1、Rept on logbook daily.
2、Still, “as a sign of things to come, we found it encouraging.”
3、The journal was launched last year, a sign of the field's growing momentum.
4、How do I know it's a sign? How do I know it says 'exit'?
5、Liu : No, she isn't.
6、Kitty, look at this magazine.
7、Come on, Comrade Reporter.
8、You can get these event codes from their associated log records in the default log.
9、We have free will.
10、[However long the night,the dawn will break.
11、Slow traffic lanes signal only?
12、Shiki xiang ate ice cream suddenly request packing to go home, DuSiMan promised to volunteer xiang finished can also pack, he xiang immediately tuck up.
13、log4j: A runtime logging library.
14、Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.
15、The captain keeps a log.
16、The fashion magazine is one of the varieties of salable magazine on the periodical market at present .
17、Do you want-that-magazine?
18、In the new reforestation policy, the regulations on forest rotation should be abolished and on the kinds of trees reforested should be maintained;
19、He revenged his comrades.
20、I have worked at "New York Magazine", which is a magazine about things going on in New York.
21、Objective:To establish a RP-HPLC method for determining senegenin in Radix Polygalae.目的:建立反相高效液相色谱法测定远志中远志皂苷元的含量。
22、· a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. thomas addison· 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。
23、In the test log, she can then navigate directly to the log file for the script and view any associated defects from the test log.在测试日志中,她能够直接定位到脚本的日志文件,并且从测试日志中查看任何相关联的缺陷。
24、Something you will realize only when you do it,when you makemistakes or when you grow up.有些事,做了才知道。
25、) Experience is the mother of wisdom.(经验是智慧之母。
英文句子26:,26、This period marked by "Younger, Goldlion" and marked the rise of specialty stores.这一时期的标志是以“雅戈尔、金利来”等为标志的专卖店的兴起。
27、I've invited Comrade Wang.我已约了王同志。
28、Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。
29、He has very great ambitions.他有很高的志向。
30、QiLe came to tzu chi Ming, at home, but cant find tzu chi Ming, she found that tzu chi Ming leave a video, he want to buy the death and later.祁乐来到志明家中,却找不到志明,她发现志明留下一段影片,指他要置诸死地而后生。
31、To figure out which log is active and which are archived, use the DB2 command GET DB CFG to view the 'First active log file'.要确定哪个日志是活动的,哪些日志是归档的,请使用 DB2 命令 GET DB CFG 来查看“第一个活动日志文件”。
32、This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志。
33、A person to spartacus.一人立志,万夫莫敌。
34、l still fight while l can fight.我仍在挣扎趁我还有余力。
35、Insult the past when she takes triplet magazine. triplet magazine is magazine of a hardware, cover is U dish advertisement: "Plug and Play " .当她拿起第三份杂志的时候就气昏过去了。第三份杂志是一本硬件杂志,封面是U盘广告:“即插即用”。
36、) every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.(每匹马都认为自己所负的背包最重。
37、罗斯金 Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。
38、O Yang can be volunteers, nickname, unruly appearance, has such as iron tenacious perseverance.杨可志,外号阿志,不羁的外表、却拥有如钢铁般的坚韧毅力。
39、Nature doi:《自然》杂志 doi:
40、When the database is configured to retain logs, each time a log is filled, a request is issued for allocation and initialization of a new log.当将数据库配置成保留日志,每当写满一个日志时,就会发出一个分配和初始化一个新日志的请求。
41、Jeff han and folded part boxing, Jeff han hope the folded stars to follow him dry.韩志杰和厉星晨打拳击,韩志杰希望厉星晨跟着他干。
42、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time. 做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。
43、· man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.· 人往高处走,水往低处流。
44、For example, the log buffer writes each transaction to logs and how different log mode can be used to accomplished different modes of backup and recovery.例如,日志缓冲区将每个事务写到日志,可以使用不同的日志模式来实现不同的备份和恢复模式。
45、Landor created a bold, bursting Pepsi Dada logo to tie in with the energy of the Pepsi logo and bursts of light that surround it.郎涛设计了一款浑厚、有冲击力的标志与百事自身标志的力量感相配合,爆发出的光芒环绕着标志。
46、Tousled hair, tick.蓬乱的头发,标志性的。
47、The entire thrust of the book is devoted to the taming of spiritedness, and to the control of spiritedness.整本书的力道,都致力于开发意志,并控制意志。
48、The Lujiaogou Conglomerate is the sedimentary response to arc-continental collision during the earliest of Silurian.鹿角沟砾岩标志著弧-陆碰撞最早发生于早志留世早期。
49、Chinese Lotus Flower Cultivars;《中国荷花品种图志》;
50、Kernel log (dmesg and alog)内核日志(dmesg 和 alog)
经典英文句子51:励志,51、Magazine issue 2778. Subscribe and save杂志发行号2778。
52、This article offers new proofs from such four aspects as version comparisons, local records, genealogy and Mount Tianmu Annals.本文从版本、方志、谱牒、《天目山志》四方面提出新证。
53、Ep560 - Old Madam Hong tries to persuade Zhizhong stop his evil deeds, but Zhizhong ignores her.洪老太苦口婆心劝志忠勿再做坏事,但志忠不加理会。
54、同事,同志,同僚 We must all stand together, brothers!
55、We renewed our magazine subscription.我们续订了杂志。
56、Small, wei chi dating, Lin fang deliberately debunk wei dynasty lies in the presence of ai language.伟志约会小奇,林芳故意在艾语面前揭穿伟志的谎言。
57、Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. 信仰使穷人不至于去谋害富人。
58、Timoteo is a volunteer.铁穆特欧是志愿者。
59、I love him for his ambition.我爱他有志气。
60、Each eligible student must specify three elective choices on the survey form. The school will schedule classes based on demand and feasibility.填写志愿时,xx年级以上学生依志愿必须挑选三门选课,学校将依其志愿及实际开班情形来安排编班。
61、The volunteers are in training.志愿人员在受训。
62、Is this your best score?他是志在必得呀。
63、And Tzu Chi volunteers in Shanghai organize their first Tzu Chi Faith Corps camp, attracting 47 participants.上海慈济志工首次举办慈诚金刚营、有47位志工参加。
64、This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志
65、But unfortunately, the cover page was for a new USB HDD, captioned: Instant Plug-in.第三份杂志是一本硬件杂志,封面是U盘广告:“即插即用”。
66、Be sensitive to your comrades.关心你的同志们。
67、Signature Piece: Pantsuits。标志性装扮:长裤套装。
68、Logo detail on square buckle.详细的方扣标志。
69、He avenged his comrades.他为同志们报了仇。
70、Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals, without a sense of 1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult.有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。
71、There are three usual methods for excitation control following constant excitation current, constant power factor, and constant setting open-loop control.常用的励磁控制方法主要有三种:恒励磁电流、恒功率因数、恒给定开环控制。
72、) great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.(没有恒心只有力量是完不成伟业。
73、Kally, pick a sign.凯丽,摸取一个标志。
74、The thesis will choose Yuchu Zhi and Yuchu Xin Zhi as its main research o.本文选取“虞初”选集中的《虞初志》、《虞初新志》为主要研究对象。
标签: 励志
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