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关于”五种句型“的英语句子45个,句子主体:five sentence patterns。以下是关于五种句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:five sentence patterns


1、The model demonstration, the multiplication develop five principles;


2、Due to Chen’s weak physical condition, the possibility of success in this kind of great operation was only 50%.



3、At the same time, several standard numerical atlases databases used in five-bar linkage mechanism dimensional synthesis are finished.


4、Objective To investigate the expression of

5 muscarinic receptor subtypes in the scleral tissue of immature guinea pigs.

第五章利用MEMS 技术,初步研究了一种用于被动传热的微型EHD 泵的工艺。

5、In the chapter

5, Based on the MEMS technology, a method of fabrication of micro EHD pump is presented.


6、"E-rugs" are prayer mats with an alarm for the five prayer times and a compass that points towardsMecca.


7、Results The contents of schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin and schisandrin B in the green fruit and small fruit are higher than the other variation types.


8、Neutralized and light-shorted tones are the two main changes of the"stressed-unstressed"bi-syllabic tone sandhi in Shanxi province, which has five patterns.


9、You can declare five types of animation and use many events to trigger your animations.


10、You don' want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.


11、Five flavors include sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty tastes.


12、There are five colors in the picture.

标题 五加科的几个新种和新变种。

13、Several new species and varieties of Araliaceae from China.


14、I want to drive a small hatchback car.


15、Eventually formed Band - Lane - Coast - Gallery - Street, and make the corresponding specific rehabilitation programs to these five types.


16、There are two types of texture; Tactile, or visual texture, and texture which you can detect with your five senses.


17、Fifth, it is designed to discuss some open questions.


18、The two-parameter MVG model yields the largest errors among the five models, and therefore is not suitable for describing soil particle-size distributions in Fengqiu area.

原型 Jazz 组件包括五个插件

19、The prototypical Jazz component consists of five plug-ins


20、We are specializing in the decorated hardware handles of oven, disinfect cabinet, cupboard and so on. we have a wide range of products, which are aesthetic in appearance, reliable in quality.

21、For years we have been devoting to the hardware upgrade accessory processing of model plane, car and boat, as well as the manufacturing of different kinds of specialized model tools.多年以来一直致力于生产遥控仿真模型车,模型飞机,模型船的五金零配件加工,特别是模型专用的各种特殊工具。

22、Fifth, miniaturized observation and number biography.五是小型化测控与数传。

23、Serum levels of gastrin, insulin, cortisol, T_3 and T_4 in 226 cases with different blood groups were determined by radioimmunoassay.观察了226例不同血型的正常人血清胃泌素,胰岛素、皮质醇,T_3、T_4五种激素含量,结果示O 型血男性胃泌素含量较高;

24、In here Five-Hole probe was used to measure the exit flow field of it .采用五孔探针对这种新型主燃烧器出口流场进行了测量。

25、Each of the five elements of the Godai represent a different approach to resolving conflicts.五代元素的五种当中的每一种元素代表一个不同的方式去解决冲突。

英文句子26:,26、Professional make-up and modeling X5 styles.专业整体美造型设计五款。

27、The two other inoculums types were not as efficient to reduce BOD5 as type 无论增加或者减少水力停留时间,其它两种培养液的类型都不如3型更能降低xx日生化需氧量。

3 nor was reducing or increasing hydraulic residence time.

28、A model railway mart will held on Friday.旺路膜型展销尖将于星期五举行。

29、You don't want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.脑袋如果只值五角钱,就算顶著花五十元的发型,也没有意思。

30、Hardware tools to Shaped putties knives, hand mud knives, hardware-based.五金工具系列以异型油灰刀、抹泥刀、小五金为主。

31、Nancha produced the best quality Beiwuweizi containing highest content of Schizandrin, and should be considered first while culturing new good variety.南岔地区的五味子质量好,五味子醇甲含量高,是培育五味子优良品种的首选引种之地。

32、This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed.该文介绍一种五笔字型背口诀记字根及徒手练习速成教学方法。

33、Great improvement of meat productivity for two foreign species swine have been made through five years measurement and selection either from phenotype or genetics.经xx年的选育,两品种外种猪的生产性能从表型和遗传上均得到了较显著的提高。

34、The breeding methods and wool - ability of five kinds of wool - produced Russian sheep were introduced.介绍了俄罗斯五个优良毛用型绵羊品种的选育方法和产毛性能。

35、The research is divided into 研究任务共分五个阶段进行,即模型选择、模型建立、模型效化、模型应用、模型调度。

5 stages:model selection, model construction, model validity, model application and model deployment.

36、You don't want a fifty-dollars haircut on a fifty-cent head.脑袋如果只值五角钱,就算顶著花五十元的发型也没意思。

37、Our factory is an export-oriented enterprise, which mainly produces a variety of plastic products and hardware tools , such as claw hammer, ball pein hammer, sledge hammer, pick and so on.本厂是生产五金工具的外向型企业,主要生产羊角锤,圆头锤,八角锤,刚镐等多种五金工具和塑料制品。

38、Under the background of community administration there are five modes for low income community residents committee to reduce burdens.社区行政化背景下低收入社区居委会分减负担的模式有五种类型。

39、The light intensity distribution with five finger profile is proved to exist in theory by computer simulation based on ray tracing method.提出了一种新的定轴方法——五指型光强分布特征值判断法。

40、According to the different hip ease, the shape of pants can be divide into five types:super loose pant, loose pant, the more body-fitted pant, fitted pant, slim pant.裤装的造型根据臀围的不同放松量分为:超宽松裤、宽松裤、较贴体裤、贴体裤、紧身裤五种类型。

41、Jian Nan Chun is a Luzhou-flavor liquor meticulously brewed from the five grains of sorghum, rice, sticky rice, corn and wheat.剑南春以高粮、大米、糯米、玉米、小麦五种谷物为原料精心酿制而成,属浓香型。

42、Type A has higher content for pentacyclic triterpene.型具有高丰度的五环三萜烯;

43、The stabilized pentacene is a substituted pentacene having a lower oxidation rate than pentacene.稳定化并五苯是一种氧化速率低于并五苯的取代并 五苯。

44、The biases of all the models are less than 0.0003 in both visible and near-infrared regions.结果显示五种模型在可见光和近红外波段的模拟误差都小于0.0003。

45、The trip MC definition would have five event subscriptions, one for each kind of event.旅行 MC 定义将需要定义五个事件订阅,每个事件订阅分别针对一种类型的事件。

46、A new species of Acanthopanax Miq.标题 五加属一新种。

47、You don, t want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.脑袋如果只值五角钱,就算顶著花五十元的发型也没意思。

48、The results showed that basing upon the existing peak on the DNA distribution histogram, there were 结果显示:早期鼻咽癌癌细胞核DNA的分布按其主峰所在可分为五种型式。

5 patterns representatively.

49、The fifth is Old-type News Facts.五是陈旧型新闻事实。

50、Read all about the five styles after the jump using our helpful Beverly Hills, 90210 examples (the original, of course), and see where you fit in.在跳过大量的原始数据后来看我们总结的五种类型,找找你属于哪一种。

经典英文句子51:五种句型,51、This series include various models like narrow side, over- edging, reverse sewing and blind sewing.该系列有三线、四线、五线、六线等机种; 该系列有窄边、包边、倒回缝、暗缝等等机型;

52、No significant difference in isoenzyme patterns of GPI, G6PD, LDH, PO and EST were observed among the seven areas.结果显示,七个地区马来丝虫感染蚴的GPI、G6PD、LDH、PO、EST这五种酶的同工酶型没有差异。

53、Owing to the extension and strike slip action, there were five basic types of the structural styles during the Palaeogene in Bohai Gulf Basin.在伸展和走滑两种活动体制下,渤海湾盆地早第三纪构造样式有五种类型。

54、The results showed the electrophoresis profiles of the OMP of the 结果表明五种血清型的RA外膜蛋白的电泳图谱具有一定相似性且不同血清型的菌株之间存在相同的外膜蛋白型;

5 serotypes RA isolates had some similarities and same OMP patterns among different serotypes RA isolates.

55、Now, the medicine has 药品现有片剂、丸剂、颗粒剂、糖浆剂、口服液五大剂型28个国药准字品种,两个保健品种。

5 dosage forms of tablet, pill, granulation, syrup, oral liquid and 28 varieties approved by the state and

2 kinds of healthcare products.

56、Based on planar five-bar mechanism, a new type of grinding machine is designed.设计了一种以平面五杆机构为主体的新型平板玻璃周边磨削机床。

57、By means of X-yay diffraction the lateral longitudinal residual stress of Z-wires used for producing closed cables and formed by 用X射线衍射法对五种成型工艺生产的密封钢绳用的z型钢丝测量了侧表面纵向戏余应力。

5 forming processes was measured.

58、Five villa types from two, three and four bedrooms to the five-bedroom Presidential Villa share a Private Clubhouse with a forty-seat Seafood Restaurant.五种别墅类 型,有二房、三房、四房别墅,以及五房的总统别墅,这些别墅都 共享一座私密的会所,其中包含一座40座的海鲜餐厅 。



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