节约能源用英语怎么说 节约能源英语翻译

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节约能源用英语怎么说 节约能源英语翻译

节约能源用英语说是"energy saving -",还可以翻译为energy saving,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到66个与节约能源相关的释义和例句。


1. energy saving -

节约能源翻译为 energy saving - 。

示例:当局鼓励房主给住房加隔热装置以节约能源。 Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy.


2. energy saving

节约能源翻译为energy saving。

示例:回收主要是通过节约能源来改善环境。 Recycling helps the environment mainly by saving energy.


3. conservation of energy

节约能源翻译为 conservation of energy 。

示例:对我们来说,节约能源是非常非常有益的。 For us, saving energy has been very, very profitable.


4. saving of energy

节约能源翻译为saving of energy。

示例:Effectual Energy Saving Method of Turnery 机加工车间有效的节电途径



1. save energy mode(节约能源模式)

2. energy economy model( 节约能源模型)

3. saving energy(能源节约)

4. energy conservation([经] 能源节约, 能源保存)

5. economy of energy([经] 能源节约, 能源经济)

英语短语&俚语, the Energy Conservation Law Energy Conservation Law ENEV energy-saving act ( 节约能源法 )

save energy and resources ( 节约能源资源 )

Energy Manager ( 节约能源经理 )

Fuel Economy Guide ( 汽车节约能源指南 )

an energy-conserving society ( 能源节约型社会 )

Environmental protection and energy conservation Environmental protection and conservation ( 环保及节约能源 )

Besides Conserving Energy ( 除节约能源 )

energy economy model ( 节约能源模型 )


1. And energy efficiency is more than just about the vehicle -- it's also about the road.

译文:节约能源不单是 改造交通工具的问题 也是改造道路问题。

2. Energy conservation and potential tourism boosts are not the only reasons that year-round daylight saving has garnered some support.


3. The key value of Richpower products are Saving electric energy and high efficiency.

译文:节约能源,提高照明效率是博强照明的核心竞争力。 。

4. The invention combusts the fuel more completely, which saves the energy and reduces the environmental pollution.

译文:本发明采用上述技术,使燃油燃烧更加充分,节约能源以及减少对环境的污染。 。

5. Withthe world'sadvanced technology and raw materials, non - environmental pollution. environmental protection. to save energy.


6. These things save carbon, they save energy, they save us money.

译文:这些事情减少碳,节约能源, 节约我们的金钱。。

7. Yes, he'll endorse energy efficiency and renewable energy like solar power. - Who else knew that?

译文:他会支持节约能源 及使用太阳能等能源。

8. All models are used to be one of the best award-winning design GEW using electronic power supplies, and save energy consumption.


9. They ought to be rewarded for helping their customers save it.

译文:而他们应该因帮助客户们节约能源而被奖励。 。

10. These things save carbon, they save energy, they save us money.

译文:这些事情减少碳,节约能源, 节约我们的金钱。 。

11. What about energy conservation?

译文:关于节约能源的观点呢? 。

12. integrative design can also increase energy savings in industry.

译文:整合设计也可以帮助 工业节约能源 。

13. No, the success will come if enough people are motivated to do exactly the same in their daily life, save energy, go to renewables.

译文:不,我们将会成功 如果足够多的人下定决心 在日常生活中 节约能源,使用可再生能源。 。

14. We want to get people to be more energy efficient.


15. And if the President adopts a policy of supporting efficiency and solar energy, who would be the biggest losers?

译文:假如总统接纳 节约能源及使用太阳能的政策 谁损失最大。


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