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补课的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Makeup,还经常被译作make up missed lessons,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到44个与补课相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Makeup

补课翻译为 Makeup 。

示例:见过数次面,给她儿子补课,觉得我是好人,她也是个好人呀。 But we had met a few times and I had been giving lessons to her son and she thought that I was a good person.


2. make up missed lessons

补课翻译为make up missed lessons。

示例:我补课回来,我就冷冻一个冰块让我解渴。 I makeup back, I let my thirst ice on a frozen.



1. remedial work(补课)


2. nontaxable( 应征税;

英语短语&俚语, No More Additio ( 不要再给我补课了 )

Holiday lessons Making up for holidays tutoring for holidays ( 进行假期补课 )

Lessons of the students The students tuition Remedial students ( 补课的同学 )

I need lessons I need makeup ( 我需要补课 )

essential ( 补课缺少的 )

Making up missed lessons ( 补课费用补贴 )

I reported a remedial class I reported a catch-up classes ( 我报了一个补课班 )

Various remedial Various makeup ( 各种补课 )

Center for extra lessons ( 补课中心 )


1. Yeah, yeah, come on, come on, i'll get you caught up.

译文:嗯 过来 我给你补课。

2. intead, please concentrate on bringing up the grades of your class for extra help.

译文:但是 郑老师一定要想办法 把补课学生的成绩提上来。

3. i even flunked Latin so i could be tutored. And that way, maybe


4. He takes tuitions from me.


5. i'm afraid of examination,and i would like to join your english tutor class

译文:我怕考不过 想找你补课。

6. Your make-up teacher's been told you all have to join the brass band!

译文:你们要向补课老师请假 来参加管乐团才行。

7. Also has also has, today makes up for a missed lesson, a very good teacher, groans, is high three with her, has the food to eat!


8. He, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic.

译文:其实,他在学校的时候是个需要补课的学生 因为他诵读有困难。 。

9. You've got a little bit of catching up to do, my friend.


10. - i'll do extra classes, write an essay.

译文:- 我会补课,写作文的。

11. At first we worked, but the classes became an excuse and we began seeing each other every day.

译文:起初没什么.后来补课就成了一种借口 后来,我们每天都见面。

12. Terry tells me that you have a heavy crammed session this weekend.


13. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets downbound to give her courses.

译文:老师感动极了,于是坐下来给她补课。 。

14. - Had a couple of extra students.


15. Vacation starts with entry




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