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直尺的英语翻译是"ruler",在日常中也可以翻译为" [计量] straight rule",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到57个与直尺相关的翻译和例句。


1. ruler


示例:在这家市场里,我们可以买到学习用品,像钢笔、彩色铅笔、橡皮、直尺、练习本等等。 In this market we can buy school things like pens, color pencils, erasers, rulers, exercise books and so on.


2. [计量] straight rule

直尺翻译为 [计量] straight rule 。

示例:为实现这个效果,您需要指定一个尺寸,首先是水平尺寸,然后是垂直尺寸。 For the effect, you need to specify a size, with the horizontal size first, and then the vertical size.


3. [数] ruler

直尺翻译为 [数] ruler 。

示例:你有铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔、直尺和一些书。 You have pencils, pens, crayons, rulers and some books.


4. [计量] straight edge

直尺翻译为 [计量] straight edge 。

示例:♪ Stood at the edge of the valley ♪ Stood at the edge of the valley



1. rectilinear scale(直尺)

2. straight rule(直尺)

3. straight scale(直尺)

4. precision straight edge(精密直尺)

5. staight edge([机] 直尺)

英语短语&俚语, cylinder square ( 圆筒直尺 )

Straight Steel Ruler steel gauge ( 钢直尺 )

VSIZE Vertical dimensions memb ( 垂直尺寸 )

Stainless Steel Rule Stainless Stee Stai ( 不锈钢直尺 )

vertical dimension ( 垂直尺度 )

Straight edge knif edge straight edge ( 刀口形直尺 )

parallel rule ( 平行直尺 )

scale ruler ( 刻度直尺 )

straight edge ruler ( 刀口直尺 )


1. And if you measure very, very carefully with a stiff arm and a straight edge, you'll see that those two shapes are exactly the same size.

译文:要是你非常认真的拿着一把直尺、绷紧双臂去量的话 你会发现 那两个形状是 完全一样大小的。

2. Long standing questions about compass and straightedge construction were finally settled by Galois theory.


3. Well if you think about it, it's really hard to measure out round columns using a ruler.

译文:如果你想想的话, 用直尺量圆柱真的很难。 。

4. For the effect, you need to specify a size, with the horizontal size first, and then the vertical size.

译文:为实现这个效果,您需要指定一个尺寸,首先是水平尺寸,然后是垂直尺寸。 。

5. Well if you think about it, it's really hard to measure out round columns using a ruler.

译文:如果你想想的话, 用直尺量圆柱真的很难。。

6. The utility model discloses a collapsible ruler, which is formed by the combination of two rulers glidingly assembled into integration; the two rulers face each other and are parallel mutually.

译文:本实用新型公开了一种可伸缩尺,该伸缩尺由两个滑动装配成一体的直尺组合而成,两直尺相互正对且相互平行。 。

7. There is a linear relationship between differential reflectivity ZDR and the shape factor defined as the ratio of the horizontal scale to the vertical scale of a particle.

译文:球锥扁椭球形冰粒的差反射率因子与粒子形状参数水平-垂直尺度比呈很好的线性正相关。 。

8. The straight artificial harbors replaced the beautiful zigzag coastline.

译文:用直尺画出来的人造港湾 取代了原本自然曲折的海岸线。

9. The utility model provides an Angle trisecting unit capable of directly trisecting an Angle without compasses and rulers.

译文:本实用新型就是提供一种不用圆规、直尺可直接将角度三等分的三等分角器。 。

10. He holds a ruler and clatters about with little dancing steps.

译文:他拿着一根直尺,走着小舞步发出咔哒咔哒的声音。 。

11. And what you're looking at is columns of dust where there's so much dust -- by the way, the scale of this is a trillion vertical miles -- and what's happening is there's so much dust, it comes together and it fuses and ignites a thermonuclear reaction.

译文:你们正在观察的是尘埃柱 其中的尘埃非常密集 顺便说一句,这幅图片的垂直尺度是一兆英里 在其中的巨量尘埃 相互聚集,融合 引发热核反应 。

12. A number of ancient problems concerning Compass and straightedge constructions were finally solved using Galois theory.

译文:从目前的罗盘和直尺古代建筑的一些问题终于解决了使用伽罗瓦理论。 。

13. Uh, the tape measure Mary Poppins uses to record Jane and Michael's height must be a roll tape, not a ruler.

译文:玛丽·波平斯用来给 简和迈克尔量身高的尺子 必须是卷尺 不能是直尺。

14. Venier caliper, metallic ruler, measuring tape, square, center punch, felt point marker pen.

译文:卡钳,金属的直尺,卷尺,曲尺,中心冲,感觉测点作记号钢笔。 。



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