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关于”互联网的缺点“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Disadvantages of the Internet。以下是关于互联网的缺点的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Disadvantages of the Internet


1、David Lanz: The Internet, I think is great.


2、Software upgradeable via internet



3、Mobile Internet develops very rapidly in modern time, mobile becomes mostly approach to get on mobile internet, and mobile client is one of important instruments for customer to use mobile internet.


4、TCP/IP internets tend to be built using routers instead of bridges, so we'll focus on routers.


5、In the next generation Internet, the research of the intellectualized family network and community is a point.


6、Shop for Internet Shopzilla wall.


7、Currently, the research on the security and credibility issues of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) is still insufficient.


8、For the case of reciprocal and nonreciprocal networks in cascade, a method determining the reciprocal property of the resultant network is also presented.


9、Fromwhat has been discussed above I am inclined to support the former view becauseI convince that the advantages of the internet far weigh the disadvantages.


10、'We see many disadvantages in this settlement, ' the Internet Archive's Brantley said.


11、21st century is the era of Internet.


12、Lack of interaction: One of the disadvantages of open courses is that you cannot communicate with the professor.


13、Zhu Xianqing objects regarding the network as the point of view of great scourges especially, "Internet stands like a start, terminus has countless however."


14、Some believe that embarrassing things will become less embarrassing once everyone can see everyone else’s faults – the internet as community of the flawed.


15、He rules over friends, teams, clubs, committees, professional associations, networking, science (interconnectivity), electricity, and the Internet.


16、Due to the fictitious character of internet, the actions of crime on the internet usually appeared transnational character.


17、It included this equation: Internet + Internet of Things = Wisdom of the Earth.


18、Many Chinese still lack knowledge of computers, or have little need to use the Internet, according to the CNNIC.


19、A startup in four easy steps: IP, ping pong table, zen desk, IPO.


20、Intenet has been became an important part of our life today. But intenet also has its advantages and disadvantages.

21、The shuffle exchange network is among the most interesting interconnection networks that have been subject to much research in the field of parallel computing.洗牌交换网是最流行的互连网络之一,然而,它的缺点之一便是缺少最短路由算法。

22、LAN, or the Internet, point to point transmission, or communication software.局域网,或互联网,点对点传输,或通信软件。

23、He fell back on the philosophy that Yahoo should be users' “starting-point” for the internet.他重拾往日观点,即雅虎应成为用户登录互联网的“起点”。

24、The emergence of web technology, has made it possible to develop internet-based software, providing quality-assured service, at a far lower price compared to traditional methods.互联网的出现,导致一种以互联网为背景的网络语音通信软件出现。

25、BSP and driver design of the interconnecting gateway are the emphases of the dissertation.互联网关的BSP和驱动程序设计是本论文的重点。

英文句子26:,26、Fiber-optic cables are the lifelines for connecting Internet users on different continents.光导纤维是各大洲的互联网用户相互联络的生命线。

27、With the popularization and development of the internet, E-journal has become an important part of network advertisement.随着互联网的迅速普及和发展, 电子杂志广告已成为网络广告不可或缺的一部分。

28、The Internet seems to have become an indispensable part in modern lire .互联网似乎已经成为不可缺少的一部分在现代里拉。

29、And the fact is that China's control of the Internet also hampers its own Internet companies.事实是中国对其互联网的控制也对他本国的互联网公司造成了障碍。

30、Why isn't there compulsory internet filtering so children can be protected from internet predators?为什么没有强制性的互联网过滤,以便保护儿童,使其远离互联网上的毒蛇猛兽?

31、This did not mean, however, that the Internet was devoid of content produced by the public.但是,这并不意味着互联网过去缺乏公众创作的内容。

32、With the advent of high-speed Internet access, backing up your data to a remote location over the Internet is becoming more feasible.随著互联网快速存取的出现, 把您的数据透过互联网备份到一个远程地点正变得越来越可行。

33、The qualities of Internet such as openness, swiftness and interactiveness determine complexity, toughness and long-time.互联网的开放、快速、互动等特点决定了净化网络环境的复杂性、艰巨性、长期性。

34、This is not a problem: You are Internet or intranet connected with access to technology.这不成问题:只要能访问互联网或内联网。

35、Mobile customers in Africa are leapfrogging the "traditional" web and going straight for massive WAP and mobile web adoption.非洲的移动用户们跳过传统互联网,直接使用WAP和移动站点浏览互联网。

36、Do you have Internet-access?你有互联网入口吗?

37、IBM Workplace Web Content Management delivers end-to-end Web content management for Internet, intranet, extranet, and portal sites.IBM Workplace Web Content Management 为互联网、内部网、外部网和门户站点提供端对端的 Web 内容管理。

38、With the development of Internet and the rapid increase in the number of its users, how to use this new medium for science popularization and dissemination has become a multi-hot issue.随着互联网技术的发展和中国网民人数的快速增加,如何利用互联网这一新型媒介进行科学普及和科学传播成为多方关注的热点问题。

39、SUSAN TELTSCHER: "There are still very huge divides when it comes to accessing the Internet, especially high-speed Internet."特切尔:“谈到互联网接入,尤其是高速互联网,仍然存在巨大的差距。

40、This is the times of a new media like a rising wind and scudding clouds that is a delegate with Internet, internet is changing our life in little.这是一个以互联网为代表的新媒体风起云涌的时代,互联网正在一点点改变我们的生活。

41、DOUG SZAJDA: "It's sort of like the post office of the Internet.萨拉耶达:“IPv6有点像互联网上的邮局。

42、其中谈到这样一个等式:互联网+物联网=地球智慧。It included this equation: Internet + Internet of Things = Wisdom of the Earth.

43、The ARPANET was one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet.阿帕网是一个“前夕,”网络今天的互联网。

44、It included this equation:Internet + Internet of Things = Wisdom of the Earth.其中提到了这样一个等式:互联网+物联网=地球智慧。

45、Give an outline of the developing of future networks, the reason of designing next-generation internet is to solve the problems of using internet architecture.对未来互联网发展作了简单介绍,下一代互联网是为突破目前互联网体系结构所存在的问题而需要进行更合理的设计的。

46、Lack of PC knowledge and unfamiliarity with the Internet are the biggest influences on whether or not someone goes online.能否上网最大的问题是人们对于互联网还不熟悉以及缺乏电脑知识。

47、I learned Internet of Things is a network that can be applied to infrastructure and services.他们给我介绍什么是物联网,物联网就是传感器加互联网,也就是说通过传感器可以将互联网运用到基础设施和服务产业,它有着广阔的前景。

48、With the improvement of the internet, streaming multi-media technology is becoming popular in daily life. More people choose internet to order services like VOD and online TV for entertainment.随着互联网的飞速发展,流媒体技术正越来越得到普遍的应用,越来越多的人们选择从互联网上获得视频点播、网络电视等服务。

49、The drawback of the internet is that you have to be literate to use it.互联网的缺点就是人们必须得有文化才能使用它。

50、Imperfection is a part of the world we live in, and the internet is no exception.我们生活的这个世界里缺陷的存在不可避免,互联网也不例外。

经典英文句子51:互联网的缺点,51、Also, the laptops are able to connect wirelessly to each other, as well as the Internet if local service is available.此外,它还具有无线联网功能。 而且如果本地有提供互联网服务,还可以连接到互联网。

52、Internet is number one!国内互联网实是底呱呱!

53、Any interconnection between telecommunication networks within a local network shall have two or more interconnection points in principle.在一个本地网内各电信网网间互联原则上应当有两个以上(含两个)互联点。

54、As a basis for networking, common Internet identity technologies are various networking and application of interconnection of the urgent need to develop basic technologies.作为网络基础,通用的物联网标识技术是各种物联网应用互联互通迫切需要发展的基础技术。

55、Would mass e-interaction bog down the White House?互联网上的互动会否让白宫陷入困顿?

56、The markets recovered quickly and the dotcom bubble reached its apogee.金融市场很快恢复元气,而互联网泡沫则达到其最高点。

57、Who should run the internet?互联网该由谁来管?

58、The viewpoint thinks, internet is a kind of fictitious world and with real life entirely different, internet is with actual society unhook " a haven of peace " .有观点认为,互联网是一种虚拟世界并且与现实生活泾渭分明,互联网是与现实社会脱钩的“世外桃源”。

59、The disadvantages of using the Internet in children's education disquiets many parents.在儿童教育中使用互联网的缺点使得很多父母担忧。

60、But veteran Chinese Internet users still remember an Internet-based life experiment in 1999.但是,有经验的中国互联网用户应该还记得xx年那个基于互联网的生活实验。

61、To enact the development programs of internet press undertakings and guide and coordinate internet press reports.制定互联网新闻事业发展规划,并指导协调互联网新闻报道工作。

62、Chinese domain name " internet of make one's bow, it is the achievement that Chinese Internet bound tries hard for years."“中国域名”正式进入国际互联网,是中国互联网界多年努力的成果。

63、About 14% of the world's Internet users are in North America – where 76% of the population are already using the Internet.约14%的互联网用户在北美---其中76%的用户已经在使用互联网。

64、The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for technical management of IETF activities and the Internet standards process.互联网工程指导组(IESG)主要负责IETF的技术管理工作,以及互联网标准化过程。

65、The database is web-accessible.资料库可经互联网登入。

66、The report also revealed that people who never use the Internet do so because they lack computer knowledge or have no Internet access.报告透露,人们没有上网的原因是他们缺乏电脑知识或没有联接互联网的条件。

67、Studies of the psychology of the Internet focus on the relationship between the behavior and social-psychological health associated with Internet use.在互联网心理学研究中,互联网使用行为与使用者社会-心理健康的关系是研究者关注的重点。

68、The technology bubble's bursting in 2000 was supposed to put an end to the dreams of oddball Internet startups.xx年的互联网泡沫被看作是奇奇怪怪的互联网公司美梦破灭的象征。

69、Intranet- and internet-based CALL improved the students' English reading more than did intranet-based CALL alone.其次,使用内联网和互联网比单独使用内联网更能提高学生的英语阅读水平;

70、Microsoft's Internet business has struggled to gain a foothold in China.微软的互联网业务一直努力想在中国获得立足点。

71、Lack of built-in network management techniques is one of the biggest weaknesses in today’s Internet.缺少内建的网络管理技术是现在互联网最大的缺点之

72、One crucial thing was still missing before ARPANET could become the internet as it is known today.阿帕网要成为现今众所周知的互联网,尚缺关键一环。

73、I think the primary demerit of the internet today is that it offers so much that it becomes irresistible and has an overpowering effect on our day-to-day life.我认为,互联网最大的缺点是它提供东西实在太多以致对我们的日常生活产不可抗拒的影响。

74、Discuss the internetworking and integration of UMTS and WLAN.阐述两种网络互联互通的融合方案;

75、Mobile internet in emerging markets移动互联网络的新兴市场

英文句子模板76:Disadvantages of the Internet,76、Agriculture informatization; Internet +; suihua.农业信息化;互联网+;绥化市%。

77、How did you decide the internet was the best mouthpiece for your views?你如何确定互联网就是你观点的最好代言人?

78、In 2007, 155 million Chinese internet users relied on the web to read news, accounting for 73.6% of the total internet population, according to Cinic.根据Cinic的报告在xx年,一亿五千五百万互联网用户依赖于网络阅读新闻,占互联网人口的73.6 %。

79、There were a number of actors that created PIAPs.在公共互联网接入点的舞台创建当中,许多演员粉墨登场。


标签: 互联网 缺点

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