锻炼身体用英语怎么说 锻炼身体英语翻译

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锻炼身体用英语怎么说 锻炼身体英语翻译

锻炼身体的英语说作"do physical exercise",还可以翻译为 work out,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到11个与锻炼身体相关的译文和例句。


1. do physical exercise

锻炼身体翻译为do physical exercise。

示例:我多数日子都在健身俱乐部锻炼身体。 I work out at the gym most days.


2. work out

锻炼身体翻译为 work out 。

示例:医生将经常嘱咐病人要锻炼身体。 A doctor will often instruct patients to exercise.


3. take exercise

锻炼身体翻译为 take exercise 。

示例:锻炼身体是排解工作压力的好办法。 Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work.


4. Exercise

锻炼身体翻译为 Exercise 。

示例:But you should exercise caution. But you should exercise caution.



1. five animals exercise(n. (中国锻炼身体的)五禽戏)


2. spot reducing((对…


3. workout(锻炼

4. workout impostor(锻炼)


5. exercitation(①锻炼②行使

英语短语&俚语, Exercise ( 去锻炼身体 )

In the Bag ( 稳锻炼身体胜券 )

body-building apparatus building apparatus ( 锻炼身体肌肉器械 )

Body-training apparatus ( 锻炼身体器械 )

Getting a workout ( 积极锻炼身体 )

get lots of exercise ( 多锻炼身体 )

He often work out He often exercise His regular physical activity ( 他经常锻炼身体 )


1. Everymorning he gets up early to exercise.

译文:每天早晨他早早起来锻炼身体。 。

2. Don't mind me. i'm just havin' a little workout.

译文:不用管我 我只是在锻炼身体。

3. And you can take this as practice


4. The physical part of the yoga lifestyle is called hatha yoga.

译文:瑜伽锻炼身体的部分称为“古典瑜伽”。 。

5. i solemnly swear on this New Year's resolution to go to the gym and get in shape.

译文:在这种新秩序,去 健身房,锻炼身体 哦,当然,如果。

6. Meaning i'm not hanging around here for my health.


7. i did not come down here to exercise.


8. And every week we exercise.


9. All right, bed-sores, nap's over. Time to get you some exercise.

译文:好了 褥疮患者 午休结束了 该锻炼身体了。

10. i have to strengthen myself, or else...

译文:我得锻炼锻炼身体, 要不然...。

11. While i was training my body my attendance wasn't good enough

译文:锻炼身体期间 出勤率不够。

12. i have exercised as much as i'm supposed to exercise.

译文:我已经行使尽可能多 因为我应该锻炼身体。。

13. What is the point of all those pushups if you can't even lift a bloody log?

译文:你成天都是怎么锻炼身体的 连个木头都抬不起?。

14. Who's training me to box, to let off some steam.

译文:教我打拳击而已 锻炼身体。

15. i don't need to work out i'm not going back to the show

译文:锻炼身体于嘛啊 我以后不上电视了。


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