记忆方法的英语为" Method of memory",还网络中常译为"method for memorizing",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到55个与记忆方法相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Method of memory
记忆方法翻译为 Method of memory 。
示例:这个是你主要的记忆方法吧? Is this how you usually memorize characters?
2. method for memorizing
记忆方法翻译为method for memorizing。
示例:这是一种常规的记忆方法。 This is a conventional method of memory.
3. way for memorizing
记忆方法翻译为way for memorizing。
示例:“分组法”大概是最古老的记忆方法了。 Perhaps Chunking is the oldest method used in memorization.
1. memory method(记忆方法)
2. weid( 隈;
3. memorization(记忆
4. memorize(记忆
5. memory(记忆
英语短语&俚语, Extensive reading memory method Widely read memory method ( 广泛阅读记忆方法 )
Extensive Reading of memory methods Widely read memory method ( 广泛阅读的记忆方法 )
Using Mnemonics ( 利用记忆方法或手段 )
1. We have intervening memories, and each new memory colors our perceptions of our old memories.
译文:我们有干扰记忆 新的记忆会粉饰我们旧的记忆。
2. You gotta get your memory back that way. You gotta do what you normally do.
译文:做该做的事,做回自己 你要用这种方法来恢复记忆。
3. My wife said that deja vu is like God's way of...
译文:我老婆说 幻觉记忆就像是上帝的方法... ...。
4. Methords Learning and memory functions in mice were examined using Y-maze and novel object recognition tests.
译文:方法 通过Y迷宫和新物体辨别实验检测了小鼠的学习记忆能力; 。
5. Doctor, is there any way to restore her memory naturally?
译文:医生 有没有自然的方法可以让她恢复记忆呢。
6. i've no memory. No memory means no Me!
7. i'm talking about muscle memory, girl-- muscle memory.
译文:你要靠肌肉记忆,女人 肌肉记忆。
8. So again, memory is the city, memory is the world.
译文:记忆组成城市,记忆组成世界 。
9. a memorable word or phrase. For example, you can call the University of Waterloo by dialing the memorable TUT-GLOP.
10. So again, memory is the city, memory is the world.
11. in my view, a personal memory is a private memory.
译文:依我所见,个人的记忆 是私人的记忆。 。
12. Nakamatsu: One method is memorization.
译文:中松:一个方法就是记忆。 。
13. implants. Those aren't your memories! They're somebody else's.
14. Now to make things easy for you in the exams, i am going to give you a little memory maxim.
译文:为了你们下次考试能有好成绩 我教你们一个记忆的方法。
15. Methods Morris water maze was used to measure the extent of improved mice's learning and memory impairment caused by SCOP with progesterone.
译文:方法水迷宫法测定黄体酮对SCOP所致小鼠学习记忆损害的改善作用。 。
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