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关于”海的浪漫“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Romance of the Sea。以下是关于海的浪漫的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Romance of the Sea


1、The roar of the surf was plain, and sometimes they could see the white lip of a wave as it spun up the beach.


2、The navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea.


3、Wave farms have been created and are in use in Europe, using floating Pelamis Wave Energy converters.


4、The waves were licking the seawall.


5、Content: romantic sunset ABU dhabis skyline, sea, also be dyed orange with sun cuddling; it is I care for the memories.


6、The sea washes the shore.

漫步在金沙碧浪中,投入大海的环抱,尽情享受海风吹拂, 会议之余更享受一个美好假期。

7、Walking in Ariel Sands, the input surrounded by the sea and enjoy sea breeze, enjoy a good holiday during the meeting .


8、The ship breasted the turbulent seas.


9、Fulfill your dreams in a romantic Mediterranean villa nestled in the sweeping hills of Alhambra .


10、One such pioneer wrote of the prairie: "Imagine the ocean, when the waves are rolling mountain high, becoming solid and covered with beautiful green grass, and you have some faint idea of it."


11、The marvels in normal people's eyes have not only brilliant and romantic island scenery, but also god-given peaceful environment out of city's blatancy.


12、Reproduce the romantic legends of the sea rock climbing. Heard as early as this cruise did not have other family, "unique magic weapon" - climbing on board.


13、The first thing they did was head out into the waves for some body-surfing.


14、There’s nothing romantic about being a castaway. Even Tom Hanks was reduced to wailing over the loss of a volleyball, his only companion.


15、The sea calmed down.


16、Norwegian singer Sondre Lerche worked with director Peter Hedges on the romantic comedy Dan in Real Life.



15 minutes out of the city centre, and you come to Camps Bay (“a beautiful beach with gorgeous restaurants, nestled below Table Mountain”).


18、The surfer surfed in the sea yesterday.


19、In the evening, standing by the sea, the sea vast, wave after wave, before after governing the wave, the harmony, it can't tell where is the day, where is the sea.


20、Fine beautiful sea and the duty to be friendly extension and driver, to create a romantic have situation appointment.

21、Micheal:I hope I can hold my reception between the sunset and ocean. That would be very romantic.我希望能在夕阳与大海之间宴客,真是浪漫极了。

22、And I float everywhere at sea.海风吹,海浪涌,随我飘流四方。

23、Jupiter is the planet of happiness, good fortune, and expansion, and Neptune is the romantic planet that rules your solar fifth house of true love.木星掌管着幸福,好运,和扩张;海王星则是掌管你真爱第五宫的浪漫行星。

24、The stillness fo the sea stirs in waves.静止的海水翻搅起来便成海浪。

25、Punta Lobos beach, Pichilemu, Chile: A surfer watches a wave during Chile's world tow-in surfing circuit智利,皮钦勒姆,蓬塔阿罗伯士海滩:在智利举办的世界拖带冲浪巡回赛上,一名冲浪运动员在观察海浪。

英文句子26:,26、Both a surfer and an OTP engineer are looking for a wave with a lot of energy to them.冲浪者和海洋科技能源的工程师都在寻找能量巨大的海浪。

27、The smell of sea salt in the air is a romanticized feature of life along a seacoast.空气中海盐的味道是海边生活的一个浪漫元素。

28、The beach is only 海滩是只有10分钟步行桥横跨浪漫步行在河口福尔摩沙自然保护区。

10 minutes walk across the romantic foot bridge over the Ria Formosa nature reserve.

29、ScienceDaily (Mar. 空气中海盐的味道是海边生活的一个浪漫元素。

11, 2010) —The smell of sea salt in the air is a romanticized feature of life along a seacoast.

30、Zhuhai Xiang-hong Sports Equipment Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2005, is located in known as the "Romantic City" of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone.珠海泓翔健身器材有限公司成立于xx年,坐落于被誉为“浪漫之城”的珠海经济特区。

31、Small waves swished on the shore.海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。

32、The luck of having talents is not enough, one must also have a talent for luck---Hector Berlioz, French Romantic composer.因为幸运而具有才能是不够的,他还必须具有利用运气的才能---海克特。柏辽兹,法国浪漫主义作曲家。

33、Yet it was absolute my abundant imagination would lead me to encounter some evil monsters from the deep sea.没错,海上繁星点点可以兀自非常浪漫,可是我那一向过于丰富的想象力会将海里的精怪引到我身边。

34、For the people of Shanghai, all this is commonplace, but in the eyes of foreigners, is undoubtedly a very romantic and with Chinese flavor.对上海人来说,这一切都司空见惯,但在老外的眼里,无疑是相当浪漫且具中国情调的。

35、The wave flower Spray home where?浪 花 浪花家在哪儿? 家在大海中。

36、The sea breeze blows cool in summer, winter, cold winds will not … you can walk in the soft sandy beach, walked the waves.夏天可以吹到凉凉的海风,冬天的海风也不会很冷…可以漫步在软软的沙滩上,踩着海浪。

37、The lights are dim and romantic, and sea life is very beautiful.想想那微暗朦胧的灯光所带来的浪漫感觉,想想那五花八门的海洋生物在水中畅游的美丽画面,任谁都会沉醉的吧。

38、It was a long day in the sun. The fumes of spray paint came in waves, mixed with the smell of saltwater from the bay.这是一个漫长的夏日,烈日当头,涂鸦喷漆的烟雾弥散在热浪中,与从海湾飘来的大海气息混合在一处。

39、A certain kind of wave spectrum is chosen to establish geometrical model of the 3-D random wave.选取一定的波浪谱,建立三维随机海浪的几何模型,生成海浪形态图形。

40、I don't know a guy who can't quote The Princess Bride, the 1987 romantic-comedy about pirates, monster rats, and true love.我不知道哪个哥们不知道《公主新娘》,这是个xx年的浪漫喜剧,有海盗,有鼠怪,还有真爱。

41、The force of the waves washed away cars on coastal roads and crashed into buildings along the shore.海浪的力量把海岸公路上的汽车冲走,摧毁沿岸的建筑物。 电视画面展示,一股海啸海浪冲击了仙台居民区附近的海岸沿线。

42、Ma, tree-lined, such as extending the undulating waves of the sea into the distance.漫山遍野,绿树成荫,如大海中起伏的波浪向远方延伸。 。

43、The factory is located in a romantic environment in Nanping Science and Technology Park in Zhuhai City, equipped with modern and advanced equipment for production and testing.公司生产基地位于浪漫的海滨城市——珠海,坐落于环境舒适的珠海南屏科技园,拥有现代化的厂房,配备了先进的生产和检测设备。

44、The dreary sea waves, pushing ice scraps, were surging again ubiquitously , permeating in the rough winds without limit.沉闷的海浪,推着冰渣,无所不在地涌动起来,又在狂暴的风中弥漫得无边无际。

45、The newly-weds shared a romantic moment aboard a boat on the Thames en route to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich.这对新婚夫妇享受了从泰晤士河到格林威治老皇家海军学院的一段浪漫之旅。

46、The number 号膜2011,加勒比海盗:陌生的潮汐,给了我们一个女海盗为龙头,并以令人耳目一新的集中一点浪漫。

5 film of 2011, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, does give us a woman pirate as a leader, and does so with refreshingly little focus on romance.

47、Australia’s Gold Coast is a surfing paradise where grommets (Aussie slang for surfers) hang ten in the waves that flow into famous surfing beaches like the Spit, Surfers Paradise, and Mermaid Beach.澳大利亚的黄金海岸是个冲浪者天堂,grommets (澳洲口语冲浪者的意思)在著名的冲浪海滩诸如Spit(斯比特),冲浪者天堂(黄金海岸)和美人鱼海滩冲浪。

48、The sea sings, the sea smiles.海在歌唱,海浪在欢笑。

49、Be spontaneous and rent a convertible and kidnap your partner for a drive up the coast for lunch or dinner.心血来潮就租上一个折蓬汽车,“绑架”你的爱侣驱车前往海滩吃一顿浪漫大餐。

50、Restaurants in Vladivostok held a so-called Candle Evening, promoting Earth Hour as a chance for romance.海参崴的几家饭店则举办起了“烛光之夜”活动,借“地球一小时”之机营造浪漫气氛。

经典英文句子51:海的浪漫,51、Bora Bora boasts the nickname the “Romantic Island,” a moniker easy to appreciate with its isolated beaches, intimate hotels, and quiet atmosphere.波拉波拉拥有“浪漫之岛”的绰号,一个容易理解它有着为孤立的海滩,贴心的酒店,安静的气氛。

52、Wave after wave seems to come quicker before you can catch a good one.在你扑捉到适宜海浪之前,浪潮一浪又一浪地涌向你,越来越快。

53、Life on the ocean wave means boating, surfing, kitesurfing, water-skiing, rock pools or just paddling.追逐海浪的生活意味着玩游艇,冲浪,风筝冲浪, 滑水, 浅海岩石潭划船或随意地摇摇浆。

54、The breaking of waves or surf.海浪或激浪的拍击。

55、Jerome: Wave watching is when you watch wild waves on the ocean. With Typhoon Kaemi coming, the waves are sure to be enormous.杰洛姆?观浪就是在海边观看巨浪呀。凯米台风要来了,海浪一定超大的。

56、Wave energy can be difficult to harness due to the unpredictability of the ocean and wave direction.由于海洋和波浪方向的难以预测性导致海浪能很难利用。

57、The stillness for the sea stirs in waves.静止的海水翻搅起来便成海浪。

58、IAM FOREVER walking upon these shores, Betwixt the sand and the foam, The high tide will erase my foot-prints, And the wind will blow away the foam.我永远漫步在海岸上,在沙子和泡沫的之间。浪潮会抹去我的脚印,风也会把泡沫吹走。

59、A place that is romantic, peaceful, and perfect. The beach or some place under the moon or stars is considered most romantic.譬如,明月清辉下的海滩,或者星空静谧笼罩着的其他场景,不失为最浪漫之所。

60、And while every wave is different, not a海洋中没有一刻没有波浪。 尽管每一个波浪都有所不同,但没有一个波浪是与海洋相分离的。

61、Washes the bitter sea, the merciless surge of the ocean!都冲进苦涩的海水,这无情的海浪!

62、The two would meet up once every few weeks, for a night out in Miami or a romantic weekend in the Caribbean.两位每隔几周就会见上一面,或外出在迈阿密过夜,或在加勒比海地区共度浪漫的周末时光。

63、The surf was too loud.海浪声太大了。

64、Some seals love to surf on waves! They ride the waves into shore.一些海豹喜欢在海上冲浪!它们会乘着海浪到岸上来。

65、The white line surrounding the island’s coast is probably surf.海岸线外的白圈可能是海浪。

66、A sister of the Leeward island chain, Anguilla is truly one of the most romantic places on earth.安圭拉岛(Anguilla)位于东加勒比海背风群岛的北端,可算是地球上最浪漫的几个地方之一了。

67、Heigl, of course, is the star of romantic comedies like '27 Dresses' and 'Life as We Know It').(海格尔当然指的是主演《新娘靠边站》(27 Dresses)和《我们所知道的生活》(Life as We Know It)等浪漫喜剧影片中的影星)。

68、The sea crept up the shore.海水慢慢地漫上海岸。

69、Sea wave is pasted , has envoked white wave .海浪拍打着,激起了白浪。

70、Currently earning a degree in Business from the Sanya College, Moyu has twice competed in the Surfing Hainan Open, and is Surfing Hainan's first sponsored surfer.当前在海南三亚学院学习商业英语。莫雨参加过两次冲浪海南开赛,他是冲浪海南赞助的第一位冲浪手。

71、The special design for ocean view in the suite can make you fully enjoy seaside views and romance of ripple markings, as well as the scenes of fishermen's families.套房特有的观海景设计,让您尽览海滨风景, 波光粼粼,渔光点点,尽享浪漫风情。

72、As long as we two people together, even if the sea fishing will feel very romantic.只要我们俩在一起,即使生活枯燥如出海钓鱼也感到无比浪漫。

73、The office located in the beautiful romantic city - Zhuhai, which has the convenient transportation.公司位于美丽而浪漫的海滨城市——珠海,毗邻港澳,地理位置优越,海、陆空运输便利。

74、The sea was calm.海上风平浪静。

75、Olympic champion Wang Nan (see photo, L) and property tycoon Guo Bin finally hold their dream wedding on a luxurious yacht in Weihai, Shandong, Saturday.今日,王楠(见图左)和地产商郭斌在烟台至威海的豪华轮渡上浪漫完婚。



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