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1、The outbreak had an immediate impact on Britain's poultry industry, the second largest in the European Union after France.


2、Two Chinese scientists, material expert Shi Changxu and hematologist Wang Zhenyi, won China's top science award.


3、HongGuoRong home notice family to move right now, baifeng thought so quickly HongGuoRong bought the new house, quickly appealing to the move.


4、Rongcheng furniture materials in the country's largest furniture plant materials - are Shunde Longjiang Asia International Furniture implant centres.


5、The well-known architect, sculptor, artists and the carving of the outstanding workers have participated in the construction of the monument.

同时帮助国外客户采购大量中国工业产品! 已和大量中国厂家合作,深得厂家的欢迎!

6、We also help our customers who from other countries purchase diffrent kinds of products in China !


7、Among China's hundred biggest taxpaying companies, 35 are state-run cigarette manufacturers.


8、Professor Zhang Zhonglu is a famous, patriotic and progressive educator and expert in mining of our country.


9、In neither country can save home!


10、Guo Weiqu ( 19081971 ), Weifang City, Weicheng, China's famous painting of contemporary artists, art theorist, art educator. Mr.


11、Xie Diwei, is a member of the Chinese Industrial Arts Society, member of the Peach Blossom Academy for Traditional Chinese Painting, with a college background.


12、People Weekly Magazine recent issue is about China Artists, focusing on Drawer Mr. Zhao Wuji , Mr. Yan Peiming and Pioneer Opera Director Mr. MengJinghui.


13、Yafei International Expert, D. M. D, Notable Korean Implant Dentist.

——英国作家 史蒂文森.

14、Adlai Stevenson, British writer


15、British ceramic washbasin collectors hope to find buyers!


16、Collingwood is a famous British philosopher, historians.


17、Ku Hungming( 1857-1928) is not only a well-known literary figure in modern China, but a great translator.


18、No country, no home, no home, where you and me. Let us wish home and country!


19、As Western science moves forward, Chinese scientists move upward.


20、He was a French pedagogue and historian.

21、Frege is a famous German mathematician, philosopher and Logician.弗雷格(Frege)德国著名的数学家、逻辑学家和哲学家。

22、may I answer the nature's call?大意为:我是否可以回复自然的召唤?

23、State law of the land and family rules.国有国法,家有家规。

24、Chinese Ming Dynasty writer, art, military strategist.中国明代文学家、书画家、军事家。

25、In the first half of this year, the authorities raided 154 Chinese-owned businesses — out of more than 今年上半年,有154家中国商家遭到突击清查,中国商家当地有3,000家。


英文句子26:,26、Shuiguo finds the house in a mess upon reaching home.水国回家,发现家里乱七八糟。

27、Presently, he is member of Chinese Callgrapher's Association and director of Exhibiting Deparment of Chinese Calligrapher's Association.现为中国书法家协会会员、中国书法家协会展览部主任。

28、Currently, there are 60000 MNEs worldwide among which more than 400 of the top 500 MNEs operate in china.目前,借界上共有跨国公司6万多家,这其中最大的500家跨国公司中的400多家已经在中国登陆。

29、He was a french historian and pedagogue.他是法国历史学家和教育家。

30、China's top 500 enterprises are the scale-largest 500 ones selected by China Enterprise Union and China Entrepreneur Association.中国企业500强是由中国企业联合会和中国企业家协会共同评选出的中国规模最大的500家企业。

31、Without the country, how can there be home; No home, how can there be you and me. National Day approaching, let us wish of the family Yuan Yuan, everything!没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴!

32、If you nationalize Citigroup, you'll have to nationalize 如果把花旗国有化,就必须把另外10家银行也国有化.不能在国有化一家银行之后就停手.

10 other banks.

33、All of the above about him has been recorded in China Artist Biography and China Professionals and Experts Dictionary.经历已载入《中国文艺家传集》、《中国专家大辞典》 等书。

34、French philosopher and satirist.法国哲学家和讽刺家。

35、As a country has its state laws, a family also needs family rules.国有国法,家有家规,没有规矩不成方圆。

36、Similarly all non-Chinese anthropologists of China know at least the translated works of Chinese anthropologists.同样,所有的研究中国的外国人类学家读过或至少读过中国人类学家的翻译著作。

37、He is a Chinese-born scientist while John is a China-born scientist .他是中国科学家,而约翰是在中国出生的科学家。

38、In the wake of the Chinese bean curd brand Wangzhihe bringing a German company to court to protect its brand, another well-known Chinese brand, Baijia, is suing the same company.为了维护品牌权益,紧跟着中国豆制品品牌王致和将一家德国公司告上法庭之后,另外一家知名的中国品牌白家正在起诉同一家德国公司。

39、We has investment bankers, investment experts, entrepreneurs, legal finance experts and value Appraisers with rich international and domestic actual combat experiences and professional skills.拥有丰富的国际、国内实战经验的投资银行家、投资专家、企业家、法律财务专家、估值专才。

40、Alan Turing was an English scientist, mathematician, logician, and cryptographer, and arguably the greatest British scientist of the 20th century.阿兰·图灵是英国的一位科学家、数学家、逻辑学家和译码者,可以说是20世纪英国最伟大的科学家。

41、Now it is finding a home in China.于国外,现在沙画在中国安家落户。

42、Chen Zhifo (1896-1962) is a famous modern Chinese art educator and artist of crafts and Chinese painting.陈之佛(1896——1962)是中国近现代著名美术教育家、工艺美术家、国画家。

43、Liu Guozheng is a great educator and reformer in teaching Chinese in educating field.刘国正先生是我国语文教育界的教育理论家和语文教材改革家。

44、Player vs Player conflict will center around the kingdoms of Ganareth, with players fighting for control.玩家对玩家的冲突将以加纳内斯王国为中心,玩家可以通过战斗进行王国控制。

45、British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton was the leader of the British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition.英国探险家沙克尔顿,是英国皇家南极探险队领队。

46、Benjamin Britten was a British composer who was notable in the twentieth century.中文摘要二十世纪英国作曲家布列顿为国际知名的音乐家。

47、Bai Yanjun's famous Chinese painter, connoisseur, collector.白燕君著名国画家、鉴赏家、收藏家。

48、French metaphysician, theologian and philosopher of action. Action(1893).法国形酉上学家,神学家及行为哲学家。 (行动

9 (1893)。

49、As a celebrated physicist, educationist and scholar of world renown in China, Prof.卢鹤绂教授(1914—xx年)是中国著名物理学家、教育家和国际知名学者。

50、Foreign bosses now run seven of the firms in France's CAC 40 index and five of Germany's DAX 30.法国CAC 40 指数中的7家企业和德国DAX 30指数中的五家是由非本国的管理者管理。

经典英文句子51:国家,51、Children's literator , Member of China Writers Association.儿童文学家,中国作家协会会员。

52、Little Sheep already has more than 350 restaurants across China and some two dozen abroad.小肥羊现在在中国国内已拥有350家餐厅,国外也拥有几十家。

53、He is also a member of Chinese Artists Association and Chinese Association of Show Designer .现为中国美术家协会会员,中国展示设计家协会会员。

54、Of the 73 companies on the current list, 68 are state-owned enterprises.在今年入围的73家中国公司中,有68家是国有企业。

55、Mozi is a famous thinker, scientist, military scientist, logician, and military engineer during pre- Qin Dynasty.墨子是我国春秋战国之际著名的思想家、科学家、军事家、逻辑学家和军事工程师。

56、British mathematician, logician , philosopher, founder of process philosophy.英国数学家、逻辑学家、哲学家,过程哲学的创始人。

57、Traditional Chinese curriculum is closely related to Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and Mohism.中国传统的课程,与其儒家、道家、法家和墨家等哲学观有关;

58、Similarly, the great works of French writers and artists are enjoyed by the Chinese people.同样,法国作家和艺术家的传世之作也深受广大中国读者喜爱。

59、I pledge allegiance to George Orwell, George Formby, George Eliot, and George Michael.我宣誓忠于英国作家乔治·奥威尔、英国演员乔治·福姆、英国作家乔治·艾略特、以及英国音乐人乔治·迈克尔。

60、Foreign companies in China fell 外国公司到中国倒下了

5,6 home, a few up less than

10 fingers, how many Chinese Internet companies fall? 5000 were more than!


61、Bingo!He is China contemporary economist ,educationist anddemographer.答对了!他是中国当代经济学家、教育家、人口学家。

62、A Ying was a famous Chinese litterateur, dramatist, historian and book collector as well.阿英是中国著名的文学家、戏剧家、文史家和藏书家。

63、The present rural furniture market in china hasn't been followed with interest.中国当代家具产业尚未关注中国农村家具市场。


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