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关于”经常用的有哪些“的英语句子56个,句子主体:What is often used。以下是关于经常用的有哪些的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:What is often used


1、I constantly check your doors, make rounds on the property, walk down the street, take pictures of the cars, see what cars are usually on the street.


2、So where can you actually apply these kinds of tricks?


3、What are common mistakes Korean students make when speaking English?


4、It seems absurd to spend time on things no one will use, so where do all these features come from?

Akka HawtDispatch 在哪些地方更有用或者更快呢?

5、InfoQ: How was the Akka

1.1 default dispatcher improved over

1.0; where is HawtDispatch useful or faster?




6、What are the main gain crops and industrial crops in Hei longjiang ?


7、What diet therapy function does Qianshou pumpkin juice have?


8、Some regular travelers take their own belongings like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are;


9、Which can provide some names of musical instruments commonly used in English?

导出之后,单击 View -> Log 以检查日志,了解已经创建了哪些用户和组,哪些创建失败了。

10、Verify the log by clicking View -> Log after the export to learn which users and groups have been created and which failed.


11、Which mass media you always contact with?

没有肾上腺功能, 吃强的松有哪些副作用?。

12、Without adrenal function, eat prednisone what to side effect there is?


13、What are the basic modules, what information needs to be passed between those modules in order to make the code work.


14、What do you think are the most commonly used advertising media?


15、Do you have any other kinds / sizes / colors?


16、The early failures provide formative experiences for both investors and future entrepreneurs, who can better see what worked and what didn't for the previous class of market entrants.


17、Quartz plate is often used in the selection of materials. So, what are the advantages of quartz plate?

有些甚至抱怨酒店服务员是“间谍”,因为服务员常常用“你要去哪儿?” 来跟他们打招呼。

18、Some even complain that their room attendants are SPIES because the attendants regularly greet them with ‘Where are you going?’.


19、Communicate frequently about the coding problems created by offshore team with onsite stakeholders.


20、What are the requirements of the steam boiler used?

21、For example, there could be rules about which users are authorized to use or manage which printers.例如,可能存在有关授权哪些用户使用或管理哪些打印机的规则。

22、Which things should be their main concerns and what are some common pitfalls they should be careful about?哪些应该是他们的主要关注点,有哪些常见的陷阱是他们需要小心的?

23、Schematics are often beautifully rendered, but they’re also just as often quick entertaining sketches that appear to have sprung out of the mind of some madcap Professor.这些设计图通常都经过渲染着色,非常漂亮;但同样也有很多是好玩的草图,这些草稿就像是从哪位鲁莽的教授脑子里跳出来的一样。

24、He asked Sam to check in regularly so they could work together to identify what was working and what wasn't.他要求萨姆经常登记签到,以便于他们一起来评价去识别他们哪些正在做,哪些没有。

25、Really, really nice. You go past that, you'll see some tiny little bonsai trees around… -Just point! Which way, man? Which way?非常非常漂亮。过了那里后,你会看到周围有一些非常小的盆景树…

1、 - 指指就行了!哪个方向,伙计?哪个方向?

英文句子26:,26、Here's a look at some of the most common traps, and how to overcome them.现在我们来看看最常见的有哪些误区,以及避开这些误区的方法。

27、Have you seen which enterprise boss or competent manager something fine often in QQ group the prattle?你有见过哪个企业老总或主管经理有事没事经常在QQ群里闲聊的?

28、Where have you used the portable gas-fired cooker?你曾经在哪些地方使用可携式气体炉呢?

29、break; break off relations; split chums 这些都是绝交 不过根据例子可以看出来 哪个常用

30、In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations.电视剧里经常会有一些重要的私人谈话经常会被一些人有意无意的听到情况。

31、Consider measuring which characters are commonly used before a backspace, or monitor which vi or emacs key combinations are used most frequently.找出在后退按键之前常用的字符,或者监视哪些 vi 或 emacs 组合键最常用。

32、So far, some 600 users have downloaded The Extraordinaries smart phone application. "These are the early beta testers," says Rigby, 36.目前已经有600名用户下载了The Extraordinaries手机应用程序,“他们是最早的测试用户”,xx岁的Rigby说,“很快当我们知道哪些有用哪些没用的话我们将向市场推广。”

33、I insist that you give me my money back. 我坚持要求退钱。

34、What services already exist that they can use or tweak and use?已经存在哪些服务可供使用或在调整后进行使用?

35、But being a health conscious eater means knowing which cheeses are good and which are not so good for you.下面小编就为大家总结一下哪些奶酪有益健康,可以常吃,哪些少吃为妙。

36、Yeah, do you know what type of people often come to visit Yangmingshan these days?嗯,你猜现在经常来阳明山的是哪些人?

37、In fact, when considering multiple people for an open position, I typically recall who has and hasn't sent a thank-you note.实际上,在考虑同一个工作职位的众多求职者的时候,我通常都会记得有哪些人发送了感谢信,哪些人没有。

38、Some people always ask me how did I get my "first barrel of gold", where and how much?经常有人问我第一桶金怎么来的,从哪里得到的,有多少。

39、Great. Which celebrities often participate in such events?这太好了。哪些名人经常参加这样的活动?

40、I often enjoy poking around to see who is writing what from where.我经常上去逛逛,看看谁又在哪个地方写了些什么。

41、Learn which files are most frequently used during the course of a day , week, month or year!了解哪些文件是最常使用的过程中的一天,周,月或年!

42、By the end of your first year in business, you should have a very good idea of which prospects are “talkers”, which are “delayers” and which are “doers”.在你第一次经商的那xx年要结束时,你很快就可以辨认出哪些潜在客户是“谈话者”,哪些是“拖延者”还有哪些是“行动者”。

43、Do you often go on climbing trips to Europe and if so, which are your favorite spots?你经常去欧洲攀岩吗? 哪些是你最喜欢的岩场?

44、The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practic's.我方工程师设计的新款行李车非常精巧、实用。相比看真丝面料有哪些。

45、What documents shall be provided when an applicant without a habitual residence or place of business in China applies for a patent or claims foreign priority?在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的申请人,申请专利或者要求外国优先权的,通常需提交哪些文件?

46、What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ?血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?。

47、WW: Where are we with respect to the US economy?WW:我们在哪些方面和美股的经济有联系?

48、It focuses on using and developing XML applications, with a particular emphasis on aspects of XML that are often misunderstood or misapplied.它关注的是如何使用和开发 XML 应用程序,并特别强调了 XML 的哪些方面经常被误解和滥用。

49、What problem should gastrorrhagia note daily?胃出血日常该注意哪些问题?

50、What other side effects might I have while taking SUTENT?其他的副作用有哪些?

经典英文句子51:经常用的有哪些,51、8想要什么菜 which dish would you like?

52、"Senior managers with a wide range of experience sometimes have trouble articulating their niche, " Seidel observes.塞德尔发现:“高级经理人通常拥有各方面的丰富经验,所以,他们有时候很难清楚地表明哪些职位是适合自己的。

53、What events, what experiences, shat associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings?在临终前的那几个小时里我们会回想起哪些事件、哪些经历,产生哪些联想;

54、Often, metaprogramming frameworks need to allow aesthetic decisions, such as deciding which columns or internal fields are important for the users.元编程框架经常需要支持一些外部决策,例如决定哪个列或内部字段对用户重要。

55、What aspects of your district assembly program are already in place?你的地区讲习会节目有哪些方面已经就绪?

56、We have users, and we listen to them, and we see which things work and which don't.我们拥有用户,我们倾听他们的声音,我们清楚哪些事情有用,哪些事情没用。

57、Which kind of software for mobile applications do you know?你知道的手机应用软体有哪些?

58、What is the usage of the object forms of pronouns?代词为宾格形式时,有哪些用法?

59、Which mediation flow primitives are you likely to use?您最有可能使用哪些中介流原语?

60、The description before each table explains which values are applicable to all applications and which only apply to this example.每个表单前的描述说明了哪些值是适用于所有应用程序的,哪些值是特定于本范例的。

61、It gives developers a real-time, real-life window into what works and what doesn’t and allows for extensive non-technical testing.它赋予开发者一个发现哪些模块正常运行,哪些没有正常运行的实时、现实的窗口,并且考虑到广泛的非技术性测试。

62、Subsequent users may often find some of these resources in the buffer pool.随后的用户则常常可以发现有些资源已经在缓冲池中。

63、Other scientists are using the technique to see whether it can distinguish between healthy and abnormal embryos produced in IVF clinics.其他科学家也用这种方法,来检测他们是否能区分诊所制造的试管晶胚中,哪些是健康的,哪些是异常的。

64、The architect determines which use cases can be implemented by pre-existing applications or services and which use cases need to be constructed or extended.架构师将确定哪些用例可以使用之前已有的应用程序或服务实现,而哪些用例需要进行构造或扩展。

65、What are some commonly used reference electrodes?常用的参比电极种类有哪些?

66、May I ask what exactly insurance covers according'to your usual C. I. F terms?请问根据你们常用的到岸价条件,所保的究竟包括哪些险别?

67、What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings?作为难逃一死的常人,在临终前的几个小时内我们应该做什么事,经历些什么或做哪些联想?

68、More generally, if you have a clean architecture for 更常见的情况是,如果您的

1.0 already in place, you might save some planning time, depending on which

2.0 features you wish to exploit.

1.0 样式表已经有清晰的架构,您就可以节省一些计划时间,这取决于您希望利用哪些

2.0 特性。

69、What serious side effects might I have while taking SUTENT?使用索坦(舒尼替尼)有哪些严重的副作用?

70、Then, you have to ask, "What other force is acting?"然后你要问,"还有哪些作用力呢"

71、Where do you usually go when you have some spare time?当你有业余时间的时候,你经常去哪里?

72、It's often difficult to decide which counters need to be monitored and which instances to apply them to.决定需要监视哪些计数器和把它们应用于哪些实例常常是非常困难的。

73、Where is Ken usually practising and has he got his own table or room?达赫迪经常在哪里练球,他自己的台球室在哪里?

74、I always buy the whole flower heads so that I can see that they are relatively free of useless stems or leaves.我经常把整朵花头买回来,因为这能让我分清他们之中哪些是相对无用的茎或叶。

75、I want / I’d like a pair of sports shoes for my son. 我要为我儿子买双运动鞋。

英文句子模板76:What is often used,76、Firebug is also very helpful in figuring out which style attributes are being used in the Dojo widgets.Firebug 也非常有助于找出在这些 Dojo 小部件内使用的是哪些样式属性。

77、LBAC lets users decide exactly who has write access and who has read access to individual rows and individual columns.LBAC 让用户定义确切地定义哪些人有对某行和列的写访问权,哪些人又有读访问权。

78、If you are already practicing Agile, or in the process of adopting a few practices, what rhythms are present?如果你已经在实施敏捷,或者正在采用一些实践,那你目前的项目中有哪些节拍呢?

79、What fruity is there skin cannot edible?有哪些水果的皮不能食用呢?

80、But which nosohemias often cause these symptoms?而哪些血液病常引起这些症状呢?



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