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关于”有关动物“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Related animals。以下是关于有关动物的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Related animals


1、But to be a good animal trainer, he has to know well and care deeply about the animals he has befriended.


2、I gain some kno ledge about animal life such as different lives of different animals, the relationship bet een people and nature, people and animal, and the meaning of animal protection.


3、In animal studies cancer has only been associated with metal carcinogens involving continual or repeated exposure.


4、The 'Oxford University Museum of Natural History' houses the University's scientific collections of zoological, entomological, paleontological and mineral specimens.


5、In the last part, I summarized imaginary animals and emphasized on how we should look on them according to the debate about totem of dragon.


6、Cryptozoology, the study of “hidden animals”, concerns itself with animals whose existence has not yet been recognized by mainstream science.

In this case, the animals were lemurs –a type of primate related to monkeys and apes.



8、The animals are kept in close confinement.


9、Some animals will not breed when caged.


10、The zoo shop can do a nice line in panda-related merchandise.


11、According to the survey, emerging infectious diseases in

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4 and wildlife-related.

the cast-offs of human society.我看著收容所里所有被关在笼内的小动物…人类社会的抛弃物。

12、I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter…


13、While running, the animal's hippocampal cells fired in order, corresponding with the animal's position on the track.


14、A dose - effect relationship was observed in the animal.


15、Some studies have linked saccharin to cancer in rodents.


16、Flying lemurs are considered the closest living relatives to primates.


17、There are also theme parks about cartoon characters-animals , even about water .


18、The Gateway contains documents and information on Farm Animal Welfare and related topics in the following categories


19、We spent hours discussing kinesiology and biomechanics—it was fun!


20、Her latest book, Animals Make Us Human, is an amazing tour de force of animal–human relationships, with chapters on our companion animals, as well as on livestock, wildlife, and zoos.

21、The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density.浮游植物密度与浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动关系不密切。

22、The scientists also found fossils of eight other primitive animals, some of which are a key to the evolution of mammals, which arose at about the same time as dinosaurs.这些科学家们还发现了八种其他原始动物的化石,其中有些动物是哺乳动物进化的关键,这些哺乳动物与恐龙大约同时出现。

23、Each lake has some kind of connection with animals.原来我们看的每个海子都跟动物有关。

24、These features led the paleontologists to conclude that the animal was closer to living placentals on the mammalian family tree than to pouched marsupials, such as kangaroos.这些部分的特征让古生物学家得以作出这样的结论:这种动物在哺乳动物谱系中,与有胎盘类的关系较与有袋类(如袋鼠)的关系更接近。

25、Concerned keepers sent the animals for a check up after hearing about the milk contamination and have now stopped feeding with Sanlu milk.相关人士听到牛奶中含有有毒物质后立即把动物们送去体检,现在他们已经停止用三鹿生产的奶粉喂养动物。

英文句子26:,26、The spread of car ownership has prompted many spin-offs.汽车保有率的提高,推动了许多相关事物。

27、The Gateway provides a single access point for international and national information related to farm animal welfare.通过农场动物福利之门,可以直接了解有关农场动物福利的国际和国内信息。

28、Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is everyone's responsibility Publicizing and promoting the concept of care for stray animals around;爱护动物人人有责 宣传、推广关爱身边流浪动物的理念;

29、Related to shrimp and crabs, the giant isopod is a deep-sea crustacean that makes its home on the ocean floor.巨型等足目动物与虾和蟹有关,是以海底为家的深海甲壳纲动物。

30、In the book, published in May by the University of California Press, Balcombe surveys a new generation of studies into animal feelings, especially animal pleasure.在这本加州大学出版社xx月份出版的书中,Balcombe检索里有关动物情感,尤其是有关动物欢乐的最新研究。

31、Last week , Miss Liu told us about some interesting animals .上周,刘老师高速我们关于一些有趣动物的知识。

32、Faunal assemblage are directly related to the depositional environment.动物群落与沉积环境有直接关系。

33、Of or belonging to the family Equidae, which includes the horses, asses , and zebras.马科的属于马科的动物,包括马,驴,斑马,与马科动物有关的。

34、The relationship between plant and pollinator is a mutualistic one.植物和授粉动物之间的关系是典生关系。

35、Is there really a connection between animal behavior and earthquakes or has this been debunked?动物的行为和地震之间确实有关吗?

36、The good animal communicator cares about animals and cares about people.一位好品行和道德的动物传心术师必会关心人和动物。

37、This helps to explain why two closely related animals might have similar eye shapes even though one animal is diurnal and the other is nocturnal.这有助于解释为什么两种有亲缘关系的动物眼睛的形状相似,即使一种动物是白天活动,另一种则是夜间出行。

38、As an air pollutant, NO2 has several correlated activities.作为一种空气污染物,二氧化氮具有几个相关联的活动

39、In this case, the animals were lemurs –a type of primate related to monkeys and apes.在此项案例中,被实验的动物是狐猴,这是一种与猴子,猿有关的灵长目动物。

40、The study of vibration is concerned with the oscillatory motions of bodies and the forces associated with them.振动的研究涉及到物体的振荡运动以及与此有关的力。

41、Goiania's zoo, which houses about 600 animals, closed its gates on 21 July after the deaths of 47 animals, including a lion, a jaguar, two hippos, an ant-eater and a caiman.哥亚尼亚动物园拥有大约600只动物,在有47头动物死亡后于xx月xx日关闭,死亡的动物包括一头狮子,2匹河马,一只食蚁兽和一只凯门鳄。

42、I like watching programmes about animals.我喜欢有关动物类节目。

43、The neo-cortex, found only in mammals, developed to deal with parenthood and complex social interactions, Markram said.马克莱姆说,新皮层只在哺乳动物中发现,与亲子关系的认知和复杂的社会交往活动有关。

44、They also tend to be less prone to breed-specific health problems, and there's a school of thought that they're smarter than purebreds.杂交动物它们的品种有关的健康问题也少,有一个学派也认为它们比纯种动物更加聪明。

45、Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的概括性理论。

46、Though there’s still more evidence for primate than cetacean personhood, Gero said accumulating research “will start tipping the scales.”葛洛说,尽管有关灵长类动物人格的证据依然比有关鲸目动物人格的证据多,不断累积的研究成果“必将开始使倾斜这个天平。”

47、They are involved in many types of intracellular movements in plant and animal cells.动植物细胞的许多种类型细胞内运动与肌动蛋白有关。

48、The science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problem.药物警戒指的是有关药物不良作用或任何其他药物相关问题的发现,评估,理解及预防的科学与活动。

49、All submitted material has to be relevant for farm animal welfare.所有提交的材料要和农场动物福利有关。

50、Virginia Morell is writing a book about animal minds.弗吉尼亚·莫雷尔正在写一本有关动物思维的书。

经典英文句子51:有关动物,51、There is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure.哈弗森管恒温动物和骨结构之间也有相应的关联。

52、Transpiration, the crux for the bio-activity of plants, is essential for the physiological process of plants.蒸腾作用是植物生命活动的关键点,在植物生理活动过程中具有重要的意义。

53、A far more uh, worrisome for the dualist, do animals have minds?关于二元论还有更多的担忧,动物们有思维么?

54、Some people think that all the zoos should be closed, because zoos are cruel. However, others think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有人认为动物应该关闭,因为过于残忍,然而,有人认为动物园可以保护稀有动物,讨论两方观点,给出你的结论。

55、There is a report in the literature on flying copepods .有这麽一篇文章是关于能够飞翔的桡足动物的。

56、We also have people working in publicity, animal sponsorship, and events.我们也有部门的成员投入公关工作、动物助养、以及定期的活动。

57、Those related to an animal epidemic disease occurring in a cordoned-off epidemic area;封锁疫区内与所发生动物疫病有关的;

58、And some were just waiting to make their share of animal puns.还有一些人专门等着抖出和动物有关的俏皮话呢。

59、Chorion: the outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles birds and mammals. in placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.绒毛膜:在爬行类动物,鸟类及哺乳类动物中包含胚胎的外膜,在有胎盘哺乳动物中与胎盘的发育有关。

60、Nobody expects to go to the zoo and find all of the animals housed in the same enclosure, or even the same type of enclosure.没有人希望去动物园看到所有的动物关在同一个笼子里,或者甚至是关在相同类型的笼子里。

61、There is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure.恒温动物和骨结构之间也有相应的关联。

62、Ariel is associated with lions and other animals of the non-domesticated kind.亚列尔与狮子及其他未被驯养的动物有关。

63、Merger&acquisition and investment in biopharmaceutical companies are also increasingly hot.有关生物医药公司的并购和投资活动日益增多。

64、Travel is a significant factor. Malaria prevention varies by geographic region - ie is chloroquine resistant strain present or absent.旅行是一个显著的因素。哺乳动物的免疫能力与该种类动物的地域性有关。

65、Some blood is not the birth mother Fox, will be automatically sent to food.一些有血缘关系又没有生育的母狐,也会自动送来食物。

66、This site is a complex information resource on paleontological and zoological classification.此站点提供有关古生物学和动物学分类的信息资源。

67、Anecdotal evidence abounds ofanimals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects exhibiting strangebehavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an earthquake.关于震前几周到几秒时间内大量哺乳动物、鱼、鸟、爬行动物以及昆虫等动物的行为异常的逸事证据很多,然而具有一致性的并且可靠的震前动物行为异常,以及导致动物行为异常的机制,仍然困惑着我们。

68、Horn, head; with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn-shaped objects, and projecting parts.角, 头; 与有角的动物、角形物体和突出的部位有关的派生词。

69、Each year of the Chinese lunar calendar is associated with an animal.中国农历的每xx年都和一种动物有关。

70、But we think the surname of clan in old china has not inevitable relation with totem.图腾是原始人认为和自己有血缘关系的自然物,动物、植物或非生命的物体,主要是动物。


标签: 动物

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