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关于”有关青春“的英语句子20个,句子主体:About youth。以下是关于有关青春的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:About youth


1、Objective To study the effect of school based supervised exercise on the body mass index(BMI)and glucolipid metabolism in Chinese obese adolescents.

青春是梦的起点,有梦才有目标,有梦才追求。 。

2、Youth his the starting point of dream, dream to have a goal, the pursuit of a dream.


3、One day, my silver hair dance, in the quiet sun, look forward to a beautiful young about youth.


4、Though born in a humble home, you still own the two fortunes of youth and knowledge.


5、Giddens Ko (pseudonym Jiubadao), the writer of You Are the Apple of My Eye, describes youth like being caught in a downpour ― "It makes you ill, but people still long to experience it again."


6、But when youth, the dream, departs. It takes something from our hearts.


7、Sincerely wish him eternal youth, art epistemic.


8、Men have a natural preference for women with youthfully narrow waists and full hips.


9、But Jiang Chunling (pseudonym Xinyiwu), the writer of So Young, looks at youth from a different angle: "It's a time when one can afford to do the wrong things ― there is still time for everything."

Anderman 继续说:“师生的关系,特别对处在青春期的孩子们来说,尤为重要。

10、Anderman goes on to say, “The relationship between the teacher and the student, particularly during adolescence, is very important.


11、How to keep youth and permanent catering enterprises, we should do a good job about four key issues.


12、They seem to be pursuing an image of beauty that is related to certain proportions and eternal youth.


13、Youth is happy, because it has a future.


14、Therefore Erikson's theory is of great value to solve the problems that has arisen from self-identity during the age of puberty.

青春之所以幸福,是因为它有前途。 。——果戈理。

15、Youth his happy, because it has a future.


16、Heart of beauty in everyone, not to mention it is in adolescence.


17、This is "Etude", about bicycle rotary islands story, a section about life and youth course.


18、Puberty is the crucial period for formation of somatotypes.


19、Oh! that my young life were a lasting dream!


20、Here are some secrets for the fountain of youth, to stay young as long as possible!

21、Adolescence by estrogen influence, leucorrhea cyclical change, sometimes increase, sometimes reduced.青春期白带受雌激素影响,有周期性的变化,有时增多,有时减少。

22、Repair of the peroxiredoxin Prx1 consequently emerges as a key process in aging.因此,prx1的修复酶作为保持青春的关键酶浮出水面。

23、No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.其实所有人的青春,都差不多吧,梦一场,哭一场。

24、Youth has nothing to do with birthdays, only with aliveness of spirit.青春不在于年龄,在于有无勃勃的生气。

25、Where doesnt have the life to be faded and fallen to have the youth bright color?没有生命的飘零哪有青春的焕彩?

英文句子26:,26、There is no correlation between plasma insulin and DHEAS concentrations in prepuberatl girls.在青春前期女孩DHEAS浓度和胰岛素水平无相关性。

27、Acacia under blue sky in the light of the rolling mountains and waters, gently flowing through all the youth.蓝天下的相思在青山绿水间淡淡的绵延,轻轻的流过所有的青春年华。

28、Shunji Iwai produced many movie called "Youth movie ", Shunji Iwai of movies about the main points of four parts youth theme.岩井俊二所拍摄的多部电影被人们称作“青春片”,关于岩井俊二电影中的青春主题主要分四个部分。

29、In her works, there is no shock of "cruel youth" or strategy of "videoed existence".她的作品中,没有“青春残酷”的震颤,没有“影像化生存”的策略。

30、Early periods could be linked with breast cancer - possibly because women are exposed to higher levels of oestrogen over their lifetime.青春期提前和乳腺癌有关系,也很可能是因为女性在一生中有着很高水平的雌激素。

31、We also know that a widely used drug that treats acne, Accutane (isotretinoin), has been associated with an increase in depression, although no causal link has been established.我们也知道,一种广泛使用的治疗青春痘的药物阿克唐丸(异维甲酸)一直与抑郁加重有关,虽然相关原因还未确定。

32、How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use.到底有多少的溢美值得青春去领受。

33、My youth have you, no love is also sweet . 我的青春有了你, 没有爱情也甜蜜。

34、A young man in the prime of his life, with everything to live for, was concerned for the well-being of others and acted on that concern.正值青春年华的年轻人,拥有丰富的资源,却能关心别人的福祉,而且付诸行动。

35、Girls were shut up at home on reaching puberty with no further access to the outside world, and no voice in their own or their family’s affairs.到青春期,女孩们就被关在家中,不再与外界接触,在家庭十五中也没有话语权。

36、They scrape their knee, they have a big test coming up, they’re going through puberty.他们有时候会摔伤膝盖,有大考来临,会经历青春期。

37、It also has a special relaxative effect on whelk , scar , and baldhead.青春痘、 抗疤、秃头也有特殊缓和的作用。

38、The last born has as good a right to the pleasures of youth, as the first.最小的和最大的同样有消受青春的权利。

39、There is a kind of dance that is so attractive.乙,有一种舞蹈,充满着青春的气息。

40、His adolescent protest consisted of dereliction of all his responsibilities.他青春期的叛逆行为包括故意疏忽所有应付的责任。

41、By a fierce sudden cold front on the waist, so I limp a little.却在青春期被冷峰击中了腰,所以我有点跛足。

42、We also know that a widely used drug that treats acne , Accutane (isotretinoin), has been associated with an increase in depression, although no causal link has been established.我们也知道,一种广泛使用的治疗青春痘的药物阿克唐丸(异维甲酸)一直与抑郁加重有关,虽然相关原因还未确定。

43、Adolescence leucorrhea, by estrogen influence cyclical change, sometimes increased, sometimes reduced.青春期白带受雌激素影响,有周期性的变化,有时增多,有时减少。

44、Youth is not like a new garment, which we can keep fresh and fair by wearing sparingly.青春不同于一件新衣,少穿可以保持常新常美。 青春,一旦有了它,就该日复xx日地去利用它,因为它会很快消逝的。

45、Learn a foreign language after puberty, and you are destined to speak it with an accent;春青期后才学会的外语注定会有口音;

46、Dubbed kisspeptin, the protein is known to play a vital role in kick-starting puberty.人们目前所知道的是,这一名为“kisspeptin”的蛋白质对引发青春期发育有着关键作用。

47、In college, it's about the big test, pimples, prom dates and getting a decent job after graduation.在大学,那是有关大考、青春痘、正式约会以及在毕业后获得体面工作的压力。

48、This is "Etude", about bicycle rotary island's story, a section about life and youth course.这就是《练习曲》,一个关于单车环岛的故事,一段关于生命和青春的历程。

49、Although in her middle ages, Linda has a youthful appearance.尽管人到中年,琳达却有着青春的外貌。

50、There is limit to one's youth, but no limit to his wis-dom.传胪人的青春是有限的,智慧却是无限的。

经典英文句子51:有关青春,51、A phimosis can be cured only after puberty.包茎只有在青春期后才能被治愈。

52、Charles: Because of that big pimple you have on your chin.因为在你的下巴上有一个大青春痘。

53、It is the fresh of the deep spring of life.青春是生命深泉在涌流。

54、Youth, also hard to avoid has a vision and heartbeat.青春岁月,也难免有憧憬和心动。

55、And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing.就像和许多其他与青春期有关的变化一样,例假会令人困惑。

56、And you about the passage of youth, like and a roar of the train, and from then on the mouth, only in imitation of the memory.与你有关的那段青春,像咆哮而过的火车,从此以后的糊口,只能凭记忆摹仿。

57、The point is, take it easy, don't waste your youth on the unworthy person.关键是,要拿得起放得下,廉价的人,更不值得在他身上浪费青春。 。

58、A person only retain green vigor, brave to stream into;一个人只有保持青春活力,才能激流勇进;

59、It helps keep youthful elasticity in tissues, and helps treat and prevent dandruff.有助于身体组织保持青春富有弹性,防治头屑。

60、It would be fantastic to know we were wrong and that EDCs are not involved in early puberty.要是说我们错误了,而且EDC与青春发育期提前没有关系是不可想象的。

61、Wine god do best forever, forever young.酒神永远尽如意,永远青春不老。

62、The youth and the future, this is the happiness that it.青春还有将来,这正是它的幸福。——果戈理。

63、In the youth in progress, we are eager to have a special experience is different from the person, so brilliant colors, the unique charm of their own youth hyperchromic.在青春进行时上,我们都渴望拥有不同于人的特殊经历,让绚丽的色彩,独特的魅力为自己的青春增色。

64、Only effort to enter the elite youth tempered into a steel sing no regrets;唯有努力,向名校进军百炼成钢唱出青春无悔;

65、The study found, for the first time, a linear relationship between mood and pimples: the worse the mental-illness symptoms, the worse the acne.研究第一次发现情绪和青春痘之间的线性关系:心理疾病症状越严重,青春痘发作越严重。

66、Meiyu is about the physical and mental confusion of adolescence.《梅雨》讲的是青春期的迷茫,不只是生理上的,还有心理上的。

67、The youth like dream, we all right, just not suitable.青春如梦,我们都没有错,只是不适合。

68、Has our youth shadow in the boundless huge crowd's Wangjiang road.在茫茫人海的望江路有我们的青春影子。

69、The difference in adolescence is the struggle behind the anger.青春期特有的不同之处是愤怒背后的“奋斗”。

70、There is a saying; "artificially high mountain peaks, youth is priceless!"有道是;山高人为峰,青春无价!

71、Much more rigorous research needs to be conducted to understand the relationship between mental illness and pimples — as well as the root cause of bad cases of acne.要了解心理疾病和青春痘以及造成严重青春痘病例根源之间的关系还需要进行更严格的研究。

72、It's particularly surprising to see that a boy's puberty can be delayed as a result of events that happen in adolescence. We've previously assumed that these things are 'locked-in' in early childhood.尤其令人惊奇是我们发现儿童的青春期发育与青少年时期所经历的事情有某种关系,而原本我们一直认为青春期发育是在儿童期就已经是固定下来的。

73、This has nothing to do with puberty or hormones.这是和青春期或荷尔蒙分泌无关的一种症状。

74、How many more youth, to enable us to squander还 会 有 多 少 青 春 年 华 让 我 们 去 挥 霍 望采纳

75、I said enough. So, China is not youth idol.我说不够。所以说,中国目前还没有青春偶像剧。

英文句子模板76:About youth,76、Cheryl Sisk at Michigan State University at East Lansing agrees that "mouse puberty is similar to human puberty, although the timescale is different".密歇根州立大学(位于州首府东兰辛)的Cheryl Sisk同意这一观点“老鼠青春期与人的青春期相似,尽管时间各有不同”。


标签: 青春

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