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3 at a particular moment, gave her

11 red roses plus a plastic red roses.


2、The roses are in bud.


3、Kazanlak is one of the largest regions for producing rose, the Rose Festival of the Re first week of June every year.


4、Rose is a briar .


5、It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.


6、Despite opposition from some residents of West Roseville, the arguments in favor of merging the townships of Roseville and West Roseville are overwhelming.


7、Roses are in full bloom.


8、'Double Delight' roses are one of the best known and most widely grown roses in the World.


9、You can complain because roses have thorns , or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.


10、She grows roses in tubs .


11、Squeeze the rose water out.


12、"The Rose, " he whispered.


13、The June roses blighted.

名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。—— 莎士比亚。

14、What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. - Shakespeare.


15、Yanhong roses never fade.

16、) No rose without a thorn.(没有不带刺的玫瑰。


17、Roses given, fragrance in hand.


18、Oh the roses of the pubis!


19、Thorns live and roses die.


20、The Paper describes the applications of Roselle and the ex tracting and re fining procedures of Roselle seed oil.

21、No rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。

22、Stewart: Rose-petal salad?玫瑰花瓣色拉好吗?

23、Don't the roses smell sweet!这玫瑰花真香!

24、Susan : Rose-petal salad?来玫瑰花瓣沙拉色拉?

25、The Roselle pigment can be extracted from Roselle and used as food additives of food service industry.玫瑰茄也可以提取玫瑰茄色素,用作食品行业的食品添加剂。

英文句子26:,26、The rose has a heavy fragrance.玫瑰花香味很浓。

27、Roses entwine the little cottage.玫瑰盘绕着小屋。

28、Fragrant incense rose garden.芬芳香园玫瑰花。

29、Gentle to skin, with a high content of natural rose oil and rose concrete , this cream combines nourishing and hydrating ingredients.皇后玫瑰日用精髓 对肌肤温顺,具有高含量的自然玫瑰精油和玫瑰凝聚物,改日霜兼有滋养和保湿成分。

30、My rose of foreign genre.我异域的野玫瑰。

31、A rose in the rain…雨中的那朵玫瑰…

32、The second is the red rose.一个是红玫瑰。

33、Pearl, seeing the rose-bushes, began to cry for a red rose, and would not be pacified.珠儿看见了玫瑰丛,开始叫着要一朵红玫瑰,而且怎么哄都不听

34、On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red ros. es and one artificial red ro. se.在特别的场。合,给对方买11朵真正的红玫瑰,和一朵人造玫瑰。

35、Rhodonite, full of envy.玫瑰石,满心的羡慕。

36、Lady Ascot: Imbeciles! The garden is planted with white roses when I've specifically asked the red.埃斯考特夫人:蠢才!我特意要红玫瑰,可花园里种的全是白玫瑰!

37、Some people are always grumbling because roes have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.有些人时常埋怨玫瑰有刺,我却庆幸刺里有玫瑰。

38、The pickling rose was added into fermented sweet rice mash according to certain proportioning for lixiviating fermentation to produce rose sweet rice wine.以新疆玫瑰花为辅料,将腌制玫瑰花按一定的配比加入发酵后的甜米酒醪中进行浸提发酵,生产玫瑰花甜米酒。

39、Like a rose-petal, he thought;像玫瑰花瓣,他想;

40、She is sniffing at a rose .她在闻玫瑰花。

41、The red rose is so beautiful.这只红玫瑰真漂

42、In the summer she liked to wear, in her hair, a rose from the white rose-bush. She was called Snow-White.夏天,她喜欢在头上簪戴白玫瑰,她就是白玫瑰。

43、Susan :Rose-petal salad?玫瑰花瓣沙拉好吗?

44、The roses blossomed yesterday.玫瑰昨天开花了。

45、The rose burst into blossom.玫瑰鲜花怒放。

46、Pityriasis rosea in the autumn and winter-prone, this disease because of the "Rose" word easily misunderstood.玫瑰糠疹在秋冬季多发,这病因为有“玫瑰”二字,容易让人误解。

47、The rosebushes are budding.玫瑰丛正在含苞待放。

48、The roses, red and white.玫瑰花红白相印。

49、Qinqiang Opera: Late Opened Rose.秦腔《迟开的玫瑰》。

50、Please write to me at Class 7B, Rose Garden School, Rose Garden Estate, Garden City.请给我回信到花园城玫瑰花园区,玫瑰花园学校7B班。

经典英文句子51:玫瑰,51、Roses entwine the little cottage.玫瑰盘绕著小屋。

52、Non c'e rosa senza spine.没有无刺玫瑰。

53、These can be any size, from the ground-cover rose 'Sweet Haze', to gigantic Alba roses.灌木玫瑰大小各异,从匍匐在地面的“甜雾”,到巨大的阿尔巴玫瑰。

54、Yellow roses can signify “jealousy.”黄玫瑰寓意着“嫉妒”。

55、Ingredients: Rose essential oil, mulberry root extract serum, sea-kelp, VitaminE and rosehip essential serum.成份: 玫瑰精油、桑根提取液、芦荟鲜汁、海藻、维他命E、玫瑰果萃取液。

56、Guodong went home take camera, rose after due to cold medication slept in the rose room resolution.国栋往玫瑰家取相机,因感冒吃药后决议留在玫瑰房中睡一会。

57、Waiting is the red rose!候;是玫瑰红色!

58、The rose, return to you!玫瑰,送回给你吧!

59、Give your lover a dozen roses -- and do it with a creative twist.赠送一束玫瑰花给恋人—―并在这束玫瑰上面别出心裁地打一个结。

60、Horsetail, red roses, platycodon grandiflorum.马尾,红玫瑰花,桔梗。

61、Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.与其抱怨玫瑰丛长满了刺,还不如感激刺丛里竟生出了玫瑰。

62、Wild roses smile against breeze.野玫瑰迎风微笑。

63、The dried rose leaves disappear and the new rose-bushes bloom in the garden.干枯的玫瑰叶消失不见了,而新生的玫瑰花丛又在花园里开放。

64、It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。

65、Each rose that comes brings me greetings from the Rose of an eternal spring.每一朵怒放的玫瑰都送给我那来自永恒之春的“玫瑰”的祝福。

66、Is your roses the time it takes for you, that makes your rose so important.正是你为你玫瑰花所花费的时间,才让你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。

67、Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses. -----Alphonse Karr.一些人总是抱怨玫瑰有刺;我感到刺茎上有玫瑰。

68、The site conditions where the Pingyin rose originated were compared to that where Bulgaria rose originated, so that the optimum conditions can be found for developing rose production.文中将平阴玫瑰产地的立地环境与保加利亚玫瑰产地相比较,拟为开发玫瑰选择适宜条件提供参考。

69、"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."正因为你为你的玫瑰花费了时间,这才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要

70、Roses vary from daisies.玫瑰不同于雏菊。

71、I like roseate roses.我喜欢粉色的玫瑰。

72、Kazanlak is a city famous for greatest amount of oil-bearing roses. The rose valley holds Rose Festival in the first week of June every year.卡赞勒克市是保加利亚种植产油玫瑰花最多的一个地区,玫瑰谷玫瑰节会在这里每年xx月的第一个周举办。

73、It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important. 你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。

74、Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy Grail of rosaria .从此,寻求完美的红玫瑰一直是玫瑰栽培者所追求的理想。

75、The red rose is so beautiful. 这只红玫瑰

英文句子模板76:Rose,76、You share rose get fun.赠人玫瑰,手有余香。

77、I am the rose of Sharon.我是沙仑的玫瑰。

78、He offered her the white rose.他献上了白玫瑰。


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