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OWL Web 存在论语言的组成部分

1、Components of OWL Web Ontology Language


2、Non-greasy cream protects vulnerable skin with effective titanium dioxide, a natural UVA/UVB reflective barrier.


3、The participants split up into teams, some with just a couple of folks, others with full teams comprising programmers, artists and designers.

散体堆体由覆盖废石层和矿石层两部分组成的,散体颗粒的粒径组成分成1~ 10组,用中间值表示每一组颗粒的粒径。

4、The loose body consists of ore layer and mullock layer, and the size of the particles in loose body could be divided into 1~

10 fractions, presented with average value.


5、The Cultural make-up of the United States is ever-changing as the country becomes increasingly diverse.


6、Application layer multicast protocol sends packets to group members by the spanning tree.


7、It was composed of one-component liquid primer and one-component paste.


8、Ginkgo wood vinegar constituents are various from the carbonizing temperatures.


9、Things with parts can be destroyded.


10、That is the cognitive training studies in which half the people are put into one cognitive training group and maybe another half into the control group.


11、Make a survey in groups of five. You can vote a student as a reporter to interview the others.


12、Compared with water amount, the quality of aqueous medium has less effect on the yields, components and hydrogen isotopic composition.


13、We divided into two groups; there were five students in each group.


14、Communicative exchanges: two situational conversational texts are presented in pinyin, character and English.


15、They are composed of their parts.


16、The equipment consists of grinder and vibrating screen for removing bran.


17、Soil organic matter consists of fast component, slow component and passive component.


18、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- topic data, the miner…


19、Chicken liver chromatin component DNA:RNA: histone : non-histone ratio is 1∶0.


20、As a result, the experiment group enjoys a higher improvement than the control group.

21、DWE components are arranged into three logical groups.DWE 组件分成三个逻辑组。

22、The seat portion is formed unitarily with the valve seat member.座椅部分组成酉与阀座的成员。

23、Toner, two-component developer, image forming method and apparatus unit.色粉,双组分显影剂,成象方法及成象设备。

24、You will be graded on your homework, weekly quizzes and two exams.你们的成绩由3部分组成:作业成绩,每周小测以及两场考试。

25、"New realism" and "the modern literature" became its important parts.“新写实”、“晚生代”、“时尚文学”成为其重要组成部分。

英文句子26:,26、This section briefly outlines the status and next steps of five key strands of translational research that will form components of robust mouse rejuvenation.这一部分简要叙述现状和下一步转换研究的的五个关键组成部分(它们将形成小鼠健壮返老还童的组成部分)。

27、The Chinglish Dictionary is part of the Chinglish Library. The Chinglish Library is part of Chinglish City.秦英词典是秦英图书馆的组成部分,秦英图书馆是秦英城的组成部分。

28、How would each component work?各组成部分将怎样运作?

29、Salutogenesis: saluto-- health; geneis origin.由两部分组成,saluto健康,geneis起源。

30、The distribution of chemical composition and microstructure for cracking socket of centrifugal cast ductile iron pipe, and the effect of them on the cracking behavior have been studied.分析了离心球铁管开裂承口的组织、成分分布,探讨了组织、成分对承口开裂的影响。

31、Classification relationships - Classifications are arrangements of like products into groups.分类是将相似的产品分成组。

32、How many groups of 将54颗星每6个分成一组,一共可以分多少组?。

6 can be made from 54 stars?

33、Students must work in teams of 学生必须组成3至4人小组共同完成案例分析文章。

3 or

4 for case write-ups.

34、The fusion body has many components.融合体有很多组成部分。

35、Divide the cla into five sectio of six students each.把班级分成五个小组,每组六个学生。

36、First new and old blood stochastically divide into 首先新老成员随机自愿分成了6组,每组5人,由王雅萍同学主持,向每组分发了一张画全家福的画纸。

6 groups voluntarily, each group of

5 people , managed by Schoolmate Wang Yaping .

37、Grouping and coupling are the two methods of group arising.协作组形成有两种方法,即分组与耦合;

38、Results The pancreatic tissue is chief composed of glandular lobules formed with acinus and connective tissue separating these lobules.结果胰组织主要由腺泡构成的腺小叶和分隔腺小叶的结缔组织所组成。

39、The composition, preparation and synthesis mechanism of the one pack self crosslinking aqueous polyurethane dispersion has been reviewed.叙述了单组分自交联水性聚氨酯分散体的组成、制备及合成机理。

40、The research consisted of seven experiments, some split into two parts, each with a group of between 这项研究由七个实验组成,一些实验会分成两个部分,每个部分由19到xx岁的20到57个人的小组来完成。

20 and 57 people aged

19 to 22 years old.

41、Acme's membership database is a core piece of its membership submodule.Acme 的成员数据库就是其成员子模块的核心组成部分。

42、Methods The patients of saddle nose with single eyelids were randomly divided into one-stage group and two-stage group.方法随机将受术的单睑合并鞍鼻者分为一期成形组和分期成形组。

43、And there's two parts of the filter.这个过滤器由两部分组成。

44、What are our parts?我们的组成部分是什么

45、The preamble to a constitution is an important component of a written constitution.宪法序言是成文宪法的重要组成部分。

46、Each element can consist of a comma-delimited list, a hyphenated range, or a single entry.每个元素可以由一个以逗号分隔开的列表组成,或者由一个用连字符连接的范围组成,或者单独由一项组成。

47、Its deliberations are reviewed by two critical sub-groups, each believed to comprise seven members.小组的审议结果将由两个关键的小分组复审,每个小分组据信由7名成员构成。

48、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- top…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

49、Color. g Green component of the color.绿颜色的组成部分。

50、This chapter consists of three parts.本章由三部分组成。

经典英文句子51:组成成分,51、SD rats were divided into 将大鼠分成对照组、烫伤组和驻极体实验组。

3 groups: control, scald and electret group.

52、The article mainly introduces the component of the firing control and each component's function.介绍了换流站触发控制功能的组成部分和各组成部分的功能。

53、sysconf() is provided as part of libc.sysconf() 是 libc 的组成部分。

54、She split the class into groups of four.她按四人一组把全班分成若干小组。

55、A database partition group is a set of one or more database partitions.数据库分区组是由一个或多个数据库分区组成的一个组。

56、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- topic dat…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。



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