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1、Summer is creeping up quickly — long days with early sunrises and late sunsets.


2、I think swimming is cool in summer, so I like it


3、Summer watering must be more to put the local to the ventilation.


4、eg. Watermelons in Beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen.


5、In summer of 2011, single Taurians will experience unrequited love.


6、I'm probably going to have to end up finding an internship for next summer,


7、Therefore summer must pay more attention to the vehicle inspection.


8、Vivian: I can't believe that summer can be SOOOO boring!


9、And then we have Beyonce and Akon coming during the summer.


10、Personally, I do not like summer, because it's too hot and the sunshine is strong.


11、The last they heard from her was during the summer.


12、This summer, I'll submit an application to McDonald!


13、On summer evenings, the workingmen sit on their balconies.


14、The long psychedelic summer is over, the dreams continue.


15、Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.

棉的。你知道棉的东西好,夏天穿吸汗。 。

16、Cotton. . You know cotton is good material. It takes sweat in summer.


17、The ordered crypto products will be delivered by summer 2010.


18、On such a hot summer, another good news arrived at Somso.


19、Here’s how the seasonal change affects the weather: Around the time of the June solstice, the North Pole is tilted toward the sun and the Northern Hemisphere is starting to enjoy summer.


20、The Chelsea hotel, in New York. A hot day in summer.

21、There's like a, there's street performers going on the summer.这就像……这里夏天有街头艺人在表演。

22、That summer, plane across the sea, delimit next smile curve.那年夏天,飞机越过海面,划下微笑弧线。

23、By this summer he'll have been training horses for ten years.到今年夏天他干训马工作就满xx年了。

24、Never had leaves been more prosperous or green than this summer .树叶从未象今年夏天这样茂盛葱绿。

25、His goal was to open a factory by summer 2008.他的目标是在xx年夏天之前开一家工厂。

英文句子26:,26、Kleber is keen for the issue to be laid to rest, but has admitted that he would be happy to strike a deal with a European club this summer should an opportunity arise.克莱伯希望这个传闻尽快平息,但是同时承认他非常高兴今天夏天转会到欧洲俱乐部,而夏天就是一个千载难逢的机会。

27、For this summer, to be here now and nowhere else, Beijing.为了这个夏天,不在他处,只有在北京。

28、Big signing: Eric Dier is the only summer isigningi.主要签约:埃里克。迪尔是夏天独一“成果”。

29、Tell me, what have you prepared for next summer?说来听听,明年夏天你准备了什么服装?

30、But a lot of people in the summer go there.但在夏天,总是有很多人前往河滨公园。

31、He retired this summer and made way to young person.他在今年夏天退休了,让位给年轻人.

32、Enjoy the rest of the summer, we can get through this!享受剩下的夏天吧,我们可以熬过来的!

33、In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer.而且,旧市政厅冬天采暖和夏天制冷都很花钱。

34、In the summer, thunderstorms or lightning may also cause flight delays.夏天,雷暴和闪电也会引起航班延误。

35、I have sublet a flat to my friend for the summer.夏天我把一套公寓转租给一个朋友。

36、If need be, I have a space heater for winter and airconditioning for summer in my home.如果有必要,冬天我会在家里用电暖气,夏天开空调。

37、冰茶 iced tea Tom likes iced tea and drinks every day in summer.汤姆喜欢冰茶夏天每日都喝。

38、When the days become longer, they fly north for the summer.当白天变长时,它们飞往北方度夏。

39、The Ket allowed their reindeer to wander during summer and kept them close to camp during winter.偈人让驯鹿在夏天游放,冬天将其留在营地附近。

40、Debate: can we turn off the air conditioning this summer?讨论:夏天来了,您可以不开或少开空调吗?

41、In summer I can also eat all kinds of fruit and vegetables.夏天我也可以吃刀各种水果蔬菜。

42、When the Southern wind blew in summer, it brought the stench from the fish pond into the abode.到了夏天南风一吹,我们的精舍周围就臭气冲天;

43、In the summer of 1974, Mikhail Baryshnikov defected in Toronto.年夏天,巴里什尼科夫在多伦多叛逃。

44、You'll have to here summer weather? Lovely weather, isn't it? The wind blows good fierce! Outside the cold weather, isn't it? Your … …你就得这儿夏天的天气怎样?天气真好,是吗?风刮得好猛!外面…

45、In the summer she’ll sleep for hours after dawn has broken. I’m left lying wide awake during those same hours.在夏天,她天亮后还能睡几个小时,我只好躺卧在床上看着天花板。

46、By this summer we'll have been here for five years.到今年夏天我们在这里就满xx年了。

47、The temperature plummets in winter and soars in the summer.冬天气温急速变冷夏日则是过于炎热。

48、In summer, melterni, or strong winds, cause rough seas, affecting both fishing and ferryboats.夏天多见大风,影响捕鱼和渡船。

49、"I want the Waukesha money to-morrow morning, " she said.“到华克夏去的钱,我明天早上就要,”她说道。

50、This summer, NYU will also offer a Hyperlocal Newsroom Summer Academy for high school and college students.今年夏天,纽约大学仍将举办针对高中生和大学生的网络城市新闻编辑夏令营。

经典英文句子51:夏天,51、We would like to go camping and canoeing next summer .下个夏天我们想去露营和划独木舟。

52、I like counting stars in the summer night on the top of building.夏天晚上我喜欢在楼顶上数星星。

53、Indoor integrated condensers allow for heat recovery in winter and ventilation in the summer.室内综合冷凝器可在冬天回收热量,在夏天进行换气通风。

54、A cold shower always refreshes us in summer.在夏天洗个冷水淋浴就会使我们感到凉爽。

55、In summer, more students like having salad for lunch.在食堂夏天,多数学生午饭喜欢吃色拉。

56、In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded.大约在公元前xx年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。

57、去年夏天,我们乘车去北京游长城。Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.

58、Chin is red, winter craze, summer is aglow and dry, how be what disease is treated?下巴红肿,冬天开裂,夏天发红干燥,是什么病怎么治?

59、We usually hold our annual fire drill during the summer.我们通常在夏天举办年度消防演习。

60、That's the spirit of this summer of sweat.挥汗如雨过夏天,这也是需要一点精神力量的。

61、I am currently interning at a bank for the summer.这个暑假(夏天),我在一家银行里实习。

62、The shed was hot in summer and cold in winter, and when it rained, water dripped from the ceiling.这所工棚,夏天炎热,冬天寒冷。下雨时,顶棚漏水。

63、At one time I used to go mountain-climbing every summer.有一段时期,每年夏天我便去爬山。

64、Then wait until the summer, will be very thin without wearing out.然后等到夏天,不用穿也会很细了。

65、I didn't do anything last summer; I just bummed around.去年夏天我游手好闲,什么正经事也没做。



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