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关于”简单句的五个基本句型“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences。以下是关于简单句的五个基本句型的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences


1、And those words were repeating themselves now as Wolff stood before the council recapping the events of the past four months.


2、A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.



13 shows an example of a FORALL statement that repeats an INSERT for each of the elements in arrays departments.

13 显示了 FORALL 语句的示例,其针对阵列部门中的每一个元素重复 INSERT。


4、An evolution model of energy resource supply-demand network was constructed to describe the actual energy resource demand-supply in China.


5、It is a sculpture set based on geometric forms that, represented in their synthesis, could be organic. Constructed from cylinders, they look for the essence of the form.


6、First, let me sketch the other basic view.


7、On the background of the foresaid project, experimental study upon seismic behavior of the model of a distinct part of the prototype is performed in this thesis.


8、Consider the basic problem of writing a command-line script for performance monitoring.

一个简单的日记本程序.rar - 以前在VC知识库中找基于对话框的序列化存储的程序一直没有找到,就自己做了一个。

9、Before looks in the VC knowledge library based on the dialog box sequence memory procedure had not found, oneself has made.


10、But the woman would stop playing at some point, and the travelers would give her a crust of bread, or a coin, or simply a word of thanks if that was all they had to give.


11、Conventionally, drivers assign their device objects a name by concatenating a string naming their device type ("Simple" in this code fragment) with a 0-based integer denoting an instance of that type.



6 starts by declaring an array that contains the short names of the stores and builds those names into a basic XML file.

6 首先声明一个数组,其中包含花店的简写名称,并将这些名称构建到一个基本的 XML 文件中。

在启用 SACR 时,DB2 基于第一条语句的位置选择了一个事务协调者。

13、When SACR is enabled, DB2 chooses a coordinator for the transaction based on the data location of the first statement.


14、The polygon scan conversion problem is a basic problem in Computer Graphics.

可以看到这个 UNION ALL 是两个中间表的 UNION:Q4 和 Q8,来自清单 51 中的优化语句。

15、You can see that the UNION ALL is a UNION of two intermediate tables: Q4 and Q8 from the Optimized Statement in 4b.


16、Any Claim denying the One-China Principle in this book will be rejected.

基本是在暗示这只是一个典型的处理所提交表单值的请求 - 响应(request-and-response)场景。

17、Basic simply implies a typical faces request-and-response scenario dealing with submitted form values.

那个 write 语句将生成一行与 清单

18、That write statement will produce a single line like the ones in Listing

3. Now you are ready for the reduce phase.

3 中的那些行类似的代码。


19、Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.


20、For a logical man, not able to get a word in edgewise, Vienna became a complete turnoff.

21、It is now time to develop a sound physics-based theory of the precursory process that takes us away from simplistic models.现在已经到时间对前兆过程发展一个将我们从简单模型引开的合理的物理学为基础的理论。

22、From 1978 to 2005, the Modern Chinese Dictionary, a medium-sized standard one, shorted as "Dictionary" in the following, has already published five editions.xx年至xx年,规范型中型词典《现代汉语词典》(以下简称“《现汉》”)已公开发行了5个版本(以下简称“5个版本”)。

23、The design of residential dwelling size should basis on the stages. First, began the design from behavior unit.行为单元是每个房间的基本组成元素,而套型是由一个或多个房间组成的。

24、keyboard image by Fyerne from Fotolia.com Every scene, every action and every spoken word in a movie comes from the pages of a script.电影中的每个场景、每个动作每句对话都源自于剧本。

25、Tom and Jim are brothers. There are five people in their family:their parents, their sister and them. A.整个一句话的意思是:汤姆和吉姆是俩兄弟,他们家有五个人:他们的父母亲,他们的姐姐和他们!

英文句子26:,26、The precision of combination prediction model based on forecasting effective measure is better than that of the single models and the combination prediction is optimal for this project.基于预测有效度的组合预测模型的精度高于各个单项预测模型,对于本工程来说是最理想的预测模型。

27、Microsatellites, tandem Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR, 1~微卫星,即简单重复序列(SSR ,1~ 6个碱基单元) ,广泛存在于基因组中,具有丰富的多态性。

6 bp motif) are abundant across the genome and show high levels of polymorphism.

28、Determining which phoneme example should be selected to synthesize each part of the sentence is challenging.要选择哪个音素样本来合成语句的各个部份?这可是极具挑战的工作。

29、Persatuan Kebajikan Shan Xin Negeri Sembilan was established in 2005 and it has now entered its fifth year so far.善行基金会简介善行基金会成立于xx年,迄今已迈入第五个年头。

30、19A third reason is that learning Chinese is, simply, a challenge.简单地说,第三个原因是学习汉语本身就是一个 挑战。

31、It is rather easy. I have two kids, three and five year old. I sum up their ages and I bet on number nine."相当简单。我有两个小孩,一个xx岁一个xx岁,我把他们的年龄加起来,然后就押九号马。"。

32、Pharmacogenomics is an extremely difficult business, one for which there are no easy answers.药物基因组学是一个非常困难的学科,并没有一个简单的答案可以概括之。

33、These two models are at the extremes of simplicity and complex realism.这两个模型在实现机制上趋于简单和复杂的极端。

34、She was essentially feminine in other words a parasite and a chalice.她在本质上是个女人,换句话说,是一个食客和一只酒杯。

35、Third, an active mixer which needs only single-end local oscillator (LO) input is presented, which simplifies the RF block design and reduces the impacts of the phase noise of LO.接着本文提出了一个新型的、只需要单端本振输入的有源混频器,简化了整体电路设计,并降低了本振相噪带来的影响。

36、If the power tool has some electronic components, such as TRIAC, and would be connected to the public power network, EMS must be done.是的, 大多数的电动工具电路非常简单, 只有最基本的几个元件, 按标准分类是不用测试的。

37、Imagine a world where there's a URL for every chapter and paragraph in a book—every sentence, even.想象一下,如果世界上的每本书中的每个章节,每个段落,甚至每一句话都有一个自己的 URL。

38、The more basic the emotions involved, says Chordia, the less listeners want to feel like that someone is simply pushing a button.Chordia说,情感参与地越基本,就会有越少的听众想感觉成只是有人简单按了一个键。

39、This roused a general astonishment ; and he had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and five daughters at once.这句话叫全家都吃了一惊。他的太太和五个女儿立刻迫切地追问他,使他颇为高兴。

40、In the following script, the upCase method has a conditional return statement for zero-length strings.在下面的脚本中,upCase 方法有一个有条件的返回语句,返回非0长度的字符串。

41、The wiki archive is automatically generated on a weekly basis.这个维基的归档包以每个星期为基本时间单位,自动生成。

42、For this article, I will be using a combination of fixed-list dynamic SQL and static embedded SQL (for the UPDATE statement) to create a format-based handler.对于本文,我将结合使用固定列表动态 SQL 和静态嵌入式 SQL(用于 UPDATE 语句)来创建一个基于格式的 Handlder 程序。

43、This article briefly discusses some basic problems in the re-search of space technology socioeconomics.本文简述了有关航天产业社会经济学研究中的几个基本问题。

44、For brevity, this script processes only the first extra argument, argv[1].为了简单起见,这个脚本只处理第一个额外参数 argv[1]。

45、Listing 清单

1 is a plain-text grammar in prototype.

1 是一个普通文本文法的原型。

46、Basically, one small helper class is added for each class that's included in any of the bindings, along with a separate class per binding.基本上会为任何绑定中包含的每个类添加一个小型助手类,并为每个绑定添加一个单独的类。

47、Moreover, the importance and the possibility of AH haplotyping of random individuals were discussed.本文还对祖传单体型研究的意义及随机个体单体型分型的可能性进行了探讨。

48、I've just charted the structure very briefly for you so you can get your footing in the book of Exodus.我把这个结构简单地给你们画出来了,你们便可以在《出埃及记》中找到基本立足点。

49、It is composed of three elements:domain, situation and background, but domain is the most essential.在语言概念空间句群有三个要素:领域、情景和背景,领域是最根本的。

50、You’ll simplify matters and assume that each candidate will have one, and only one, department to which they’ve applied for a job - in other words, a '1' multiplicity.为了简化事情,假设每个 candidate 申请工作的 department 有且只有一个。 换句话说,就是重数为“1”。

经典英文句子51:简单句的五个基本句型,51、In Listing 在清单

6, the loop is out of a synchronized block, so it can be executed by several threads in parallel.

6 中,循环被移出同步语句,所以它可能由多个线程并行执行。

52、A heterogeneous batch update lets you combine several SQL statements with or without parameter markers into a single network call.通过异构批量更新,可以将有或没有参数占位符的多个 SQL 语句组合到一个单独的网络调用中。

53、Also our data support the presence of a gene-dose effect for some haplotypes but not for the single polymorphism sites.此外,本研究结果支持基因剂量效应可能存在于单倍型中,而不与单个位点直接关联。

54、Rising through the roof is the Tower of the Sun, inside Which stands a 160? –foot –tall Tree of Life.穿过屋顶矗立着太阳之塔,在里面有一棵160英尺高的生命之树。 简析:含有两个倒装句。

55、The reasoning is pretty basic: If your boss likes you, she's not going to pick on you or throw you under the bus―and may even put in a good word when an amazing position opens up.这么做的原因很简单:要是老板喜欢你,他就不会找你的碴或者拿你顶罪什么的,甚至还可能在有个好职务虚位以待的时候为你美言几句。

56、Listing 清单

9 contains a code example of the SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement used to register an RPG program as an external stored procedure.

9 包含一个用于将一个 RPG 程序注册为一个外部存储过程的 SQL CREATE PROCEDURE 语句的代码示例。

57、Making a basic linked-list data structure persistent is the easiest exercise; here, a list in Clojure is bound to a var named "a"持久化基本链表数据结构是最简单的;在这里,Clojure 中的一个列表绑定到一个名为 “a” 的变量

58、The database statistics hold information about connection times and aggregate additional statistics for each individual statement.数据库的统计值持有有关连接次数的信息,并聚合每个单独语句的额外统计值。

59、Create a new document with 600px X 300px.新建一个600px*300px的文件(pixels,基本单位,像素)。

60、thousands of people stay on-purpose for God.在马鞍峰教会我们建立了一个简单的个人评估工具,帮助成千人保持在神的五个目的里。

61、The basic unit of organization was the individual trooper.冲锋队建制的基本单位是单个士兵。

62、The first and primary way that an employer uses a resume is to screen candidates out.但是招聘人读简历的第一个和最基本的目的是从一堆简历中找出候选人。

63、Notice how the program statements in Listing 注意清单

3 that extend over more than one line are indented to improve readability.

3 中扩展到多个行的程序语句是如何缩进以改善可读性的。

64、I do so simply to introduce the subject of this essay, which is the word sankhara itself.不过我在此引用这个偈句,非是作为讣告的开端,仅是为了介绍本文的主题—— sankhara[行]这个词本身。

65、The construction of exact moment-matching models for distributed RLC transmission lines involves a tedious and complicated procedure using previous methods.本文给出了获得RLC传输线精确矩模型的一个简单方法,避免了以往方法复杂的推导。

66、So, let me sketch for you two basic positions on this question.让我简述一下该问题的两个基本观点

67、This article demonstrates a sample realization and shows circumventions for potential pitfalls.本文将演示一个简单的实现,并说明潜在缺陷的危害。

68、Also available is a combined report, which is simply a concatenation of View-based and Basic reports.同样可用的还有一个合并的报告,它是一个简单的基于视图和基础报告的连接体。

69、In other words, it is not possible for a component to join a transaction that happens to be local in nature.换句话说,对于一个组件来说联接一个恰好是本地的这务,这是不可能的。

70、In other words, how will db4o react if I run an existing Person-based query against the database when no Mood instances are stored (shown in Listing 换句话说,当数据库中没有存储 Mood 实例时,如果在数据库上运行一个基于已有的 Person 的查询,db4o 将如何作出响应(见清单



71、All wrapped into a powerful, yet easy to use, Qt-based GUI.

72、The adjacent complex molecules 其中,化合物1是一个以线性四核铜配合物为基本单元的一维链聚合物,此时水杨醛缩苯氧基乙酰腙配体L1是五啮配体。

1 are linked by N-N bridge of the pentadentate ligand L1, resulting in an one-dimensional polymer.

73、As with all REST-based services, things get rolling with an HTTP request to a designated resource.跟所有基于 REST 的服务一样,归结到一句话就是一个针对指定资源的 HTTP 请求。


标签: 简单

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