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关于”穿上的词组“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Put on the phrase。以下是关于穿上的词组的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Put on the phrase


1、Your "primary care physician" is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.


2、The organ is penetrated with vascular tissue .


3、Vocabulary is the key element of a language. The impact of culture on language is mainly reflected in its vocabulary.


4、There are few words in the law more beautiful than settlement.


5、Women wearing bikinis form the word "happy" during a bikini contest in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province, on Sunday, May

8, 2011. (AP Photo/Xinhua/Liu Dawei)


6、In form, there exists a syntagmatic relation between the noun of locality and the quantifier; while in content, they are an integration to mark the quantity of range.


7、S. Read the words together, in groups, in rows.


8、Majority of alphas transmitted, that means, when I use the term transmitted that means passing through in the direction that they were originally traveling, transmitted and some deflected through small angles.


9、A very brief, close-fitting bathing suit worn by men.


10、She walked slowly because she had a pain in her leg.


11、These sound units may or may not correspond to a word written on a page.

to suit any pocket.这组词都有“足够的”意思。

12、There are enough hotels…


13、Significant differences existed between the high-scoring group and the low-scoring group in some vocabulary learning beliefs and strategies;


14、Throughout this article the term "component" is used to refer to a part of the whole that collaborates with other parts.


15、A second feature of Old English is the absence of those words derived from Latin and French, but in fact, these words form a large part of our present vocabulary.

他的穿着总是很不协调。 每天早上,他都可能创造出一种不同的不协调的穿着组合来。

16、Every morning he would be wearing something that clashes with the rest of his outfit, in many different ways.


17、Two newly married women wore matching T-shirts emblazoned with the single word "Wifey".


18、Patients in treat group were given Chinese herbs treatment besides pasid and routine thoracentesis.

You did it, and everyone knows it. own up 动词词组,坦白,爽快承认。

19、Why don't you own up to taking the money?


20、Significant differences of the RT were found between the students with learning disabilities and high-achiever in affective words categorizing task;


21、Thus, P::RD on top of Perl 因此,Perl

5 is a powerful parser and lexer combination.

5 之上的 P::RD 是一个 解析器与词法分析器的强大组合。

22、Do you know the man wearing a white shirt. (wearing …分词起形容词作用)你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗?

23、The factis, since he wore Lakers’ shirt, Brown has become a synonym fordunker.事实就是,自从穿上紫金战袍后,布朗就成为了扣将的代名词。

24、The pilot put on his flying-suit, waiting for the order.驾驶员穿上飞行服,等候命令。 (动名词)

25、The words of time in the book A Dream in Red Mansions (the first 80 charpters) can be integrated with the time words, numeral, adverb, pronoun, preposition, direction words etc.《红楼梦》时间词可以和时间词、数词、副词、代词、介词、方位词等组合;

英文句子26:,26、Traditionally, any headings or sub-headings included are nouns, not verbs or phrases.按照传统,文中涉及的任何主标题或标题都是名词而非动词或词组。

27、In fact, the word Okobo is an onomatopoeia, that is it represents the sound of walking in them.实际上,欧扣波这个词是个拟声词,象征穿着它走路时发出的声音。

28、These are two, three and four-word combinations.这是二,三,四,词的组合。

29、Other sayings that annoyed PCE supporters included bear with me, basically, etc.令支持者讨厌的其他的词组还包括“宽恕我”、“从基本上说”等。

30、I toweled myself and dressed in faded washable slacks, sneakers, and a short-sleeved white shirt.我用毛巾擦干了身子,穿上了褪色的耐洗的便裤,穿上旅行鞋,再穿上一件短袖的白衬衫。

31、New words can be created by attaching affixes onto a root word ( affixation ), formation of a compound word (composition), or repetition of words or portions of words (reduplication).新词产生,可用加词缀于词根、组成复合词、或叠加整个词或部份词。

32、The term ID, $tid, is found using a foreach loop on the array term object array retrieved.在获得的词汇对象数组上执行 foreach 循环,找到词汇 ID $tid。

33、Door-knockers should wear name tags with the logo of their organization.上门探访应该身穿具有名字标签并且具有你们组织图标的衣服。

34、I put on my zip suit and went out.我穿上( 我的)拉练服,走了出去。(省略人称代词的所有格)

35、Common features are semantic elements that connect a group of words semantically.相容特征是能使一组词语在语义上相关联的共同的语义要素;

36、My brother is taller than me.be taller 尽管是形容词,但看作是个动宾词组,所以用 我的宾格me。

37、As part of the Song Ci as a whole, imperial clan Ci has its own value and significance.作为整个宋词词坛的组成部分,宗室词有其自身的价值和意义。

38、My sisters put on their best dresses.我的姊妹穿上他们的最好地穿着.

39、The first kind is made up of the first letters of other words. These are called acronyms.第一种是由单词的首字母组合而成,被称为首字母组合词。

40、Thanks a lot for sharing these important words and phrases.的意思应是:“很多感谢分享这些重要词和词组。

41、喜欢 一词 可以用下面几个词组表达 be fond of be keen on care for 再看看别人怎么说的。

42、No prostatic capsula perforation occurred in PKRP group, with PKRP组无一例发生前列腺包膜穿孔,TURP组有2例发生包膜穿孔;

2 cases of prostatic capsula perforation in TURP group.

43、The wording on the left ensures that full "evening dress" is worn by everyone.左侧的措词确保到会者一律穿上全套“晚军服”。

44、An adjective used to describe something that is vorpal.刺穿的:用来描述被刺穿的形容词。

45、The chapter four investigate the other two groups, and research the replacement the words of three terms in group.散论部分,考释了其他两组名物词,探讨了三组词语的更替。

46、Using the first set of connections, join up the points to make sentences.在“连接词”的下面有两组词,是与“要点”相对应的。

47、Wearable – it's almost a dirty word in fashion, wearable, but that's what I do.耐穿——这在时尚界快成了一个肮脏的词汇,耐穿,但这就是我做的。

48、Pointer: A relationship between synonym sets.指针:同义词组之间的关系。

49、Foreign words interlard his speech.他的演讲中穿插着众多的外国的词儿。

50、A document should be indexed more generally first by descriptors, such as coordinate indexing, hypernym indexing and proximate indexing; then by free term specially, namely double indexings.一篇文献必须先用正式主题词作较泛指的组配标引、上位词标引、靠词标引,再用自由词作较专指的标引,即作双重标引。

经典英文句子51:穿上的词组,51、The therapy group was better than the control about the extent of functional or neurological improvement on the 7-day and one month after therapy (P<0.01).治疗组中主干支组、深穿支组的神经功能恢复程度在治疗后1周、xx月后分别较对照组中的主干支组、深穿支组明显(P<0.01)。

52、The viewer's task is to count how many passes the white-shirted members make.身穿黑T恤的组员的任务是观察穿白T恤的组员们传了几个球。

53、In a video two groups, one group with white tee shirts, the other black, move randomly in a room while passing a basketball.录像中的两个组,一组穿白T恤,一组穿黑T恤, 随意的在房间里走动并传递篮球。

54、ETRA was expressed on the basilar artery both in blank group and puncture group.在正常组、穿刺组和盐水组的基底动脉内ETRA有表达;

55、No matter the context, this one smacks of negativity. Consider phrases you might hear and how someone might interpret them.不管上下文是什么,这个词带有消极的意味。想想你可能听到的词组,大家对这些都是怎么解读的。

56、The Maokouan and Permian formations in the Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui region are mostly diachronous.苏浙皖地区茅口阶和上二叠统各组普遍穿时。

57、pick them up for me 帮我拾起它们 your bag 在你的包里

58、With the girl at the reservation desk show the word "tiki" same girls now dressed in shorts and bikini tops handing over $.随着女孩在预订处显示单词“蒂基”现在穿着短裤和比基尼上衣穿着多美元交给同一个女生。

59、The pilot get on his flewing-suit, waiting to the order.驾驶员穿上飞行服,等候命令。 (动名词)

60、The supernormal combination of the words is a variation in morphology.词语的超常规组合是语词层面的变异现象;

61、Do you know the man wearing a white shirt.分词起形容词作用) 你认识那个穿白衬衣的人吗?

62、The history of English is a history of invention: of finding new words and new selves, of coining phrases that may gather currency in a linguistic marketplace.英语的历史是一部创新的历史:发现新词和新的词义,创造出在语言市场上可能流通的词组。

63、I was picked up by the event organisers and reunited with my shoe, which had come off.而我则是被会议组织者拽起来,然后重新穿上被甩掉的鞋子。

64、What’s the function of the phrase? 这个词组的作用是什么?

65、The dermal tissue target site is thereafter lanced with the dermal tissue lancing device.随后皮肤组织穿刺器件穿刺皮肤组织目标位置。

66、We plant trees and flowers in spring. 格雷在一小块地下开始种花,如今他的生意确实十分红火,英格兰各地都有他的花店。

67、Divide class into several teams. Each team recommends a good speller to spell words on the board.把班中学生分成若干组,每组推选一名拼词能手到黑板前来拼词。

68、Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。


标签: 英文

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