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1、The more an affect arises from a number of causes concurring together, the greater it is.


2、Investigation on emotive phenomenon is the main task of Scheler's phenomenology and the theoretical foundation of his phenomenology of emotion consists in the emotive apriorism.


3、It's time that "ruthlessness as real management" were replaced by emotion management, which is a new management art based on humanity and human feelings.


4、Talk to baby with inflection and feeling.


5、He trampled on her feelings.


6、About your love life?


7、So, holding the emotion of the lagged students must be taken into consideration in the process of affective education.


8、When the subject of emotion experiencing communicate his "though" in emotion with "poem", the unique experience of emotion as a common feeling of mankind will take form.


9、Emotional drama, I'm not acting.


10、Because of our culture and our emotional feelings so that we have to find the vesting in the construction.


11、Talk about mixed feeling—we hope she brings a mirror on her Valentine’s Day date.


12、I'm not in the mood.


13、Never invest on sentiment.


14、In many of the emotional experience, my heart a long time can not be quiet, always been a kind of earth touched by emotion.


15、Art can give tangible form to our emotions and our visions, our moods and feelings.


16、Li told him: "I greatly appreciate your great warmth and deep affection for the people of China. ""


17、What Is Emotional Resilience?


18、When the subject of emotion experiencing communicate his "thought" in emotion with "poem", the unique experience of emotion as a common feeling of mankind will take form.


19、Our feelings are interlinked.


20、Emotional education should guide the educated to understand life meaning, construct complete mental world, renew and purify the quality of emotion so as to transit and upgrade the emotional state.

21、He dallied out her affections.他玩弄了她的情感。

22、This is not sentimental duty.这并非感情用事。

23、Now product design is a Human-Centered action of manufacture, Human is a social group to have emotion, And Moral feeling is a part of human's feelings.现代产品设计是以人为中心的造物活动,人是具有情感的社会群体,而道德情感是人类高级情感中的一个组成部分。

24、Emotional scenes, many emotional scenes, and this drama is almost go over.感情戏,很多感情戏,从头到尾。 最真实的那场就是光晞找回他记忆的那场。

25、In Section Two, firstly I generally introduce the emotional members of Chinese theory in literature and art, and define the connotation of emotionalism and postemotionalism.第二部分,先简要介绍了一下中国文艺理论的情感家族,确定了情感主义和后情感主义的内涵。

英文句子26:,26、The emotional education plays a role in encouraging, influencing, motivating and adjusting.情感教育在语文教学中具有激智作用、感染作用、移情作用和调节作用。

27、Tchaikovsky 's tragic symphony is the final, passionate outburst of one of music's most emotional and eloquent composers.柴可夫斯基是史上最情感丰富及艺术感染力的作曲家,「悲怆」交响曲是他澎湃感情的一次最终释放。

28、Bipolar disorder (n=2402).双相情感障碍(n=2402).

29、Spindle cells are also credited with allowing us to feel love and to suffer emotionally.梭形细胞也被认为是可以让我们感受爱情和情感承受。

30、The fabrication of prose should follow the logic of feelings, in the course of fabrication, prose reveals the emotional world of the subject and shows its attention to real feelings.散文的虚构遵循情感的逻辑,散文在虚构的过程中“敞开”了主体的情感世界,实现对真情实感的关注。

31、Absence extinguishes small passions and increase great ones, as the wind will blow out a candle, and blow in a fire.如风吹烛则熄,吹火则旺,分离吹熄小感情,吹旺大感情。

32、Her exceptional love of the images of polars and willows is a perceptual revelation of her emotional world.柳如是特别钟情于“杨柳” 意象,这是她情感世界的感性显现。

33、Self Management - Your ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and to positively direct your behavior. This means managing your emotional reactions to all situations and people.自我控制-清楚的意思到你感情的变化,让积极的感情引导你的行为.这个控制你感情的方法能对所有的情况和人起作用.

34、Medical Ethics is rich in emotional content and moral sensibility is different from other features.医德情感具有丰富的内容和不同于其他道德情感的特征。

35、Empathising is the drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion.同情心是一种本能,使人们愿意去发现他人的感情和想法并用适当的情感做出反应;

36、The most precious emotion is usually ignored. For instance, how we feel about our families. We should pay more attention to our family.最珍贵的感情往往是最被忽视的感情。譬如说,我们对家庭的感情。


37、Few studies are conducted to focus on the non-basic emotion metaphors such as surprise metaphor.很少有学者关注到一些非基本情感,如惊讶等情感隐喻。

38、Her sentiments towards him were compounded of all that was respectful , grateful, confiding, and tender.她对他的感情包含有千种尊敬,万种感激,无限信任,及一腔柔情。

39、Emotions go up and down and yes, sometimes they’re confusing, unpredictable and downright painful.感情波波折折,有时候确实会让人感到难以理解、变幻莫测,并觉得感情意味着彻头彻尾的痛苦。

40、Mood Inn - my feeling of space - IT digital home …心情驿站-我的感情空间- IT数字家园…

41、The loss of the civilization feeling of contemporary people makes the feeling education come into emergency trend.当代人文明情感的缺失,使情感教育呈迫切性的趋势。

42、We know that the eye-to-eye communication—which is affected by oxytocin—is critical to intimate emotional communication for all kind of emotions –love, fear, trust, anxiety.我们知道受催产素影响的眼对眼的交流,对每一种感情的亲密情感交流来说都是至关重要的,这每一种感情包括爱情,恐惧,信任,焦虑。

43、She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it.她为这种感情而自责,但她既不能抑制也不能减少这种感情。

44、Might it be to fill an emotional void in their lives, a result of poor esteem, a lack of affection in their lives - affection that would be received from a baby?是否他将在她们的生命中填补情感空虚, 由于缺乏自尊,生命中缺乏情感——一种可能从婴儿那里获得的情感?。

45、Between parents and offspring, it cements a bond so solid that it is broken only under the most unusual (and usually pathological) circumstances.父母与子女之间的情感是非常牢固的,只有在特殊情况下(通常是病态的情况),这种情感才会被打断。

46、Every time a good night, feeling each other’s feelings. 每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。

47、The results showed that the teaching materials of liberal arts which contained recessive affective factors could be handled affectively by means of the strategy of tapping affection.研究结果表明:在内含隐性情感因素的文科教材内容中,可以运用发掘情感策略来对其进行情感性处理;

48、Emotional contigation within the group and observers external to the group. (Yes, the fans of the ‘69 Mets come to mind.)小组内的情感重叠和外部观察者们对小组的情感。

49、But in terms of feelings?可是在感情方面呢?

50、It's a nonsocial emotion.它是非社会性情感。

经典英文句子51:感情,51、Some feelings, in the initial stage, is shared;一段感情,在起步阶段,是两情相悦;


标签: 英文

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