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关于”爱情的词语60句“的英语句子40个,句子主体:60 words of love。以下是关于爱情的词语60句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:60 words of love

他说:“希望普通用户学会几十种手势是不现实的。” 但是人们却趋于使用逾60 000词量汇的英语词库。

1、"It's not realistic to expect the average user to learn more than a couple-dozen gestures, " he says, whereas people tend to use a vocabulary of over 60, 000 English words.

简而言之,一个关于爱情的论点最好如此表述:相似者相吸,相反者相斥。 从“Familiar”这个词的词源上探求,也能知其一它来源于古法语的“familier”,原意是“属于家庭的”以及拉丁语的“familiaris”。

2、In brief, a theory of love might be best expressed by saying: We are drawn to what is familiar rather than unfamiliar.



3、A careless word may kindle strife , a cruel word may wreck a life ; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.


4、The special expressions used in English contract are difficult for non-professionals to understand.


5、The general condition about lexicalization of disyllabic phrases in modern Chinese is described in this part.


6、We don’t have a term in English, really, for qingyi.


7、A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.


13 shows the same PMI chart of the connection pool, this time with the data source statement cache size increased from the default size (which is

10) to 60.

11 展示了连接池的相同 PMI 表,这次数据库语句缓存大小从默认值 (即

10)增加到了 60。


9、Recent years. there are many grammatical problems on some lyrics of popular songs, especially on morphology and syntax.


10、In situational conversation discourse, context constrains the following: "marking" of words and their discourse-cohering function;

事实上,有时,心存疑虑的读者会想:时隔xx年,那些妙语和对白,是否经过了记忆的“打磨”? 一字一句,是否都准确记得?

11、Indeed, in some cases, a sceptical reader might wonder if memory has honed the wisecracks and dialogues, transcribed verbatim after 60 years.


12、The research promotes study on position word and location word from word to sentence and semantic, may provide some help to grammer and semantic study.

在这种情况下, 流过导线的电流与保持的电位差成正比。 ( 分词和分词短语作定语)

13、In this case, the current flowing through a wire is directly proportional to the potential difference maintained.


14、Except the introduction and conclusion, text into four chapters:The first chapter of the book for the verb predicate sentences.


15、It is a progress that auxiliary words and mood words exist simultaneously in function words, which relatively conform to the actual situation of function words in modern Chinese.


16、Listening, the researchers at first suspected Koro to be a dialect of Aka, but its words, syntax and sounds were entirely different.


17、This mood adjunct can mark retorting and assessing mood. These mood adjuncts can be classifies into ranks according to modal word at the end.


18、40-60%of the words on a page are neither critical nor important.

a cruel word may wreck a life;atimely word may level stress;a loving word may heal andbless.无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消弭压力,而关爱之声可能治愈心灵。

19、A careless word may kindle strife;

这个词已在60 年代从俚语升至习语的范畴。

20、This word was elevated in 1960s from being slangy to the idiom category.

21、MJ, we wish you find your paradise in the heaven. My dear friends, what do you think of MJ?希望天堂的你可以找到自己的快乐岛。亲爱的词语们,你们对MJ是怀有怎么样的心情呢?

22、Phon'ics wouldn"t have been replace'd by Whole language 60 years ago, If it had been the best Eng'lish teaching meth'od."如果福尼斯英语是最好的英语学习方法,它就不会在xx年前被全词教学法取代。

23、Dear Friends, welcome back to Word to World English.亲爱的朋友们,欢迎再次回到词通天下英语!

24、A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may heal and bless .无快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消减压力,而关爱之声可能治愈心灵。

25、However, it was used mainly as adverb, then conjunction. This is very different from its modern usage. Now this word is mainly used as pronoun, then adverb, conjunction and modal particle.这与后世汉语中的情况不相同,在后代文献中其“主要用作代词,其次才用为副词、连词、助词、语气词等。

英文句子26:,26、This book is to be used by the beginners in 50-60 hours, with the English, Japanese and Korean annotations.本书有英语、日语和韩国语注释,供初学者50-60课时使用。

27、Through the angle of pragmatics, this article focuses on its using frequency, semantic meanings, and dialectal features.本文从语用的角度,着重考察现代汉语动词“搞”的使用频率、词汇意义和方言情况。

28、The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said.孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语辞书搜罗词条、界说、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来历。

29、Although love was the top choice overall and the number one choice for women, antidisestablishmentarianism was the top choice for men and the ninth most favourite word on the list.爱”一词名列最受喜爱词语排行榜之首,同时也是女性的最爱,但“反对教会分离者”一词则为男性的首选,并在总排行榜上名列第


30、He uses a stylus pen to edit on a touch screen, rewriting sentences and highlighting words.他使用铁笔在触摸屏上进行编辑,重组语句,给某些词语做上标记。

31、There is definite syntagmatic characteristic in Japanese auxiliary verbs which reflects the corresponding semantic difference.日语补助动词在句段关系上存在一个明显的特征,这个特征反映了相应的语义差异。

32、So, if do not use acquiescent value, will add relevant judgement statement, the length of the program increases 60 possibly.那么,如果不采用默认值,则将要增加相应的判断语句,程序的长度就可能增加 60 行。

33、Welcome to the 12th ICIBA online lecture live from ICIBA.com.欢迎光临爱词霸英语大讲堂第十二期的访谈现场。

34、In those cases, you translate the verb or noun and don't give a thought to the preposition in the source language: just use the preposition required in the target language.在这种情况下,你翻译动词或者名词,不要考虑源语言中的介词:只使用目标语言中要求的介词。

35、It suggests that many remote demonstratives in English have to be rendered to near ones in Chinese.因而在很多情况下要用汉语的近指词来翻译英语里的远指词。

36、The researchers then fed the model 58 of the 60 nouns to train it.然后研究人员给电脑输入了60个名词中的58个来训练它。

37、A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely.无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消弭压力,而关爱。

38、People have different opinions about the lyrics of love songs. However, I am surprised at the writers'present wits and their careful observation of reality.尽管人们对爱情歌词褒贬不一,我在搜集大量爱情歌词的时候,还是会惊叹于某些作词人的睿智以及他们对生活观察的细腻深刻。

39、We pause here at the level of the semanteme, that is to say at what is fixed and defined by a use.我们暂停在语义的层次换句话说,暂停在语词约定成俗的地方。

40、OK, so she says that today’s 60-year-olds are more adventurous than 60-year- olds were before.好的,她说现在xx岁的人比以往xx岁的人更爱冒险。

41、Many older people lose the ability to remember proper nouns but then never progress to losing any other part of speech.许多老人们记不清楚正确的词语,但从不会漏掉语句中的其它成分。

42、This is a study of the Chinese loanwords in the Gelao language. The focus is on the loanwords from modern Southwestern Mandarin dialect of Chinese.本文主要研究仡佬语中的汉语借词,其中重点讨论现代层汉借词的情况。

43、In order to know the use of English dictionary by students and improve teaching standard, some non-English students were investigated about the use of English dictionary by means of questionnaire.英语词典是学生学习英语不可缺少的工具,为了解我校学生使用词典情况,提高大学英语教学水平,调查了非英语专业学生使用词典情况,分析现状并提出相应对策。

44、a loving word may heal and bless.无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时温语可能消弭压力,而关爱之声可能治愈心灵。

45、According to a statistical data, Chinese vocabulary in Korean language occupies 60%-70%.据统计直至现代,韩国语中的汉字词仍占60%—70%。

46、About 60% of the country is Dutch-speaking.该国大约60%的人讲荷兰语。

47、In Irish, for example, cailín "girl" is masculine, while stail "stallion" is feminine.例如,在爱尔兰语中,“cailin(姑娘) ”就是阳性名词,而“stail(种马)”却是个阴性名词。

48、There are syntactic and semantic conditions the words in a Syntagmatic relation must meet.这些处于组合关系中的词,必须满足一些句法和语义条件。

49、This word is descended from Gaulish, a Celtic language that is related to Welsh and Irish .此词来自高卢语,一种与威尔士语和爱尔兰语有关的凯尔特语。

50、English sentimental verb is part of the important categories of English verb with obvious characterisics and specific functions.英语情感动词是英语动词中的重要类别。

经典英文句子51:爱情的词语60句,51、Keep a list of your "favorite mistakes" and use the search command to see if and when you used them.保留一张你“最爱出错”的词语列表,仅当你使用这些词语的时候,用一下搜索命令。

52、A careless word may kindle strife;a cruel word may wreck a life;a timely word may level ;a loving word may heal and bless.


53、This article mainly discussed about the impact of Chinese loan words Ordos dialect.本论文概述了鄂尔多斯土语中的汉语借词情况。

54、The appearance of dissyllabic words in Chinese history which is a phenomena of lexicalization implies the weakening of grammaticalization in language form.汉语历史上双音词的产生所体现的由句法到词法的变化实际上是一种类似语法化的语言形式的理据性减弱的变化过程。

55、In the first part, the author presents the basic features of the expressions incorporated in the Xinzhou Dialect and Folk Adage Dictionary (XDFAD).第一部分谈了《忻州方言俗语大词典》所收语词的一些基本情况;

56、Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 60 languages. It offers text translation, cursor translator, index list group and …灵格斯 是一款多语 翻译 软件,支持多达60种语言的 翻译 ,并可附加更多的权威词典。

57、Aspect hypothesis suggests that the tense and aspect marking in native speakers and 体假设认为,学习者在习得语言(一语或二语)的动词时体标记时都会受到该动词情状体的影响。

12 learners' language are constrained by the lexical aspect of the verb or predicate.

58、The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.必须情景参与者在相应谓词的词典释文或元语言释文中对应的变元叫做谓词的语义配价。

59、A careless word may kindle strife, xp; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能折损性命,适时温语可能消弭压力,而关爱之声可能治愈心灵。

60、The subjects are 60 sophomore non-English majors in a university in Hunan Province. The research instruments are vocabulary learning mode questionnaire and vocabulary tests.本实验的研究对象是湖南某高校的60名非英语专业的大二学生,研究手段是通过词汇学习方式调查问卷和词汇测试实现的。

61、A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level ; a loving word may heal and bless.无口钝语可能引领争执,无情之词可能折损生命,适时暖语可能消除压力,而关爱之声可能乱愈心灵。

62、Context, context of situation and context of culture can resolve difficulties of mood word translation in different aspects.上下文语境、情景语境和文化语境从不同层面解决语气词翻译的困难。

63、The polysemy of modals is a prominent characteristic both in English and in Chinese.情态助动词的一词多译现象在英汉语中表现突出;

64、As physical cues, spaces were inserted into sentences to explore the effect of word segmentation on Chinese text reading for Korean students and Thai students.本研究以空格为词切分标记,利用眼动仪记录韩国留学生和泰国留学生在阅读不同词切分方式呈现的汉语陈述句时的眼动情况。

65、New words are easy to find if you know where to look!Acquire logolepsy (learn to love words).如果你知道方法,新词语很容找到。 变得logolespy(学会爱词语)。

66、A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word will heal and bless.无心快语可引发争执,无情之词可折损生命,适时温语可平消压力,而关爱之声可治愈心灵。

67、This article talks about her lyric art from three aspects:emotion expression, scenery description and language usage.本文从李清照词作的情感表达、意象运用、语言技巧三个方面来谈李清照词的抒情艺术。

68、Lomas wanted to see how other cultures verbalize positive emotional concepts and he organized the words into three categories.罗马思想看看其他文化是如何用语言表达正面的情感的,希望这些词汇可以丰富英语语言,他把这些词汇分成三类。

69、Among the Ci of Ou Yangxiu, works about love reached over one half.欧的词中,写爱情的作品占全部词作的二分之一以上。


标签: 英文 爱情

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