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关于”适合生积累“的英语句子42个,句子主体:suitable for raw accumulation。以下是关于适合生积累的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:suitable for raw accumulation


1、The medium conductivity decreased linearly relative to the biomass accumulation.


2、The integrated product policy (IPP) is one kind of policy sets which focuse on improving the environment accumulation influence of product life cycle.


3、The accumulation of indigotin in isatis indigotica and woad was restrained by spraying Cu.


4、Today DNJ has been found in many kinds of plants and microbes especially in mulberry leaves.


5、Microcystins mostly accumulate in the liver and also in the digestive tract and muscle tissue.


6、Has accumulated years of experience, Zhou and friend partnership set up his own design company.


7、However the effect will be the integration of them under the part-funding scheme.


8、RER derived vesicles were involved in the transport of protein from the site of synthesis(RER) to the site of accumulation.


9、A properly designed areal pattern should yield adequate attenuation regardless of the direction in which the noise approaches.


10、If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time.


11、In conclusion, improvement of dissolved oxygen and ammonium-nitrate N source have positive effect on the root growth and N accumulation of rice plants.


12、The aggregate effect of doing this between every grip will significantly reduce your accumulated pump.


13、The clutch strengths is turned to lose torque, no error accumulation, can do indexing and positioning combined.


14、An immediate annuity is an insurance contract and is not designed as an investment tool for accumulating assets.


15、Timely tender top-picking of jujube new shoot on backbone branch in summer can effectively control long growth, promote thickening growth, decrease nutrition-consuming and accumulate nutrient.


16、The blue light was propitious to improve fruit brightness. It was found that yellow light is not good for accumulation of anthocyanin but was in favor to accumu…


17、The result indicated that ACHT and ACLT values had significant effect on the stem length.

随着科技的发展和经验的积累, 早期诊断婴幼儿听力障碍和判断人工耳蜗适应症的可行性越来越高,人工耳蜗装置越来越适合小年龄聋儿。

18、As the development of the techniques and the accumulation of the experiences, it is more accurate to diagnose hearing impairment candidates for cochlear implant are becoming youger and youger.


19、This factory accumulated many year specialized production wools , the cloth fabric toy's experience.


20、The Normal University students ignore the teachers' practical knowledge obviously in the trail instruction.

21、Objective To study dose response relationship between cumulative exposure to silica and cumulative incidence of pneumoconiosis.目的探讨游离二氧化硅累积接触与尘肺累积发病的剂量反应关系。

22、The join remedy effect of sepiolite and mushroom root will significantly increase the numbers Sedum alfredii H and its nutrition of phosphate.海泡石与菌根联合修复能显著增加超积累植物东南景天的生物量和磷营养;

23、So the effect in cumulative.那么这种效应是累积性的。

24、In the mature embryos, starch accumulate only in the cells of growing point.到成熟胚期,淀粉积累只限于生长点区域。

25、You can get your reward points in around 如果您还没有退房,积分需要到退房后的3天内才能累积生效。

3 days after you check-out.

英文句子26:,26、It was demonstrated that organic fertilizers could be applied to promote the growth and biomass accumulation of T. chinensis var. mairei seedlings, without the impact on the biosynthesis of taxol.在生产上提倡使用有机肥以促进南方红豆杉幼林的生长和生物量积累,同时不影响紫杉醇的合成。

27、Civilian affairs refer to the worries of this life such as livelihood matters, relationship matters, comfort and enjoyment, property and investment.世务指的是世上的忧虑,犹如生活上的需要,人际关系的问题,追求舒适与享乐,积累产业和投资。

28、OBJECTIVE: Study the fitting about S model dose-effect curve with the accumulation normal distribution function.目的: 研究S型剂量效应曲线的累积正态分布函数拟合。

29、Literary works reflects social life while life is the source of creation, so accumulating the representation of life is a necessary way to enhance the ability of writing.因为文学作品是社会生活的反映,而生活是创作的源泉,所以,积累生活表象是提高写作能力的必要途径,要提高写作者感知和积累表象的能力。

30、Additionally, it is not necessary to deal with arbitrary Gaussian noise environment since it is based on the fourth-order cumulants.此外,新算法使用四阶累积量,因此适用于任意的加性高斯噪声环境。

31、Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche said, "Accumulating merit is so easy, in fact much easier than accumulating non-virtue."敦珠仁波切说:「累积功德非常简单,事实上,这比累积不善行更容易。」

32、Predatory fish that eat other fish also build up contaminants.吃其它鱼类为生的掠食性鱼也会累积污染物。

33、The transport approaches of copper in seawater and in this food chain, as well as some factors affecting the copper quantity accumulated by organisms were discussed.文章还探讨了本食物链各环节积累铜的主要途径以及影响生物个体铜的累积量的诸因素。

34、The results Showed that soil organic matter increased 0.023% after the synthetical amelioration method was used to it. The total N increased 0.087%.结果表明,采取改垄向、带状间作、机械灭茬、增施农肥、配方施用化肥等综合培肥措施后,土壤有机质净积累0.023%,全氮净积累0.087%。

35、Or are they more interested in the accumulation and production of knowledge?还是说它们更注重,知识的积累和产生?

36、Body is the term used to describe the weight of the wine in the mouth, which is the cumulative effect of fruit, tannin and alcohol.是指红酒在口中的质感,由果汁,单宁酸和酒精积累合作产生的效。

37、In fact, it is a kind of partial funded model, has character of both pay-as-you-go and full funded and is intergradations between them.实际上这是一种部分积累的模式,它兼有现收现付制和完全积累制的特征,属于从现收现付制到完全积累制的过渡形式。

38、The root flux activity at silking stage had most significantly positive relation with dry matter accumulation during grain filling and grain yield.生育过程中抽丝期的群体根系伤流量强度与抽丝后于物质积累量、总干物质积累量及籽粒产量相关最密切。

39、Cumulative sunshine hours for 2903 hours.年累积日照时数为2903小时。

40、This can lead to fluid buildup, which is most easily recognizable as swollen feet and ankles.这可以导致体液累积增多,该体液累积最容易表现为足或踝部的肿胀。

41、The future is the cumulation of many "nows".也是由「现在」累积而成。

42、The river basins cascade hydropower development may cause the cumulative effects on ecology and environment.流域的梯级开发对生态环境产生累积效应。

43、Greater leaf area index, higher leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, and more N accumulation were detected under P2 than under P1.玉米茬晚稻免耕畦作玉米秸秆覆盖处理各主要生育期叶面积指数大,叶绿素含量和叶片光合速率高,氮素的积累和吸收量大。

44、At this point - I believe your accumulation of wealth will never go hand in hand with our cooperation!至此——相信您的财富积累一定会与我们的合作永相随!

45、The chlorophyll content of leaves, leaf area and dry matter weight per shoot were increased, and that led to stimulating the accumulation of photoproduct;提高稻叶叶绿素含量,增加单株叶面积和干物重,有利于光合产物积累;

46、Nongda202 is high accumulation efficiency genotype , NC89 is low accumulation efficiency and high utilization efficiency genotype.“农大202”属于钾高效积累基因型烤烟,而NC89为钾积累低效利用高效基因型烤烟。

47、A brief introduction of environmental and ecological characteristics of hyperaccumulators of rare earth elements(REEs), as well as the scientific significance of REE hyperaccumulators were presented.概述了稀土元素的环境生态学特性及其超积累植物,并对稀土元素超积累植物研究的重要科学意义进行了介绍。

48、A mere interjection, comment, the slightest question will catapult such a person into a talking fit.仅仅欹、评论、毫不质疑会累成这样的人谈适合。

49、Photosynthetic product in flag leaves of highland barley in Xining was studied .采用改良的干重法对西宁地区青稞旗叶光合产物积累进行了研究。

50、Taurians led a secluded life throughout the previous period. They gathered strength, experience and knowledge.在过去的一段时间,牛牛们一直过着有计划的生活,积聚力量,积累经验,增加知识。

经典英文句子51:适合生积累,51、He amassed great treasure.他积累了大量的金银财宝。

52、The activity of invertase is negatively correlated with sucrose content and the correlation between phosphorylase activity and sucrose content is positive.蔗糖酶与蔗糖积累呈负相关,磷酸化酶与蔗糖积累呈正相关。

53、The soil organic carbon and plant biomass will be accumulating in plant growth process.在植物生长过程中,土壤有机碳和植物生物量都有积累的过程。

54、You can also combine the binary and cumulative binary mappings applied to rule 60.还可以 将使用 60 规则的二进制与累积二进制映射组合起来。

55、The results indicated that it was favorable for Chrysanthemum indicum L. to biomass accumulation, shoot growth and the synthesis of chlorophyll under the mild drought stress.结果表明:野菊在轻度干旱的条件下有利于其生物量的积累,芽苗的生长及叶绿素的合成。

56、Specifically speaking, is through the observation life, unearths attentively, accumulation writing interest;具体说来,就是通过观察生活,用心挖掘,积累写作兴趣;

57、How to make godd use of modern technology and combine long-term accumulated experiences to upgrade products;如何运用现代科技结合长期积累的经验,促使产品的升级;

58、Almost without exception we would all like to accumulate enough wealth and to enjoy a comfortable life. However, there are many obstacles and roadblocks on the way.豪无例外,我们每个人都想积累足够的财产和享受舒适的生活,然而在我们前进的道路上总是有很多障碍。

59、Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs) are compounds that accumulate in the environment and the human body.持久性有机污染物( POPs ) 的化合物在环境和人体中积累。

60、Practical tests show that the process is practicable and can be refernce for the comparable forgings.通过试制取得了成功,为同类钛合金薄壁件锻造积累了经验。

61、Over time, the co-operators accumulated more social connections than the defectors did.随着时间的推移,合作者比叛逃者积累了更多的社会关系。

62、Chronic exposure to toxic carcinogens are known to bio-accumulate.长期接触有毒的致癌物质已知会导致生物积累。

63、OBJECTIVE To study the fitting about S model dose-effect curve with the accumulation normal distribution function.目的研究S型剂量效应曲线的累积正态分布函数拟合。

64、The other showed the farina accumulation existing obstacle in the prophase of pollen maturation.二是花粉成熟前期,淀粉粒积累发生障碍。

65、The leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and quality of peanut were all better than the comparison after using "Hei-Nongke" peanut specific compound fertilizers.施用“黑农科”花生专用肥的花生叶面积系数、干物质积累量、品质都有所提高。


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