerned.


3、Think carefully, this word far more than is opposite assist, also have revelatory sense to other department industry namely.


4、Pure noun phrases of modern English are highly compact, concise, full of meanings and widely used.


5、Note that this feature is defined at the syntactical level, but implemented at compile time.


6、The symptom, namely, the significance of the discordances between the real and what it pretends to be.


7、They were in Iceland working on a short film and photographic project, documenting the historic herding of the prized Icelandic horse.


8、Memory has always been an important part of cognitive psychology study. Short-memory is the most important in memory studies.


9、These results are of practical significance for the diagnoses and numerical prediction of weather processes, especially of short-medium range rainstorm processes.


10、Automatic identification of hierarchy and semantic relations in Chinese compound sentences is a significant and challenging research project in field of Chinese information processing.


11、Objective:To investigate for reducing operation ratio by half supine obstetric posture.


12、So one reason we care about BV is to, in this short lifetime, accomplish something truly meaningful.


13、However, the confidence research based on the word-level, concept-level or utterance-level can not give enough information to this issue.


14、The distance between handle of malleus and stapes, the dia_meter of manubrium mallei are important to the design of prosthesis.

• 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

15、• Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.

• 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。

16、shall never have a beginning. J.H. Newman


17、Note that we have split the three kernel definition statements into multiple lines for readability.

您觉得这一政策将会有什么样的经济和社会意义? 请将您的短信发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。

18、What kind of social and economic changes do you think this policy will bring?


19、Different from traditional grammars, which focus on how words are combined into phrases and sentences, semantic grammar studies the rules for extraction of text sense.


20、High attention has long periods of attending and short distraction periods.

21、In other words, something of significance has happened, Mr. Jones, and that is language, right?换句话说,一些极具意义的事发生了,琼斯先生,那就是语言,是吗?

22、Thee length of life is not important, as long as you live happily, do something meaningful in your lifetime, then it is enough.生命之长短殊不重要,只要你活得快乐,在有生之年做些有意义的事,便已足够。 。

23、Here I support what Berau said with my feet down: “Time and motion is meaningless unless viewed from a human stand point.”This这里我双手赞成伯劳所说的那一句话:“不站在人的角度,时间与运动是没有意义的!”

24、People will never know the transiency and difficulty of life until they step in the real world.人如果不接触社会就不会知道生命的短暂和坎坷的意义。

25、The introduction of short-term financing bills is of great importance to the development of China's monetary market and bond market.企业短期融资券的推出对我国货币市场和债券市场发展具有重要意义。

英文句子26:,26、His gift for epigram is, indeed, such as to make us long for an occasional stretch of leisurely commonplace.他对警句的天赋,确实让我们从平凡中领悟到不平凡的意义。

27、In modern Chinese, "meaning" adverbs have the basic disappears, leaving behind only infrequently-used phrase connection usage and usage.现代汉语中,“再有”的副词意义基本消失,只留下连接用法和偏正短语用法。

28、There were actually more deaths in the screening group, but the differences were too small to be statistically significant; in other words, it was a wash.实际上在筛选组里有更多的人死亡,但差异太小,没有太多统计学意义,换句话说,它可以忽略不计。

29、The technique conduce to decrease time due to installing headgear occupy shaft alone and cut construction time of whole mine.本工艺对减免井架施工的占井工期、缩短整个矿井建设工期有一定的意义。

30、A vast majority of queries to search engines are short and under-specified and users may have completely different intentions for the same query.搜索引擎上大多数的查询是短小且意义不明确的,即使输入相同查询词的用户也可能有完全不同的搜索意图。

31、This obfuscation tool removes all comments and replaces meaningful object names like those on the right in the example below with the much shorter (but much more cryptic) ones on the left.这种模糊处理工具会删除所有元素,并用下面左边更简短(但含义更模糊)的名称替代右边那些有意义的对象名称。

32、And ifthe sentence were meaningless it’s hard to see how it could be true—which itclearly is.如果这句话是无意义的,那么很难说它到底是对的还是错的。

33、Function ORDFILT2 expected its first input argument, A, to be two-dimensional.这句话地意义是函数ORDFILT2 地第一个输入参数A应该是2维地!

34、Monthly rainfall forecast is one of the short-term climate prediction operations, It is important for disaster prevention to improve the quality of forecast.月降水量预测是短期气候预测的业务之一,提高预测质量对防灾抗灾具有重要意义。

35、Chinese polite and self-depreciatory expressions includes words and phrases by which the speaker can achieve a better result in communication.敬谦语包括敬词、谦词和一些表恭敬谦让意义的短语。

36、We need to assist existing institutions to perform effectively. When they come up short, we must seek meaningful changes and develop alternative mechanisms.当他们的发展遇到短板的时候,我们必须寻求有意义的改革及替代机制。

37、Integral probability of compensation efficiency Strehl ratio is given in the sense of short exposure.描述了短曝光情况下,补偿效率积分概率的意义。

38、The definition of "language" should be: ready-made speech formed by words, comparatively fixed in structure, short in format, with integral or cautioning significance.“语”应是:由词构成,结构相对固定,形式比较短小,意义具有整体性或警示性的现成话。

39、The meanin. g of life can be grasped in a mom. e. nt.生命的意义可以在一瞬间捉住-一个经常被我们忽略的短暂瞬间…

40、You'll see the value in every word you speak, and you'll find that you're no longer interested in wasting time speaking about trivial things.你会让你说的每句话都有意义,你将发现你已经不再有兴趣把时间浪费在谈琐碎的事情上。

41、Of special interest are the results of some trials to predict small earthquakes in very short time range.特别有意义的是在非常短促的时间范围内预报小震的某些试验的结果。

42、Instead, it would be better to display a short but meaningful label, and to display a preview window containing the full replacement text, as soon as a specific style proposal is selected.相反,显示一段简短而有意义的说明性文字,一旦选定明确的样式建议,就显示一个包含完整替换文本的预览窗口,这样会更有意义。

43、And, as we said before, music has a syntax so that these phrases have to be in a-- arranged in a particular way that makes sense.就如我们曾经提到的,音乐具有语法,这些乐句必须,以特有方式排列,才有意义

44、The parallel work of every branch engineering on the watercourse renovating engineering has importance significance for saving invest and shortening time for a project.河道整治工程各分部工程间的平行作业,对缩短工期,节省投资具有十分重要的意义。

45、The question is, dose the father's words telling a turth that at least one of them have mud on their forehead make sense under this situation?问,在这种情况下,老爸说“你们之中至少有一个人的头上有泥巴”这句话又没有意义?如果有,是什么?

46、Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. (John Lubbock)人生的意义要以思想和行为来衡量,而非生命之长短。

47、The investigation can be a theory guidance to generate ultrashort optical pulse chains with high repetition rate to some extent.此研究对高重复率的超短光脉冲串的产生有一定的理论指导意义。

48、What you are doing now determines what you are going to be in the future.词义辨析题,本句意思是你现在所做的决定着你未来做什么。

49、• While there is life there is hope.• 一息若存,希望不灭。

50、The study of semantic sequence widens the scope of phraseological study and enriches the research on extended units of meaning.语义序列研究可拓宽语料库短语学研究范围,丰富扩展意义单位研究。

经典英文句子51:有意义的短句,51、Now the words have more meaning in a sense, because there’s a kind of detachment in the song that I hear now, that I didn’t hear then.现在歌词里的 字句从某种意义上说赋有了更多的含义,因为我现在听到的这首歌有一种背离,而我以前没听到的。

52、If core files are truncated because the ulimit is set too low, it is nearly impossible to extract meaningful information from them.如果内核文件因为 ulimit 设置过低而被截短,则几乎不可能从它们提取有意义的信息。

53、Keep just the parts of Scrum that make sense in a smaller group: daily standups, short sprints, reviews, retrospectives, visible project burndowns.保持Scrum中在小团队中有意义的部份:每日站立会议、短迭代、检讨、回顾、Burndown


标签: 英文 意义 短句

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