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关于”保护环境的措施“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Measures to protect the environment。以下是关于保护环境的措施的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Measures to protect the environment


1、Hundreds of payment programmes for environmental services are currently being implemented around the world, mainly as part of forest conservation initiatives.


2、The key links of carrying out Natural Forest Protective Engineering was expounded. and its concrete measures was also put forward.


3、The measures and effects on comprehensive utilization and improvement of black water in industrial boiler. Through closed recycle usage, industrial water was saved, and environment was protected.


4、And you don't have much protection.


5、The electric power storage technology is an important technical measure that can remove peak load and fill valley load, optimize resource allotment and protect ecological environment.


6、Thus, water-restoration becomes much important. Protecting and re-establishing the submerged macrophytes has become the important ecology measure to improve the water environment.


7、A port operator shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, take effective measures to prevent and control pollution and hazards to the environment.


8、Effects of water environment by over exploitation of groundwater in plain regions of Datong City;


9、This model also can be used to evaluate the economic effectiveness of the pesticide management policies and plant protecting measures.


10、Since 2005, a set of environmental-protection plans have been prepared and infrastructure around Sanqingshan has gradually been improved.


11、Foreign Investor's Right Protection Guarantee and Measures Law;


12、As a result, measures should be applying to protect WPC when it is used in moisture environment.


13、But effective management of coastal resources would mean the communities would remain reasonably intact and more resilient in the face of such hardships.


14、The slip ring should be used in dry, low dust environment. If working environment is bad, more protection measures should.


15、The authors suggested some principles, objectives and means of protection to protect tourism resources and ecological environment.


16、Present situation of geological environment in mines in Panzhihua City and protection taken in recent years are outlined. Make some proposals concerning environmental protection in mines.


17、Reassessing the environment quality after the remedial measure is taken.


18、Finally, ecological measures, engineering measures and corresponding juridical guarantee are presented for the recovery of water ecological environment.


19、Eco-tourism emphasizes on protecting the resources and environment that tourist development relies on.


20、Infant monkeys were fostered by artificial care.

21、Necessary measures have been taken to protect the environment so that the development of the port, the scenic resort and the city has been well coordinated.文中深入细致地回顾分析了笔架山和天桥周围环境的变化,并采取相应的环境保护措施,实现港口、景区与城市的协调发展。

22、Meanwhile, it discusses the issues about calculating method of pot gas collection efficiency, measures for improving collection efficiency, environmental protection and production management.电解槽集气效率的计算方法;提高槽集气效率的措施以及强化环境保护,加强管理等若干问题。

23、The ingredients, formulation, production technology, counter-measures for environment protection and labour protection during production were described.介绍了煤焦油磁漆的组成、配方、生产工艺及生产过程中应采取的环保措施和劳动保护。

24、We have added many critical protections to guard the homeland.我们增加了许多重要的保护措施来保卫本国领土。

25、From consideration of witness itself, the country should sophisticate every indemnifying measure and strengthen the shielding force and safeguards to the witness.从证人自身角度上完善对证人的各项补偿措施,加强对证人的保护力度和保护措施。

英文句子26:,26、In the multitudinous protection permafrost project measure, the ventilation embankment is one kind protects the frozen earth positively the project measure.在众多的保护多年冻土工程措施中,通风管路基是一种积极保护冻土的工程措施。

27、The protections consist of private remedies, i. e. legal protection of internet technology and public remedies, i. e. judicial and legislative protection of copyright.网络环境下著作权的保护分为私力救济-网络技术措施的法律保护和公力救济-网络著作权的司法及立法保护。

28、And these safeguards and rules are naturally addressed to human beings.这些保护措施和规定自然被交给了人类来实施。

29、This article gives an explaination of natural conditions and present eco-environment in Xide county and points out the crisis it faces.本文分析了喜德县自然条件和生态环境现状,指出了其所面临的危机,提出了对该地区生态环境保护的对策措施。

30、Aiming to the present situation of water environment, the countermeasures of protecting water reserve and ameliorating water quality are given: (针对当前天目湖水环境现状,提出了保护水源、改善水质的对策措施:(

1) Strictly controlling the sources of pollution;


31、The life-force of the environmental protection law depends on its actual enforcement in our social life.环境保护法的生命力在于它在社会生活中的具体实施。

32、Green trade barrier is a kind of non- tariff trade measure aiming at environmental protection.绿色贸易壁垒是为了保护环境而实施的一种非关税贸易措施。

33、Fuhao Copper underlines environmental protection, implements clean production, develops circular economy and pursues sustainable development;富豪铜业重视环境保护,实施清洁生产、发展循环经济、追求可持续发展;

34、The non-protected slag muck accounts for 65%;无工程保护措施的渣堆占总数的65%;

35、Mark Held: The EOG's Association for Conservation is a major initiative for the outdoor industry.EOG环境保护基金是户外行业的一个重大举措。

36、The chapter five introduces the relationship and harmony of environmental measures and anti-dumping measures.第五部分,论述环境措施与反倾销措施的关系及协调;

37、New measures were introduced to help domestic workers.已经采取了新措施来帮助保护家佣。

38、Senator Bob Brown from the Greens party says Australians are demanding tough action to protect the environment.绿党成员鲍伯.布朗参议员说,澳大利亚人希望采取严格措施保护环境

39、The existing problems of Bao Tou city ecological environment are summarized, the measures are put forward according to current situation of ecological protection and management.本文在对包头市生态环境现状存在的问题进行了概述,并重点针对目前生态环境保护与管理提出了对策措施。

40、Remises should be situated in an environment which, when considered together with measures to protect the manufacture, presents minimal risk of causing contamination of materials or products.厂房设施应有适合的环境并有相应的生产保护措施,将物料或产品污染的风险因素降至最低。

41、How often do celebrities need security?社会名流有多经常需要保护措施?

42、What provisions are in place to secure data in the multi-tenant infrastructure?有哪些手段可用来保护多租户基础设施环境下的数据安全?

43、This is a memory-leak guard step.这是一个用于防止内存泄漏的保护措施。

44、Some countermeasures of ecologic and geological environment prot ec tion and control are put forward. Typical example and experiences are given.有针对性地提出了生态地质环境保护措施和防治对策,并提供了典型实例和经验。

45、We must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures.为了有力地证明贯彻严格的环境保护措施的紧迫性,我们必须进行简单明了的论证。

46、Tt discusses the orientation, ways, approaches and measures for the sustainable, steady, harmonious and health development of TVEs by taking into account the environmental concerns.讨论了乡镇企业与环境保护之间持续、稳定、协调、健康发展的方向、道路、途径和措施。

47、Incontestably, the implementation of these standard measures have reasonable positive functions. They can protect mankind health and safety, protect the environment and ensure the labor rights;不可否认,这些标准措施的规定和实施具有合理积极的一面,能合理保护人类健康、安全,保护生态环境,维护劳工权益;

48、Industrialized production of premixed concrete is popularizing and practicing in large and medium- sized cities as a powerful measure for environmental protection and concrete quality guaranteeing.大中城市混凝土预拌实现工业化生产已作为保护环境、保证混凝土质量的一项有力措施正被逐步推广实施。

49、The aesthetic pleasures of the High Peaks and other Adirondack wilderness may offer to the modern mind a compelling case for preservation.高峰和其他阿迪朗达克荒野赏心悦目的风景,提议拥有现代化思想(的人们)通过一项保护环境的强制性措施。

50、For tinnitus, protection like ear plugs or ear defenders help.戴上耳塞或者护耳器等保护措施可以防止耳鸣。

经典英文句子51:保护环境的措施,51、Improving working environment, implementing plans and measures for sunstroke prevention and cold prevention.改善工作环境:有效执行防暑降温或防寒保暖计划和措施。

52、To achieve the aims of development of iron and steel production and protection of atmospheric environment, six technical measures have been presented.为了达到发展钢铁生产和保护大气环境的双重目的,作者提出了六项技术改革措施。

53、The recycle of waste plastics as an energy conservation, environmental protection measures was received attention at large.废旧塑料的回收利用作为一项节约能源、保护环境的措施,普遍受到重视。

54、Therefore we must take powerful measures to control and protect the eco-environment in the area.为此,必须采取最切实、最有力的措施去治理和保护库区生态环境。

55、Make the ship-breaking industry have a sustainable development while protecting the environment.加强相关部门的行政执法等措施,在保护环境的同时,可持续地发展拆船行业。

56、Most environmenting problems exist would like . dequconsumed measures for preventing them were not taken in the past.大都环境净化问题的生存,是由于昔日没有采取妥贴的偏护措施。

57、Twelve mines operate without environmental controls, leaching hexavalent chromium into drinking water supplies.12个矿井在没有环境保护措施的情况下开采,六价铬离子不断渗析入饮用水中。

58、The protective strategies of collecting seeds for breeding and enlarging planting area should be carried out.对粘木的保护应采取采种育苗,扩大其种植面积的保护措施。

59、The Paper also sets forth preliminary measures for marine pollution prevention, coastal zone resource exploitation and marine environmental protection.同时,初步阐述了防治海洋污染的措施与海岸带资源开发过程中保护环境的对策。

60、More efforts are needed to prevent toxic coal-dust storms in China and to protect the public's health, warn environmental activists.环保主义者警告中国应该采取更多措施阻止煤尘暴,以保护公众健康。


标签: 环境 保护

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