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关于”带有定语从句“的英语句子27个,句子主体:with attributive clause。以下是关于带有定语从句的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:with attributive clause


1、Angel, whose mother tongue is German, can read and write with several languages.


2、Study on the word "adoptive mother" from the point of view of the history of Chinese language and culture, will involve the textual criticism, punctuations and historical facts.


3、If the probe specifier of the module part of tuple is not specified, the probe is applicable for all modules linked to the application.


4、Teaching students stylistics by using Integrated Skills of English is elaborated from four aspects of phonetics, words, syntax and discourse.

(which在从句中作定语修饰time。) 他们和我一起呆了三周, 在这期间他们喝光了我所有的酒。

5、They stayed with me for three weeks during which time they drunk all the wine I had.


6、The perception experiment argues that PFs in SBs have the three CFs such as determining sentence boundary , giving turn cues and implementing speech act.

清单 3a:在带有缺省语言的 HTML 文档中定义的元素

7、Listing 3a: Element defined in an HTML document with default


8、I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.

现在让我们来看一下如何执行在编写应用程序时还不确定并且具有参数标记(即占位符)的 SQL 语句 —— 即真正的动态 SQL 语句。

9、Now let's see how to execute an SQL statement which is unknown at the time the application is written and has parameter markers or placeholders; that is, a truly dynamic SQL statement.


10、Chapter Two begins with the definition of attributive in English and Chinese, and ascertains the identifying criterion of English and Chinese postpositive attributive.


11、Hence, the translated words naturally take sides, which can also explain why sometimes each party of the negotiation has their own translator on their behalf.

歌迪亚在领奖致辞中用简陋的英语说“这是真的,这个城里有天使。” (小猪:从这句话来看,这位姐姐的英语是不太好。)

12、"It is true, there is some angels in this city," Cotillard said in fractured English in collecting her award.

13、All the new savepoint statements are supported by ESQL/C clients starting with version


3.50.xC3 版本开始,所有新的保存点语句都得到了 ESQL/C 客户机的支持。


14、Authentication statements asserts to the service provider that the principal did certainly authenticate with the identity provider at a particular time using a well-defined method of authentication.

该面板显示 PDI 从选定性能数据中检索数据所用的具体的 SQL 语句。

15、This panel shows the exact SQL statement PDI will use to retrieve data from the performance data selected.


16、Since we don't have text-based grammar, there are no language compatibility issues, as they are compatible by definition.

在另一个方面,建立一个 PreparedStatement 对象会带来一定量的系统开销。 所以,在理想情况下,这条语句的生命周期应该足够长,以补偿它所带来的系统开销。

17、On the other hand, creating a PreparedStatement object introduces a certain amount of overhead, so, ideally, the statement's lifetime will be sufficiently long to compensate for this overhead.

关于某一特定 LSID 的元数据由一组 RDF 语句组成。

18、Metadata about a particular LSID consists of a collection of RDF statements.

在构建 SQL 语句之前,一定要检查用户提交的数据。

19、ALWAYS santitize user-submitted data before using it to build an SQL statement.

从他们踏上祖国土地的那刻起, 他们就受到热烈的欢迎。 (定语从句提前)

20、From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland, they were warmly received.

21、In other words, if he survives, he must have an albeit involuntary stabilising effect.换句话说,如果他要生存他必定会带来无意识的稳定效果。

22、And his cast, from Pitt down, responds in kind, whether they’re handling the one-liners or speeches in English, French, German or even Italian.而他的演员从皮特以下,说话都彬彬有礼。 不论是一句台词,还是长篇演说,不管是英语的,法语的,德语的甚至是意大利语的。

23、During the particular stage of development of the modern vernacular poems, spoken language is an oral language which includes some vernacular components.在现代白话新诗特定发展阶段,口语是带有方言成分的口头语。

24、Last week I happened to meet Li Li in the street , who seemed to be very busy.(非限定性定语从句)上星期我碰巧在街上遇到了李立,他似乎很忙。

25、From the view of pragmatics, the humor has its laws, and it also has an interior relation with the pragmatic principles.从语用学角度看,幽默的产生有一定的规律,语用原则与英语幽默的产生有着内在的联系。

英文句子26:,26、The river which runs through the centre of the city brings us lots of pleasures.(which在从句中作主语。) 穿过市中心的那条河给我们带来很多欢乐。

27、After users have the custom package, they can quickly switch languages from English to French, and from French to English.用户获得定制包后,可以很快地从英语切换到法语,或者从法语切换到英语。

28、Both English and Chinese express the concept of quantity by means of numeral classifier phrases.本文从作定语的数量词入手,统称这类数量词为数量定语。

29、Meanwhile, the factors influencing translation method of non-clause post-positioned attributives are studied.此外,本文还对非从句类后置定语翻译方法的影响因素进行了研究。

30、Note the specification of UTF-8 as the codeset for the database.注意,该语句指定 UTF-8 作为这个数据库的编码集。

31、I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitalityfor which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。(在定语从句前拆译) 拆译)

32、Many older people lose the ability to remember proper nouns but then never progress to losing any other part of speech.许多老人们记不清楚正确的词语,但从不会漏掉语句中的其它成分。

33、We got off the bus when we arrived at the gate of the communite.当我们到了公园大门口时,我们从巴士上下来了。(时间状语从句)

34、This thesis makes a contrastive study of English and Chinese relative clauses from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.对英语关系从句外置而言,至今为止还没有人做过关于该结构的习得研究。

35、The Quick Response plug-in handles this common scenario more deftly by enabling the user to define full-sentence pre-scripted responses.Quick Response 插件允许用户定义预先编写好脚本的完整语句作为响应,从而应对这些普遍的应用情景。

36、If words were edible, Provencal speech would be a rich, thick, pungent verbal stew, simmered in an accent filled with twanging consonants; a civet, perhaps, or maybe a daube.如果说该语言词句可食用,那享用这道大餐就如同品尝一块营养丰富,味道浓郁,辛辣的炖肉,该语言带有带有鼻辅音特色,似麝猫香料或者说红酒炖肉煨成。

37、I have been a Chinese teacher for foreigners before I will give you fantastic classes!曾经做过对外汉语老师的我一定会尽心尽力的给你们带来别有风味的汉语课程。

38、Queen Marie Antoinette is still much maligned over this quote - and she never even said it!玛丽·安托瓦内特王后至今还因这句引语而被中伤,但她从来没有说过这样的话。

39、In another word, the fiefs of the Zhou had no legal authority which the king had to follow.换句话说周的封地没有让国王必须跟从的法定权利。

40、Everyone knows the fact that the earth turns round the sun.每人都知道这一事实,地球围绕太阳转。(同位语从句)

41、Who is the teacher that is talking with LingMing? 用定语从句翻译 正在与李明谈话的老师是谁? 她提到的一个笔友的名字,我不曾忘记。

2, I never forgot the name of one pen-friend that she mentioned.



42、Do you know the girl who/ that visited our school yesterday? 这是一个定语从句,关系代词可以是who,也可以是that。

43、I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。(在定语从句前拆译)

44、Grand Hotels: There is an old Chinese saying that "A new broom sweeps clean". So what are you going to do immediately after your appointment?《大酒店》:中国有句俗语“新官上任三把火”,您会给我们带来什么样的三把火?

45、Where -ct generates the DDL statements according to object creation time.ct 在何处生成 DDL 语句由对象创建时间决定。

46、You can then change this SQL statement to customize the query.这样,您就可以更改这个 SQL 语句以定制查询。

47、That was why he deployed so much arcane terminology, so many loop-de-looping clauses.所以他才用了这么多玄而又玄的术语,还有这么多一环套一环的从句。

48、Investigations into languages show that women in language are always with such semantic meanings as"subordination", "negation", "passiveness"and so on.语言中的女性常常具有“从属”、“否定”、“被动”等语义特征。

49、Everyone is familiar with the practice of completing someone else's sentence-essentially predicting what the other person is about to say.每个人都很熟悉从别人带有强调语气的句式中猜出他们下面将要说的话。

50、Our derived document definition will add one more statement for each document.派生出的文档定义将为每个文档再添加一条语句。

经典英文句子51:带有定语从句,51、They needed a plant which didn'tneed as much water as rice.这是一个定语从句,意为:他们需要一种不象稻谷那样需要水的作物。

52、In the 1980's, with the bringing forward of the three-plane grammar theory, some people started to study Cun-xian Sentence from the semantic plane and pragmatic plane.二十世纪xx年代,随着三个平面的语法理论的提出,也有学者从语义平面和语用平面入手研究存现句。

53、Once the table has columnset defined, the select * will hide all sparse columns, and only see the column set.一旦表中定义了columnset列,select *语句将会隐藏所有的Sparse列,代之以这个columnset列。



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