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关于”排序的方法与技巧“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Methods and techniques of sorting。以下是关于排序的方法与技巧的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Methods and techniques of sorting


1、It also supports sorting (with slightly different syntax from the standard handler) and faceted browsing.


2、Mind you, the order of elements might not be strictly what you expect: it is not identical to an undecorated sort, even where the undecorated sort succeeds.


3、Like what the heck have we been spending our time for-- our time on with Bubble Sort and with Selection Sort and in fact there's plenty of other N squared sorts that we're not even gonna bother looking at.


4、Then, an algorithm with regular array based on MMX technology is advanced.


5、Based on the interval-weight vector in the priority method, an eigenvector method for finding priorities of the interval number complementary judgment matrix is proposed.


6、Methods To find out a set of regulated nursing measurement and skills of LPLD. 21 early SAP patients were treated by LPLD.


7、Then, by integrating genetic algorithm and niche technology, the best sequence of the shaped parts and their optimal rotating angle are sought.


8、The arrangement of posts on the page, the use of typography, illustrations and even text alignment often resemble traditional techniques from print.


9、A method of observing the morphological characteristics of plant flowers with gum block under anatomical lens and its skills were introduced.


10、Firstly, improved ranking method of interval numbers is developed which is different from most of the proposed interval comparison methods totally based on the midpoints of interval numbers.


11、Then they put forward an order which gains balance between public and private rights from the technical angle of legislation.


12、Some problems of non-excavation in application were summed up, butt crossing, water replacement and some relative solutions were put forward.

排球传垫球技术运用的教学方法选择。 。

13、Study yon the Teaching Methods of Volleyball Passing and Digging.


14、Based on the discussion of quick sort algorithm, a new algorithm, position computing, is proposed.


15、The survival rate of this surgery was 95.5% ( 21/22) , higher than that of traditional one.


16、Adopting teaching experiments and statistics, this essay makes a comparison between the new method of how to teach obverse drop shot and the traditional one.


17、In this method, we will create two columns per data type in the query: one for ascending ordering, the other for descending ordering.


18、A method of sorting particles based on the parallel sorting algorithm "odd-even merge sort"has been proposed.


19、Compared with random prioritization strategies, TRP can detect severe faults as early as possible and improve the rate of fault detection.

然后调用 sort 方法根据它们默认的排序对方法名排序。

20、The sort method is then called to sort the method names according to their default ordering.

21、The method is not only obviously quicker than that of quick sort, but also much quicker than the bucket sorting method, even in the case of non-uniformly distributed data.该排序方法不仅在速度上明显快于快速排序法,而且在非均匀分布数据的情况下也明显快于桶排序法。

22、As these sequences are also easily identified by loc al alignment methods glob al alignment is now somewhat deprec ated as a technique.由于这些序列也都很易通过本地比对方法找到,现在全局比对也有些被认为只是一种技巧。

23、The default is to sort in ascending order (+), but you can also specify descending order (-).默认值为以升序的方式进行排序(+),但您也可以指定以降序的方式进行排序(-)。

24、The character sorting should follow the sort order of dictionary, and need the specially appointed sort codes for each character participated to sort.字符排序一般要遵循字典顺序并且需要为每个参与排序的字符赋予特定的排序码。

25、Learn how to mix the flour and salt to make a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.了解如何把面粉和盐在这方面与面包烘焙食谱和烘焙技巧视频作传统的法国面包配方。

英文句子26:,26、Taking precautions and error-correcting is one of volleyball technique teaching methods.预防与纠正错误法是排球技术教学方法之

27、The order of the different English skills covered, listening, oral communication, reading, vocabulary building, grammar and writing is based on their natural progression.文章所含概的不同的英语技巧,听力,口语,阅读,词汇的扩大,语法和写作,其顺序是根据他们自然的发展来安排的。

28、He figured out his program for the day to a nicety.他已经巧妙地排下了一天的工作程序。

29、Because of the low efficiency of the Bubble sort algorithm, there were two methods to improve its efficiency.冒泡排序算法优化针对其效率不高的缺点,采用两种方法提高排序算法的执行效率。

30、Therefore, the application forms and applied ranges of algorithms for sorting from head and rear were deepened and expended.从而,进一步深化和推广了首尾排序算法的应用方式与实用范围;

31、Therefore, send cards training fine words, can avoid other non-essential in skills, such as sorting method.因此,把发底牌练精的话,便可避免其它非必要的千术技巧,例如排序法。

32、These will be discussed under three headings ; formal agreements, staffing and influence techniques.控制机制大体包括三个方面的内容:正常协议人事安排,施加影响的技巧。

33、Learn how to drain olives for a beef flank steak with expert cooking tips in this free meat recipe video clip.了解如何排水管牛肉烹饪技巧与专家侧翼牛排肉食谱在此免费视频剪辑橄榄。

34、Learn tips on the best way to bake Challah loaves with four strands of dough in this free recipe video clip on bread baking.学习的最佳方法与技巧,烤四股面团在这个自由方对面包烘烤面包视频剪辑Challah。

35、Learn the various methods of barbecuing sausage with expert cooking tips in this free BBQ recipe video clip.学习烹饪技巧烧烤香肠与专家在此免费烧烤配方视频剪辑的各种方法。

36、OK. That's one way to do this sort.好的,这是做这种排序的一种方法。

37、Learn how to drain eggplant for eggplant parmesan with expert cooking tips in this free recipe video.了解如何与专家排水管茄子帕玛森烹饪技巧在这个自由茄子食谱影片。

38、Grasps the commonly used service aid for example: Hot application methods and skill and so on air gun, oscilloscope.掌握常用维修工具如:热风枪、示波器等使用方法与技巧。

39、Penalty set includes the set basis and skill of statutory sentence.刑罚设定问题包括法定刑的设定根据与设定技巧。

40、Tips for serving Gourmet Fruit Soup; learn how to garnish and present fruit soup with expert cooking tips in this free recipe video.在职美食水果汤技巧,学习如何装饰和目前在这个自由配方视频水果汤与专家烹饪技巧。

41、Mo-tse educational thoughts, its polemics , practical method, scientific experiment, and creative spirit have similarities with modern science.墨学中的辩论技巧、实践方法、科学实验、创新精神等与近代科学有相似之处。

42、Discuss the technique of using the Auto- optimize makeup on overhead - line program.论述架空送电线路自动优化排位程序的应用技巧。

43、Heapsort is a kind of quick sort algorithm, the minimum(or maximum) can be found by the greedy algorithm.堆排序是一种比较快的排序方法,贪心算法中常常要找到最小(大)值。

44、The definition of Centre of Mass and NMI feature is proposed and the principle and methods of Threshold calculation, Image segmentation, Target recognition and tracking are presented.文章给出了运用连通线多级切割方法实现阈值求取、图像分割、目标识别与跟踪的技术技巧。

45、If more than one ordering produces the same bandwidth, then choose the smallest in lexicographic ordering, that is the one that would appear first in an alphabetic listing.如果同一个带宽有多种排序方法,取字母序最小的一种排序,也就是取字母表排在前面的一种排序。

46、Typically, they need skill-building, understanding of methodology, or both.通常,他们需要开发技巧、理解方法学或者两个皆需要。

47、At one end of this spectrum, the development team, working closely with the stakeholders, crafts an application solution to some set of identified and prioritized functions.这些技术的一端是开发团队,将与涉众紧密合作,创建满足一组已经标识并进行了优先排序功能的应用程序解决方案。

48、By inverse technique and generating function, we generalize Vinh's two identities of derangements to a more setting.利用反演技巧与生成函数,把Vinh关于错排数的两个恒等式推广到更一般的情况。

49、Finally, an example was used to illuminate application of the algorithm. In course of process planning , typical process routing of housing parts is used as sequencing goal and special oper…排序以典型加工路线为目标、零件的特殊要求为约束,将排序算法与零件型面、加工方法相分离,提高了算法的适用性、通用性和灵活性。

50、A collation is the heart of any sorting algorithm.排序是任何排序算法的核心。

经典英文句子51:排序的方法与技巧,51、By using technology of branching processes, the explicit expression of the expected number of customers in busy period with gated discipline is obtained.考虑一类符合闸口原则的排队系统,利用分支过程的技巧和方法,得到了其一个忙期内的平均顾客数。

52、It combines the merit of the finite element method with that of the finite difference method.它可以吸收有限元法和有限差分法的一些重要思想与技巧。

53、In this method, we will create two columns: one for ascending ordering, the other for descending ordering.在这种方法中,要创建两个列:一个用于升序排序,另一个用于降序排序。

54、Arrange and track EVT tasks, and provide guidance to technicians in measurement skill;安排和跟踪EVT任务,指导技术人员的测量技巧;

55、With experiments in contrast, we compared the separate' step method and the traditional teaching method in the teaching of combining techniques of Acrobatic Arab Spring and Back Handspring.采用对照实验法,对技巧踺子小翻连接技术教学进行程序教学法与传统教学法的比较研究。

56、It is by no means a small feat to write a program that disassembles a host program;仅靠一点小技巧是没办法写出这样一个程序,它能:反汇编宿主程序;

57、Compared with the previous methods, the Newton-Raphson method is used not only for solving the positive equation, but also the negative and zero sequence equations.与已有方法相比较,所提方法不仅在正序方程中,而且也在负序和零序方程中采用牛顿法修正方程。

58、This skill is valuable for programmers, of course.当然,这个技巧对程序员是有价值的。

59、In chapter 第三章,总结了互反型和互补型模糊数判断矩阵的排序方法,提出了一种新的基于模糊数互补判断矩阵的排序方法。

3, the priority algorithms of fuzzy numbers" reciprocal and complementary judgment matrix are summed up, and a new algorithm is put forward."

60、This method resolves the problem of threat assessment and threat sorting to the enemy air attack targets efficiently.该方法有效地解决了对敌空中目标威胁评估与排序问题。

61、Quick sorts, unlike merge sorts, have no combining step: two subarrays form an already-sorted array.快速排序,与合并排序,没有结合一步:两个子阵形成一个已经排好序的数组。

62、I have discussed so much, I believe students will certainly clear up most of the learning and skills, a look at the rest of the next chapter, but also excellent skills.我给大家谈了这么多,相信学员们肯定清楚了大部分的学习方法与技巧,余下时间请看下一章,更精彩的技巧。

63、In volleyball teaching, teachers should adopt different ways of organization and teaching according to the different physiques and skills of the students.分析认为,排球技术技能教学,应视学生整体的身体素质、技术不同,采用相应的组织与教学方法。

64、In this installment in the series about the discipline of application architecture, you explore the skills, tools, techniques, and milestones related to application development methodology.在关于应用程序体系结构的原理的本系列的此部分中,您将了解与应用程序开发方法相关的技能、工具、技术和里程碑。


标签: 技巧 方法

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