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关于”中的类型“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Types in。以下是关于中的类型的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Types in

UML 中,提供了内置的数据类型,而新类型则可以使用类的结构来构建。

1、In UML, built-in data types are present and new types can be built using the structure of classes.


2、The genesis of it is middle-temperature metamorphic hydrothermal.


3、Type: Chinese style, European style, fashion style, casual style.


4、Higher institutes should develop respectively, achieve its own characteristics and strive for leading position in each type and level.


5、All in the first category there were two types of teeth: "Shark"-and "Tooth board" type.

6、主要种植在意大利中部(Tuscany),其中香堤(Chianti)、(Brunello di Montalcino)、(Vino Nobile di Montepulciano)最为著名。

7、new wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒,旧形式适应不了新内容


8、There were no immune types. There were

3 highly disease-resistance and

3 disease-resistant types, which occupied




9、The grain weight of different type variety is all increased compared with CK, but the setting rate of mid_early mature and middle mature is higher than that of late mature type.


10、A coating powder with a significant content of a polymer containing short chain esters of various acrylic monomers.


11、Benefiting from type safety, where types in the method signature are specified in the pointcut.

这表明 cost 有一个类型,所谓类型指的是 XSI 定义的类型,而这个类型又是 XSD 中定义的浮点数。

12、This conveys that cost has a type, and by type I mean type as defined by XSI, and that the type is float as defined by XSD.


13、Since anonymous classes do not have a name, there is no way to create variables of their type in C# without type inference.

一组 C# 类型的类在 SupplierBSchema.cs 文件中生成。

14、A set of C# type classes are generated in SupplierBSchema.cs file.


15、As rows in a table (a typed table) whose columns are defined by the attributes of the structured type.

Duck 类型:在这篇 Wikipedia 文章中了解有关 duck 类型的更多信息。

16、Duck typing: Learn more about duck typing in this Wikipedia article.


17、The type of poison was complicated, including sulphur, coexist of sulphur and chlorine, coexist of sulphur, phosphorus and silicon, coexist of sulphur, iron and nickel, etc.


18、When a type's code is broken (unparsable), Class Details window displays the type's contents as read only.


19、When the type of the parameter is not specified, the parameter is promoted to the larger type.


20、A type playing the role of copy-constructible-type in the CopyConstructible concept.

21、You put this datatype into a schema of datatypes called DataTypes.xsd (see Listing 将该数据类型放入名为 DataTypes.xsd 的数据类型模式中(请参阅清单



22、Compressed parameters include type of frame, type of macroblock, DC coefficients, and motion vectors.算法中利用的压缩参数主要有帧类型、宏块类型、DC系数、运动矢量。

23、Metaclasses defined in the UML 元类 定义在 UML

2.1 metamodel (through metaclass association)

2.1 元类模型中(通过元类的关联)

24、Certain forms of rules are implicit in the definition of the business types in the model, and manifest in UML and entity relationship (ER) models of the business types of the modeled domain.有些形式的规则在模型中的业务类型定义中是隐式的,它们出现在被建模领域的业务类型的 UML 和实体关系(ER)模型中。

25、A typetag is an integer variable in which the value of the integer specifies the type of data being handled.类型标签是一个整型变量,其中整数的值指明将要被处理的数据的类型。

英文句子26:,26、Among the different types of pollution, the rates of individual pollution and local continual pollution are 40.7% and 29.9%, respectively.不同污染类型中个别污染类型出现最多,局地连续污染类型出现最少,出现频率分别为40.7%和29.9%。

27、In .NET only reference types and small value types can be assigned atomically.在.NET中,只有引用类型和很小的值类型才能够以原子的方式赋值。

28、The granite petrotectonic not only controlled the mode of ore deposition, but also influenced the space relations among the ore types in W-Sn metallogenic series.构造类型影响矿石类型和成矿系列中各矿床类型间的相互关系。

29、There are many types of fictions in Late-Qing, including traditional Chinese fiction types and new western types.晚清小说的类型很多,既有中国传统的小说类型,又有引进西方的新类型。

30、In the topology shown in Listing 在清单 9中显示的拓扑中,来自一个 J2EE 域的单元类型和单元类型是一起使用的。

9, core unit types and unit types from a J2EE domain are used together.

31、NetScaler supports NetScaler支持10中持续性类型。

10 persistence types.

32、In Listing 在 清单

8, we define a new price type that accepts values between -999,999.99 and 999,999.99.

8 中,我们定义了一个新的 price 类型,该类型接受 -999,999.99 与 999,999.99 之间的值。


1) long-segment types accounted for 25% of all cases.


34、Mixins in Jam, like ordinary classes, define types; mixin instantiations have both the type of the mixin and the type of the parent.Jam 中的 mixin 与普通类相似,都定义类型;mixin 实例化拥有 mixin 的类型和父类的类型。

35、Having RCW source code that contains a portion of the types in a large type library can eliminate the need to deploy unnecessary types.具有包含大型类型库中的部分类型的 RCW 源代码可以消除部署不必要的类型的需要。

36、The effect of treatment was positively correlated with the type of plantation. The higher the yield of plantation, the more the yield increased.同一处理类型对不同产量类型林分的增产效果随着高、中、低产量类型的顺序而增加。

37、The only UML types that can be created in a profile are Stereotypes, Classes, and Enumerations.在概要文件中可以创建的 UML 类型包括原型、类和枚举类型。

38、After the review of traditional text classification models, a method using N-gram language models to classify Chinese text was presented.在分析了传统的分类模型后,文中提出了用N元语言模型作为中文文本分类模型。

39、Spastic type was the most common clinical type(71.77% ).临床类型中痉挛型最多见(71.77% )。

40、If L has an explicitly typed parameter list, when inferred types are substituted for method type parameters in P, each parameter in P has the same type as the the corresponding parameter in L.如果L有一个显型参数列表,当推导出的类型对于P中的方法类型参数是可替换的时候,P中的每个参数拥有与L中对应的参数相同的类型。

41、Thus, each class maps to a type in WSDL, including the types of all its parameters.这样,每个类都映射到 WSDL 中的一个类型,包括其所有参数的类型。

42、Scatophaga stercoraria catches and feeds not only on small but middle and large mus-acids.黄粪蝇不仅能捕食小型蝇类,而且还能捕食大中型蝇类。

43、Selects a member from a list of candidates, and performs type conversion from actual argument type to formal argument type.从候选者列表中选择一个成员,并执行实参类型到形参类型的类型转换。

44、Covariance and contravariance in generic type parameters are supported for reference types, but they are not supported for value types.引用类型支持泛型类型参数中的协变和逆变,但值类型不支持。

45、Strongly-typed properties will be added to the entity classes based on this.由此强类型的属性将被加到实体类中。

46、In DB2, variables of type array are like variables of any other SQL data types.在 DB2 中,类型阵列的变量类似于任何其他 SQL 数据类型的变量。

47、UML models are defined by a meta-model that specifies the types of objects (classes, packages, and so on) that can be included in the end product model (called a user model).通过指定对象类型(类、包,等等)的元模型来定义的 UML 模型,这些对象类型可以包含在最终产品模型(称之为用户模型)中。

48、Creates a resource based on the type you have selected in the Resource Type box.根据您在 [资源类型] 方块中所选取的类型来建立资源。

49、In the Add Class dialog box, in the Templates pane, click MFC Class from Typelib , and then click Open to display the Add Class from Typelib Wizard.在 添加类对话框中,在“模板”窗格中,单击“类型库中的 MFC 类”,然后单击“打开”显示 从类型库添加类向导。

50、But it's not always convenient to load classes into the JVM to access generic type information.但是在 JVM 中装载类以访问泛型类型信息并不总是方便的。

经典英文句子51:中的类型,51、Set only one of the media types, which corresponds to the media type produced in the JAX-RS web service, in the Accept header.在 Accept 中只设置一种媒体类型,该类型与 JAX-RS Web 服务中生成的媒体类型对应。

52、These product types are described as hard types because they are hardened in the model.这些产品类型被描述为硬类型,因为它们被 固定在模型中。

53、The type of organic matter may be the sapropel-humics.其中有机质类型是腐泥-腐殖型。

54、When the maximum cardinality in a type definition is omitted, the sub-indexes on values of that type can range from 省略类型定义中的最大基数时,此类型值上的子索引范围从

1 to the maximum positive value of integer type.

1 到整数类型的最大正值。

55、However, to define a MEST model for entity types that do have associations with other types, you must implement MEST for each type in the object graph.但是,若要为与其他类型存在关联的实体类型定义一个 MEST 模型,则必须为对象图中的每个类型实现 MEST。

56、Gold deposits in intrusives of varying ages and types are a main gold type.各时代、不同类型侵入岩中的金矿床是金矿的主要类型。

57、wine wine and dine someone 热情款待某人

58、Group of site type on sunny slope included 阳坡立地类型组有厚层、中层、薄层土立地类型。

3 site types:thick, moderate and thin soil.

59、Indicatesthe type or state of a breakpoint.表示中断点的类型或状态。

60、If your field directly corresponds to one listed there, use that one.如果字段与其中列出的数据类型直接对应,则使用该数据类型。

61、Birds in poplar forest has limited diversities. There is only 24.1% of forest birds in the forest birds communities of Dongting lake Area.杨树林中鸟类群落结构单调,其中森林类型鸟类仅占洞庭湖区森林类型鸟类的24.1%。

62、The two burnings both led to great suffering in human beings civilizations and rewritten human memory.中国的秦始皇焚书坑儒,两者都导致了人类两大文明类型的转型,改写了人类对自己的记忆。

63、Because Tiger relies on type erasure, the naked type parameters in casts and instanceof tests are "erased" to their upper bounds (in the earlier case, that'll be type Object).因为 Tiger 依靠类型擦除,所以数据类型转换和 instanceof 测试中的外露类型参数被“擦除”为它们的上界(在前面的例子中,那将是类型 Object )。

64、It is thrown as a result of incompatible types being found in a type comparison. The JVM specification says a that ClassCastException is它是在类型比较中发现不兼容类型的时候抛出的。

65、The calculatorHelper class's narrow method is used to focus the abstract type to the specific calculator type.calculatorHelper 类有一个 narrow 方 法,可用来将抽象类型集中到特定的计算程序类型。

66、In general, NIEM types are implemented as XML Schema complex types, and properties are elements contained within those types.通常,NIEM 类型被实现为 XML Schema 复杂类型,属性为这些类型中包含的元素。

67、Scala also allows types to be declared in classes, as we saw in the section called “Abstract Types And Parameterized Types” in Chapter Scala 也允许在类中声明类型,正如我们在《第2章 - 打更少的字,做更多的事》中的“抽象类型和参数化类型”章节中所见。

2, Type Less, Do More.

68、The new and unique ones can be added to the list of company definitions.新的独特的数据类型可以添加到公司数据类型定义列表中。

69、In some kinds of anemia, there are low amounts of all three types of blood cells.在一些类型的贫血中,三种类型的血细胞含量都低。

70、To change the type, you could just select the type field and select it from the drop-down box.要更改类型,您只需选择类型字段,并从下拉框中选择类型。


标签: 类型

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