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关于”与食物有关“的英语句子42个,句子主体:related to food。以下是关于与食物有关的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:related to food


1、However, witheach hurried, unconscious bite, we step further away from merging with everything that food connects us to: ourselves, community, and the Divine.


2、Can you bring me those sets of flash cards of 'food and drink' ?


3、This stress-related substance is also elevated in people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

4、The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃

食养与食疗与中医的药食同源、 医食同源思想有关。

5、Fresh dependent and therapeutic medicine and Chinese medicine homologous food, medicine, fresh thinking on the homology.


6、So food security is not only about food, but it is all about security.


7、An apple a day keeps the doctor away .


8、Conclusion The incidence of fatty liver has close relationship with high-fat and high-protein diet and unhealthy eating habit.

除少数空运食品之外,与食物生产相关的碳排放的主要来源并非 “食物运输里程”。

9、Except for a few air-freighted foods, the main cause of the emissions isn't "food miles".

10、An apple a day keeps the doctor away .每天一个苹果可以让你不


11、"It was a bit of a surprise to us that high-fat dairy foods were positively related to fertility, " he said.


12、While most foods are related to special taste, texture, and appearance, there are some that have a biologiclal connection. Do you have foods that put you in the mood for love?


13、No association was seen between diverticulitis and eating corn, and no association with diverticular bleeding was seen with any of the foods.

14、An apple a day keeps the doctor away .每天一个苹果


15、The researchers suggest that the whole grains may have helped by stabilizing the dieters' blood sugar, which in turn may have had a beneficial effect on CRP levels.

16、The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。


17、This condition can be brought about by being genetically succepbtible to this condition, over-eating, or consuming a large amount of highly processed carbohydrates.


18、Every newsletter, publication and magazine that has anything to do with vegetarian or vegan wants to know about this.


19、It has been shown that the symbiotic gut microbiota in wood-feeding lower termites plays an important role in the digestion of different plant components.


20、These economic types are closely related to their diets and they are all the food sources for Khitan people. With these economic types as the basis, they forms and develops their diet culture.

21、Does it change how humans appreciate food, what it does to their relationship with food, and of course what it does to their health and well being.这会改变人类对待食物的方式吗,这会对人类与食物的关系有什么影响,这对人类的健康又有什么影响

22、It might be appropriate to use the questionnaire in studies on nutrients and diseases, but it must be with cautions to use this questionnaire in studies on food and diseases.提示该食物频率问卷用于营养素与疾病关系的研究较为适宜,而用于食物与疾病关系研究时应持慎重态度。

23、Global trade has implications in terms of potential foodborne disease or other contaminated goods.全球贸易与潜在的食源性疾病或其他受污染的物品密切有关。

24、There is much seemingly scientific bickering and confusion, for instance, over diet and dietary supplements and their links with health.例如,关于过度饮食和食品添加物以及它们与健康之间的关系,就有很多表面上看起来挺科学的争论和混淆之处。

25、In consciously working with the plant kingdoms relied upon for food source, evolution can occur for all concerned.在有意识地与作为食物源的植物王国进行合作时,进化就能为相关的万物而发生。

英文句子26:,26、The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food-to supply the energy for movement.第二是与食物对身体的主要用途有关,即食物供给身体活动所需的能量。

27、Include such topics as types of food eaten, foods used in relation to territoriality, sharing of food, and learning.包含此类的主题如吃的食物种类,与地盘有关的食物利用,分享食物及学习。

28、Only the hungry people or the greedy eater will care about food and delicious!也只有饥饿的人或是馋嘴贪吃的人才会关心食物与好吃的!

29、Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。

30、However, witheach hurried, unconscious bite, we step further away from merging with everything that food connects us to: ourselves,community, and the Divine.然而,伴随每一口匆忙的、无意识的进食,我们从所有与食物有关的事物出发走得更远:自我、社区和达尔文。

31、Chinese medicine had very close relationship with food since ancient time.神农尝百草,伊尹创汤药后,中医药与食物便有不可分的密切关系。

32、Results The 结果与食管癌发病有关的变量4个,分别为喜食烫食物、喜食酸辣食品、饮酒和吸烟。

4 main variants like eating hot food, eating sour and hot food, drinking and smoking relate to the genesis of esophageal cancer.

33、The morphology of stomach was mainly related to life habit. Small intestine was closely related to the food quality. Caecum and large intestine reflected discrepancy of food habit more.胃的形态结构主要与生活习性有关,小肠与食物质量关系紧密,盲肠和大肠与则主要反映食性的差别。

34、The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的

35、Health Department officials say the food poisoning was related to cross contamination of cooked and uncooked food.卫生署相信,今次食物中毒是与生熟食物交差污染有关。

36、Well, how do these two humans differ in their relationship to food?这两类人与食物的关系有什么不同呢

37、Overeating is often about portion sizes. The main message conveyed here is to simply be more aware of the portion sizes of each food group.过量进食往往与食物的份量大小有关。餐盘图像传达的主要信息是只简单地关注各组食物的份量。

38、Food deficiency, temperature change both has consanguineous relation with its population quantity.食物缺乏,气温变化与其种群数量的改变有密切关系。

39、The majority of the meat-related emissions come from land clearance and from methane emissions associated with the animals' digestion.与肉食相关的排放大都来自土地清理和与动物消化道有关的甲烷排放。

40、The ceramic tablewares have a bearing on human body.陶瓷食具是盛放食物的容器,与人体健康休戚相关。

41、It is made in the body from foods such as chicken soup and chocolate, which are rich in the chemical tryptophan (hence, some think, the “feel-good” factor associated with these foods).在人体内,血清素由鸡汤和巧克力等食物制造,这些食物富含一种化学物质色氨酸(tryptophan)(因此有些人认为,“感觉良好”的因素与这些食物有关)。

42、Any of various poisonous fish related to the puffers that are used as food, especially in Japan, after the poisonous skin and organs have been removed.任何一种与做食物用的河豚有关的有毒鱼类。尤指日本河豚鱼。此类鱼除去有毒皮肤与内脏后可以食用。

43、What salt is to food, wit and humour are to conversation and literature.隽语与幽默和会话与文学的关系就像盐和食物的关系一样。

44、This shows part of the changed relationship with food.这个展现了人类与食物关系改变的一部分

45、Inattention (30.6%), eating too fast (22.8%) and fish mixed with other food (25.2%) were frequently associated with the occurrence of fishbone ingestion.自述鱼刺哽刺的原因通常与分心(30.6%)、食物混入鱼刺(25.2%)或饮食速度太快(22.8%)有关。

46、Some people describe their relationships with food as being "passionate" - and I see mine a little that way too.有一些人把他们和食物的关系描述为感觉很“热切”,我看我跟食物的关系也有点像那样。

47、And food-related allergies, as some people preferable seafood, chocolate, etc. and cause allergy and generate Zhenyan.与食物有关的过敏,如有些人嗜食海鲜、巧克力等等而引起过敏并产生针眼。

48、The discovery follows a number of major food poisoning outbreaks linked to imports.英国在出现多宗和入口食物有关的大型食物中毒爆发事件后有此发现。

49、Children'waiting time(food)was associated negatively with children'adaptability.延迟等待时间(食物)与趋避性负相关显著。

50、Good with: a variety of foods, particularly rich heavier foods.宜与各种食物相配,最佳与口味重的食物相配。



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