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1、Exploration is so, all business are so too. One should lead a creative life then it will be a significative and valuable life.


2、There are over 2000 students in all, and more than 280 full-time postgraduates are enrolled in each year.


3、Commercial law: the account balance of big business and big businessmen;


4、The mode of life differes from person to person.


5、People with bad personal hygiene are prone to get parasites in their bodies.


6、A person who is intrusively or overly dependent upon another; a parasite.


7、Pointing to students, arouse students' life experience synaesthesia;


8、I wanted to change who I was, create a life as someone new, someone without the past, without the pain, someone alive.


9、Being like song, while life like drama.


10、Has in the school student 685 people, lodging student 308 people.


11、The symbol of the park is the Life Pole. Carved on the pole are 121 different human figures.


12、As of Jan. 2008, there are 943 graduate candidates, 875 undergraduates in school and 120 students taught by correspondence.


13、Seeking pleasure in life, is the natural outlook on life, real life.


14、Effective after training the experimental group the number of boys and

15 girls

14 people.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。



16、Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up.


17、If only a good non-human is a dead non-human.


18、Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!


19、Secondly, the nuclear content of Zhang Dai-nian's ethic thought lies in the proposition of nowadays"enriching life to reach principle, overcoming confliction to reach harmony".

让生活更快乐,人生更有意义, 荣神益人!

20、Let's glorify God and enjoy lives more!

21、His outlook on life diverges from mine.他的人生观和我的人生观差异越来越大。

22、When investigating into the students of 2004 with UPI, we can find that the student numbers of the first-class is 用大学生人格健康调查表(UPI)对我校04级新生调查,第一类学生占总人数

15.9%; the second is 30%, and the third 54%.


23、Pepole are born equal.人人生来都是平等的。

24、Feng Youlan, a famous modern Chinese philosopher, explored the meaning of human's subsistence through his realm-of-life theory in which he divides the human life into four different realms.冯友兰先生以人生四境界说, 追寻着人生存的意义。本文试图从人生四境界之分析, 来揭示其生存哲学之意义。

25、It is a 那是人生中的一个标记,人生路上的里程碑。

1)signpost in life, a trail marker.

英文句子26:,26、Have life not introspecting, worthy to be alive life.没有经过反省的人生,是不值得活的人生。

27、Eco-productivity is the human ability to promote harmony coordinated, co-prosperity and communal development within human-nature, human-human and human-society.生态生产力是指人类推动人与自然、人与人、人与社会和谐协调、共生共荣、共同发展的能力。

28、I think everyone's inherently snobbish.我认为,人人生来势利。

29、Company IntroductionBeautiful life, starting from Lison.亮丽人生,从丽生开始。

30、Doctors should prolong patients lives, not to end lives.医生应延长病人的生命,非结束病人的生命。

31、One should eat to live,not live to eat. 人生应为生而食,不应为食而生.

32、Life is tough, but if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it. —Salma Hayek.人生艰难,但是如果你有笑对人生的能力,你就有享受人生的能力。

33、It focuses both on the human's current life and on the future life. The eco-aesthetic appreciation takes the harmony as our essential existings…生态审美体验视和谐性为人的根本生存方式,视爱意生存为人类文明的生存结构,并强调人应该在自身与自然的双重解放中走向人的生态性生存。

34、Dr. existing schools, more than 2200 graduate of the college students and more than 6700, more than 900 foreign students.学校现有博士、硕士研究生2200余人,本专科生6700余人,外国留学生900余人。

35、You have time to dream, why don't have time to pursue.做人生的行者,做人生的歌者,做人生的舞者,无愧,无悔,无憾!

36、Life is tough, and if you have the ability to laugh at it you have the ability to enjoy it.人生很艰难,如果你有笑对人生的能力,你就有享受人生的能力。

37、If life gives you lemons ,make lemonade。 生命之神要你尝尽人生酸楚,你就让自己的人生变得酸中带点甜意吧。

38、There are totally 289 students in our department: 205 undergraduates, 62 postgraduates and 22 doctorates .现有在校本科生205人、硕士生62人、博士生22人,学生共计289人。

39、The twin poems "L'Allegro" and " II Penseroso" present two different views of life m that of the lively man and that of the thoughtful man.其姊妹诗篇《快乐的人》和《幽思的人》表达了两种不同的人生观——享乐者的人生观和思想者的人生观。

40、Using an Ocean concept to promote your life in Ocean university.创意打造人生,让你的人生在海大更美丽!

41、The realization of all life in a relaxed mood, everyone enjoys equal as love, everyone living with dignity.实现人人生活心情舒畅,人人享爱一样的平等,人人生活有尊严。

42、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。

43、We are human beings , not automatons .我们是活生生的人,而非机器人。

44、The world is experiencing fundamental changes, so is the production and living style of mankind and the people-to-people, people-to-nature and country-to-country relations.世界在发生深刻变化,人类的生产生活方式在发生深刻变化,人与人、人与自然乃至国与国关系也在发生深刻变化。

45、The writer of this thesis try to study the value of life from the value of life and concerned concepts, evaluation, the contents and realization and increasing of the value of life.本文试图从人生价值及其相关概念、人生价值的内容构成与本质特点,人生价值的评价、人生价值的提高与实现几个方面,对人生价值问题予以多元考辨。

46、Doctor, doctor, nobody understands me.医生,医生,没有人理解我。

47、It really enriches your life and expands your horizons.丰富人生, 丰富人生,开阔眼界呗。

48、"It's somebody to see you, Mr. Anderson, " the woman said.“有人来看你,安德生先生,”那个女人说。

49、look lookatlife, bornborndyingnodawn ( 看看人生 , 生生死死无人晓。

50、Ecological beauty is characteristic of life, agreeableness and humanity.生态美具有生命性、宜人性、全人类性的性质。

经典英文句子51:人生,51、Production workers , management members and non- production staff are all involved in quality control .质量控制参加的人员包括生产人员、管理人员、非生产部门的人员等一切人员。

52、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友, 犹如人生没有了太阳。

53、What is your philosophy to live a contented life?对于过着令人满足的生活,你的人生哲学是什么?

54、In English I will put it as home.归途,表示一步步走向生命的尽头。

55、人生态度和生活态度 Attitude towards life and attitude towards life

56、Student accommodation has single, double, apartments, House, international students.学生住宿有单人间,双人间,公寓,国际学生楼等。

57、The southerners live on rice while the northerners live on wheat.南方人靠水稻生存而北方人靠小麦生存。

58、This is your life, and it’s a short one.这是你的人生,人生苦短。

59、She hates to live among strangers.她讨厌在陌生人中生活。

60、One that preys on or clings to another; a parasite.吸血鬼,寄生虫,食客寄生于他人或粘着于他人的人;寄生虫。

61、Existing types of full-time students 22 525, of whom 现有各类全日制在校生22525人,其中本科生20839人,专科生1219人,硕士研究生700人左右,外国留学生71人。

20,839 were undergraduate students, 1219 junior college students who graduate about 700 people, 71 foreign students.

62、Life is but an empty dream.人生如梦。 人生如梦。

63、A life without a friend is a life without a sun。 没有朋友的人生就像没有太阳的人生。

64、Zongbaihua ' s outlook on life is artistical , and it epitomizes the Zongbaihua appreciation of the beauty of life, and the attitude in beautifying.宗白华的人生观是艺术化的人生观,这种人生观集中表现为宗白华对人生,生活的审美和美化的态度。

65、A meaningful life, she claims, is distinct from a happy life or a morally good one.苏珊提出有意义的人生不同于快乐的人生,也不同于道德高尚的人生。

66、Alife without a friend is a life without a sun.人生谢世无友人,如同生涯无太阳。

67、Smile, life is cool, and the grace of life.一笑而过,是人生的淡然,也是人生的优雅。——林清玄。

68、His motto is that optimistic to live and face his life.他人生座右铭是:乐观处世,笑看人生。

69、I play through BioShock, and Left 我玩过“生化奇兵”、“生死四人组”和“生死四人组2”,

4 Dead and Left

4 Dead


70、My family is my life!大户人家,大话人生…

71、You only live once, don't go to your grave with one regret; don't postpone your purpose.人生只有一次,不要在人生中留下遗憾,不要推迟你的人生目标。

72、Some say life is like a dream; others say dreams are rooted in fate.有人说人生如梦,有人说梦随缘生,是缥缈在世间的涟漪?

73、Everybody has to make a living.人人都要讨生活。

74、爱人生日快乐 MY LOVER HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU Happy birthday, dear!

75、Some people before half life drag. Some people later half drag first half.有的人以前半生拖累后半生。有的人以后半生拖累前半生。

英文句子模板76:Life,76、My life?我的人生?

77、Bergson's view on time belongs to intuitionism, which is more based on people's personal experiences which come from animated persons and animated person's lives.柏格森的时间观是“直觉主义”的,更多基于我们的个人经验,基于活生生的人和活生生的人的生活。

78、Results 9846 students including 7557 Han Nationality and 2289 minority are totally enrolled.结果共检9846人,汉族考生7557人,少数民族考生2289人。

79、The total enrollment hit 196,000, with most being Tibetan students.在校生总人数达


80、More than 全日制在校本科生2万余人、研究生3800余人,留学生200人,函授网络在籍生

2 people full-time undergraduate students, graduate students and more than 3800, 200 overseas students, correspondence network born in book 58000.



标签: 英文 人生

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