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1、Han Baoming (right), professor at School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University.


2、The simulation result shows that it can real-timely control the traffic condition through parameter tuning of traffic lights and it can relieve local erumpent traffic peak especially.


3、The confusion caused by the traffic order is inefficient because of traffic.


4、Morning traffic is aways very heavy.


5、Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) is a large-scale and cheap traffic information dissemination technology to moderate traffic congestion and enhance traffic service.


6、It looks at transport and how that's grown.


7、The survey includes questions about commuting time, time spent in traffic, the price of gas, stress, anger and how traffic affects work.


8、To meet travel demand of different modes and ensure the efficiency of a large public transit exchange terminal, it is important to efficiently manage traffic outside the terminal.


9、Ecologic transportation and usage of biogas as transport fuel are promoted.


10、Therefore, it is necessary to decentralize traffic flow.


11、The service level of traffic communication should be improved and the modernization of traffic transportation will be promoted if the data special network is built and used.


12、A General Introduction on Non-Speech Communication in the Service Work in Library;


13、Mixed traffic flow, which is the main characteristic of metropolitans in China, is regarded as one of the primary reason for serious traffic congestion.


14、An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.

本学位论文主要从规划设计的角度研究了地下道路交通特性、跟 驰特性、交通流模型、通行能力以及交通设计等问题。

15、As viewed from planning and design, this dissertation is focused on traffic characteristic, car-following characteristic, traffic flow model, capacity, and traffic design.


16、On the one hand, traffic micro-circulation can shunt traffic of arterial roads and smooth traffic running;


17、Traffic blocking.


18、Smarter cars would also be able to communicate with each other, preventing collisions and congestion.


19、Bus rapid transit(BRT) is a new model of public transportation.


20、The results were reduced traffic congestion and road-based transport emissions.

21、In this place whoever violates regulations governing traffic and transportation and thereby causes a serious accident, he commits the…在此场所行为违反交通运输管理法规,造成重大交通事故的成立交通肇事罪。

22、Depending on the condition, traffic control agencies need to set up roadblocks or re-direct traffic in areas of water logging.交通管理部门应当根据路况在强降雨路段采取交通管制措施,在积水路段实行交通引导;

23、In the dissertation, two types of traffic incidents are classified. The effects of recurring incident and non-recurring incident on traffic flow are studied.本文通过对交通事件特征的分析,将高速公路交通事件划分为常发性与偶发性两类,分别描述这两类交通事件对交通流的影响。

24、The traffic of Kuning is leading everywhere.昆明的交通四通八达。

25、The MCTA may entrust the MCRCAS to impose the administrative punishment that is to be imposed by the MCTA as provided by these Regulations.市交通局可以委托市轨道交通处实施本条例规定由市交通局实施的行政处罚。

英文句子26:,26、Reciprocals and selfs are usually excluded.反交和自交通常不包括在内。

27、Convenient traffic, the number of lines to direct traffic.交通便捷,多条交通线路可直达。

28、The new traffic law will take effect next week.新交通法下星期生效。 新交通法下星期生效。

29、To connect by or as if by lacing together; interweave.使交错通过(或好象)交织连接在一起; 使交织。

30、Water. Transportation.能源,水,交通,建筑。

31、In a bus stop, road traffic flow is often delayed by bus.公交站点的运行往往影响道路交通流畅通与否。

32、With the success of 2008 Beijing Olympics, the fourth China Advanced Transport Forum aimed to draw experiences from the Olympic traffic and provide a direction for post-Olympic traffic.本次论坛以“奥运交通的启示与奥运后交通”为主题,结合北京2008奥运会的成功举办,总结奥运交通经验,并探索奥运后交通的发展。

33、Fuyang traffic advantage in fuyang location, convenient traffic.阜阳交通优势阜阳区位交通便捷。

34、Construing the traffic state reasonablely is an important basis for collaboration of Traffic Control and Route Guidance System.合理分析道路的交通状态,是交通控制系统与交通流诱导系统协同的重要依据。

35、In the city traffic network, the traffic information's effect on the traffic flow is a very complex and dynamic progress.城市交通网络外,交通信做闭于交通流的影响非一个非常庞纯的动态入程。

36、First of all, we should classify the traffic factors of the street intersections in Shanghai to traffic capacity, drainage and intersection shape.首先对上海市街道交叉口的交通要素进行分类,交通要素主要涉及通行能力、渠化和交叉口形状;

37、Traffic accident and traffic accident crime, traffic accident and fled after the hit and run traffic deaths caused by the relevant judicial interpretations.交通肇事及交通肇事罪、交通肇事后逃逸及交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的相关司法解释。

38、To increase awareness of traffic laws and regulations to reduce artificial traffic jams, through all sectors of society to work together to create a good traffic environment.要加大交通法规宣传,减少人为的交通拥堵,通过社会各方面的共同努力,共创良好的交通环境。

39、Transportation: Singapore's land transport is very developed, including the subway, bus, taxi, etc. student travel cost about SGD 80 per month.交通:新加坡的陆路交通非常发达,包括地铁、公交车、出租车等等,学生的交通费用大约每月八十新币。

40、To reduce transport accident in city we must publicize traffic regulations and improve road conditions.在城市要加大交通法规宣传,整顿交通秩序,改善道路条件,降低交通事故。

41、Urban transportation network is a mixed traffic network, composed of cars, taxies, buses and so on.城市交通网络是由自驾车、出租车和公交车等交通模式组成的混合交通网络。

42、Hongqiao Integrated Transportation Hub is one of the biggest hubs in Shanghai transportation and city infrastructure.虹桥综合交通枢纽是上海城市交通的重大枢纽,属于城市大型交通基础设施。

43、People usually reach their goal of communication through the written, language or non-language communication.人们一般通过书面交流、言语交流、非言语交流来达到沟通的目的。

44、Dalian has convenient traffic with its sea, land and air transportations extending in all directions and it has already formed a modern cubic traffic network with strong transportation capacities.大连交通便捷,海陆空交通四通八达,已形成具有较强运输能力的现代化立体交通运输网络。

45、Transportation Advantage: Shangqiu is a new rising transportation hub of China.交通优势: 商丘是我国新兴的交通枢纽城市。

46、The law applies the certificate of traffic accident replacing the traffic accident responsibility cognizance and highlights the efficiency.以交通事故认定书取代了交通事故责任认定书,交通事故处理注重效率;

47、Mass transit reduces traffic congestion and the pollution it generates.公共交通减少了交通拥挤和由此产生的污染。

48、From a traveler's standpoint, the Expo transportation service area can be divided into 从交通的角度,根据不同交通方式的优势范围划分4个世博交通服务圈层,进而分析世博游客的流向分布及其与日常交通流叠加的特点。

4 circular sub-areas according to the prevailing limits of different travel modes.

49、To maintain traffic safety and order; to deal with traffic accidents; to organize and implement works regarding fire fighting and related supervision.维护交通安全和交通秩序,处理交通事故;组织、实施消防工作,实行消防监督;

50、Yesterday, a car accident caused the traffic jam on Jayuro.昨天自由路发生了交通事故,所以导致了交通堵塞。

经典英文句子51:交通,51、The posting is on traffic safety facilities or traffic marks;影响市政公共设施、交通安全设施、交通标志使用的;

52、Effectively managed mobile, bicycle and pedestrians mixed traffic flow at signalized intersection is a key to traffic management in China.在我国城市交通管理中,对城市信号交叉口处机动车、自行车和行人的混合交通流的有效组织是交通通畅运行的关键。

53、Utilize data mining to get useful information, such as the growth trends of road traffic, frequent spots of traffic incidents, and various composition of mixed traffic volume.通过数据挖掘得到公路交通量增长趋势、交通事故的常发地点、混合交通量组成比例变化等有用信息。

54、Traffic lines here radiate in all directions.这里的交通四通八达。

55、Opposite to Railway Station, Traffic convenient by train, bus, long distance coach –etc.车站对面, 交通便利。火车、长途、公交四通八达。


标签: 交通

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