游泳馆通常被说作:"indoor swimming pool"在日常中也可以翻译为"natatorium -",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到79个与游泳馆相关的释义和例句。
1. indoor swimming pool
游泳馆翻译为indoor swimming pool。
示例:当时在水立方游泳馆观看比赛的人都不知道究竟是谁赢得了比赛。 No one in the Water Cube who witnessed the race knew who had won.
2. natatorium -
游泳馆翻译为 natatorium - 。
示例:“鸟巢”体育馆和“水立方”游泳馆等场馆是令人瞠目结舌的建筑壮举。 Venues such as the "Bird's Nest"stadium and "Water Cube"pool are stunning architectural feats.
3. Swimming Pool
游泳馆翻译为 Swimming Pool 。
示例:七家消防公司和几个市内游泳馆已经被搬上了砧板。 Seven fire companies and several city swimming pools are on the chopping block.
4. natatorium
示例:We applied for a membership card in the natatorium. 我们在这家游泳馆办理了会员卡。
1. swimming hall(游泳馆)
2. spillite(n. (球场、游泳馆等夜里发出的)外溢光)
3. swim(游泳
4. natation(游泳
5. have a swim(游泳)
英语短语&俚语, Ying Tung Natatorium Yingdong Swim Palaestra Yingdong Natatorium Yingdong Natatorium of National Ol( 英东游泳馆 )
Tokyo Tatsumi International Swimming Center ( 东京辰巳国际游泳馆 )
Indoor Pool and Ball Games Hall ( 游泳馆 球馆 )
Fuji Swimming Pool ( 富士游泳馆 )
Ditan Swimming Pool ( 地坛游泳馆 )
Shijingshan Swimming Pool ( 石景山游泳馆 )
Toa Payoh Swimming Complex ( 大巴窑游泳馆 )
1. - Didn't you bring your bikini?
译文:- 游泳?。
2. The Olympic Stadiums mainly concentrate in Olympic Green, such as National Stadium, Water Cube, Hockey Field, Archery Field, Tennis Center, Yingdong Swim Palaestra, etc.
译文:区域奥运场馆主要集中在奥林匹克公园内,如国家体育场、国家游泳中心、国家体育馆、曲棍球场、射箭场、网球中心、英东游泳馆等。 。
3. Dinosaurs are for little kids. i want to go swimming.
4. in fact, all of the gold that we've mined in history could be piled into just three Olympic-size swimming pools, although this represents a lot of mass because gold is about
20 times denser than water.
译文:事实上 人类史上开采过的所有金矿 仅仅能填满三个奥林匹克级别的游泳馆而已 尽管它们质量很高 因为金比水重20倍 。
5. We applied for a membership card in the natatorium.
译文:我们在这家游泳馆办理了会员卡。 。
6. ♪ i'm gonna swim like a swimming thing ♪
译文:我会游泳 喜欢游泳的事。
7. Learn to swim! Learn to swim!
译文:学游泳去 学游泳。
8. i should just go with Marie to the "Y,"
9. The main venues are the National Stadium for Track and Field, the National Aquatics Center, and the National indoor Stadium for Gymnastics.
10. When the little duckies Start to swim away, away, away
11. Also, tomorrow at
3 p.m. at the swimming pool!
12. i like swimming very much. Luckly, there's a swimming pool in my school.
译文:我很喜欢游泳,幸运的是学校有一个室内游泳馆。 。
13. ASCA American Swimming Coaches Association Level
2 Coach
14. Jiang said the aquatics venue is ready for a test event in January.
15. You can swim as much as you like.
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