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1、Dharma means occupation, which you cannot change.


2、d.appropriating subsidiary fees for vocational training and job seeking for the unemployed;


3、Presently serves in Weihai Vocational College.


4、“Look professional, even from the waist-down,” says Purdy.


5、Do career-development and career planning with Team-members


6、Higher vocational and technical education in Germany consists of colleges of Technology (Vocation) and colleges for professional training.


7、When should vocational guidance for secondary vocational school begin?


8、Vocational schools do not award secondary school leaving certificates and the level of the vocational qualification is lower than that in the vocational secondary schools.


9、Ocdupation female how to face to the social pressure


10、Profession burnout is a frequent problem in the field of aid. For professional feature, college counselor is the profession burnout's high -incidence group.


11、From Vocation to Profession, Knowledge to Wisdom and Skills to Tao: Vocational Education and Professionalism Cultivation;


12、I'm in law,he's in painting.


13、In incumbency industry education great majority is medium etc.


14、The OES figures do not include self-employed workers.


15、Her career.


16、New steps have been taken vocational education, county vocational education center, Tamai farmers to upgrade the level of vocational secondary school.


17、First-of-Its-Kind IEEE Computer Society Software Development Certification Examination Offered (2005.09.28)


18、What profession?


19、Despite their lower occupational and non-occupational health status, SSEs are not covered by appropriate and adequate occupational safety and health (OSH) (



20、Francisco Scaramanga: Ours is the loneliest profession, Mr. Bond.

21、Technology positions also account for a good chunk of our top-choice careers.技术行业职位业占了我们首选职业选择的一大块。

22、A career counselor, or any other career development professional, can't tell you whatcareer is best for you.职业顾问,或其他的职业发展专家,都不能告诉你什么样的职业适合你。

23、Femal career self-efficacy can be enhanced by way of professional guidance and training.可以通过职业辅导、职业培训等方法和手段开展增强女性职业自我效能感的辅导。

24、The Yangzhou Occupational university and Xuzhou constructs professional technical institute that good? In addition Nantong professional technology institute?扬州职业大学和徐州建筑职业技术学院那个好?再加上南通职业技术学院呢?

25、In the process of China's sports professionalization, professional sports clubs appeal to set up professional sports unions.在我国体育职业化进程中,职业体育俱乐部提出了成立职业体育联盟的利益诉求。

英文句子26:,26、If a paragon path has a specific class as a prerequisite, you must either be a member of that class or have selected a multiclass feat for the indicated class.如果有典范之道要求特定职业,你必需以那职业作为本职或者选取了那职业的兼职专长。

27、Vocational education is different from vocational training. The nature of education lies in the improvement of personal qualities.职业教育不等于职业培训,教育的本质是人的素质提升,职业教育要以塑造职业人格和培养职业精神为宗旨。

28、医生为病人看病Doctors for patients to see a doctor

29、邮递员为很多的市民送信To a lot of people postman messenger

30、In the preclusive part of the article, concepts like career, the security of career and the security of women's career are explicitly defined.在论文的绪论部分,对职业、职业安全以及女性职业安全等概念进行清晰界定,阐明了女性职业安全对于女性个体、企业以及整个社会的重要意义。

31、The vocational awareness education in vocational school is primarily performed in the required courses "Career Planning" and "Professional Ethics and the Law".中职校德育课职业意识教育主要是在必修课《职业生涯规划》和《职业道德与法律》中进行;

32、In the second part some key concepts were explained, such as profession, professionalizing, professional deans etc and then the professional dean and professional executive were compared further.文章的第二部分对一些关键概念进行了解释,如“ 职业”、“ 职业化”、“ 职业院长”,并对“ 职业院长”和“ 职业经理人”进行了比较分析。

33、The purpose of this study was to probe into occupational requirements and occupational expectations of vocational high school students.本研究旨在探讨高职学生的职业条件与职业期望。

34、Consider consulting , volunteering, part-time work , temp work and self-employment as viable career options.考虑咨询,志愿服务, 兼职工作, 临时工作和自谋职业作为可行的职业选择。

35、We will not accept any freelancer who is working fulltime some other job and doing freelance parttime…我们不会接受任何自由职业者谁是全职工作,做一些其他自由职业业余…

36、Occupation: Braggadocio(Is thia a ……occupation?)职业:吹牛大王(这……是职业吗?)

37、Abstract:Inspector is a very young career, its development need professional standards and professional competence evaluation urgently.摘要:验房师是我国一个非常年轻的职业,其发展急需职业标准及其职业能力评价。

38、These units were conceived for young professionals这些单元是为年轻职业女性设计的

39、Schein's Career Theory is divided into two parts: One is "Career Anchors Theory" and the other is "Career Development Theory".摘 要 对施恩的职业理论进行研究有助于单位对员工进行职业生涯规划。 文章主要研究了施恩的职业锚理论和职业发展理论。

40、CAREER OBJECTIVE - People like to announce their career objective and aspirations on the top of their resume.职业目标——人们喜欢把职业目标和职业期望写在简历最上面。

41、In the workshop industry, home schools and two forms of vocational schools, vocational training, sub-professional theories and business practices, vocational training is also free of charge.在车间学校和行业之家两种形式的职业学校里,职业培训分专业理论和企业实践,职业培训也是免费的。

42、Professional twitterer becomes a real job.职业推手(twitterer)成为新兴职业。

43、Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them.因为作曲家是如此完全地依赖于职 业歌手和职业演奏者,所以职业歌手和职业演奏者肩上的担子可谓不轻。

44、Thus the higher vocational education should protrude the characteristics of career and emphasize the professional guidance and training.因此,高等职业教育必须突出职业特色,认真探讨高职教育的职业特色,强化职业辅导与训。

45、Career! Jeez!职业? 嘘!

46、A professional writer?职业作家?

47、Meanwhile, the author definites the core concepts related to the research, and they are profession, professional standards, teacher's professional standards.并对与本研究相关的概念,即职业、职业标准、教师职业标准等核心概念进行界定。

48、Objective:To make the non-active civilian nurses clear about their career aim, to selection optimized career pathway and achieve success.目的:使非现役文职护士在护理实践过程中明确职业目标,选择最佳的职业路径,最终取得职业成功。

49、There are different development levels in career material self, career social self and career spiritual self, which make up of career self-concept of grade three students in senior high school.高三学生的职业自我概念在职业物质自我、职业社会自我和职业精神自我三个维度上的发展水平不同。

50、Such magazines may be classified into professional and non-professional.它们又分为职业性和非职业性刊物。

经典英文句子51:职业,51、Business neglected is business lost. 忽视职业便是放弃职业。

52、Business neglected is business lost. 忽视职业便是放弃职业。

53、The mechanism of professional manager is considered as an inevitable option for the professionalization of private enterprise management.职业经理制是民营企业管理职业化的必然选择。


标签: 职业

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