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1、Chafing at custom's chain;


2、As several self-help authors note, one sneaky way to inculcate new habits is to "chain" them to things you already do.


3、Your Habbit start up as a baby and advance to full grown Habbit.


4、I think you have become a habit, your everything, I have become accustomed to.


5、By the time we got to Denver, we got used to walking with the gait of ducks; we got used to the sway of the bathroom; we got used to strangers.


6、Once you’ve formed that habit, focus on drinking only water.


7、The only disgusting habits you’ll have to put up with are your own.

8、Use is a second nature. 习惯成自然。

9、cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals?

10、的习惯) We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。


11、He slipped into bad habits.


12、Establishing the habit is tough, but once it’s established, you’re on autopilot.


13、Rootein – Unlike Habit Forge, this is an ongoing habit tracker. There is also a mobile version for you to track your habits on the go.


14、The "good habits" are listed in order of priority, from most-important to least-important.


15、Seniority is a force of habit is a habit behind snobbish.


16、Habit is second nature.


17、Soon enough, your diet will simply become the way you eat.


18、Start by creating new habits -- two or three to begin with -- that will be just as hard to break as any other habit.


19、Like any habit, it can be hard to build the habit of reading.

20、be used to doing sth 习惯做某事

21、I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

22、Stop those bad habits.戒掉那些坏习惯。

23、277. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

24、Used to keep this Alsatian that used to lick them.习惯养着阿尔萨斯人,因为阿尔萨斯人习惯舔她们。

25、That's a slightly counterintuitive thing, because we are used to writing things from left to right.这个跟我们的习惯有点不同,因为我们习惯先左后右。

英文句子26:,26、He said that rushing meals was a behaviour that might have been learned in infancy, and could be reversed, although this might not be easy.吃饭快可能是婴儿期学会的一种习惯,尽管改掉这个习惯不太容易,但也可能有办法使这个习惯相反。

27、“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” - John Dryden首先我们培养习惯,然后习惯塑造我们。

28、This is actually a terrific time to create new habits or to shed old ones.现在正是培养新习惯,改掉旧习惯的绝佳时机。

29、Get used to it as one gets used to living with a backache?习惯它就象习惯自己的背疼一样?

30、There's a lot of diversity out there. So, whatever you prefer, remember there's always someone else on this planet just like you.人们日常的生活习惯具有多样性。不过无论你有何习惯,地球上总能找到一个和你习惯相同的人。

31、She was used to turn left, but he right. They have never met.她习惯向左走,他习惯向右走,他们从没碰头。

32、We first make our habits, then our habits make us. - John Dryden.我们首先创造出习惯,然后习惯创造出我们。 。

33、An advantage to half habits is that you accept that you need to go through a transition period from old habit to new habit.对于 半个习惯 的一个优势是你得承认你需要经历一个过渡期从旧习惯到新习惯。

34、277. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

35、I don't like getting up early. (表已成习惯)

36、Habit is a second nature. 习惯成自然。

37、He is used to riding on the right. They never meet.她习惯向左走,他习惯向右走,他们始终不曾相遇。

38、I hate to see these old customs.我看不惯这些旧习惯。

39、Destroy your bad habits.改掉你的坏习惯。

40、And they used to keep this Alsatian that used to lick them.习惯养着阿尔萨斯人,因为阿尔萨斯人习惯舔她们。

41、079 custom reconciles us to everything· 习惯成自然。

42、Change one habit .改变一个习惯。

43、I put this first because I think it’s the keystone habit that will help you form the other important habits.我把这个习惯放在第一位,因为我认为这个习惯可以帮助大家培训其他的重要习惯。

44、Are they habit-forming?他们习惯形成?

45、109.Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。

46、"Habit, " he says, finally.“习惯使然,”最后他说。

47、Be/get used to doing sth. 习惯作某事

48、 有预习和复习的习惯 Have dry run and habit of reviewing

49、however , things are quite different today .过去,人们习惯。

50、Poker-faced life habits, habits hard to make our hearts hard.习惯面无表情的生活,习惯让自己的心很硬很硬。

经典英文句子51:习惯,51、"I'm used to having a winter break - the other England players aren't, " says Owen.“我习惯有冬歇期,而其他英格兰球员不习惯。”欧文说。

52、277. I’m not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

53、Your character is essentially the sum of your habits; it is how you habitually act.你的性格,本质上就是你的习惯总和;就是你的习惯行为。

54、Some pain, get used to it is not painful. Even I, will be used.有些痛,习惯了就不算痛了。即使撕心裂肺,也会习惯的。

55、be used to doing sth. 习惯于作某事

56、be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;

57、Your habits and tastes.你的习惯和品味。

58、We’re creatures of habit and habits are hard to break.我们是习惯的生物,而习惯是很难打破的。

59、Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。

60、Habitus is another fundamental notion corresponding to field.惯习是与场域对应的一个基本概念,惯习与场域紧密结合。



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