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关于”中的五种基本句型“的英语句子40个,句子主体:The five basic sentence patterns in。以下是关于中的五种基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The five basic sentence patterns in


1、To guarantee the effective protection of the ontology, a new web ontology language-based(OWL-based) model for access control is proposed.


2、Our factory is specialized in by one: It is the many kind shake hands and shaking hands, posts economy, hardware factory to play king;


3、Objective To study the contents of

17 basic amino acids in Hedysarum semenovii Regelet Herd.


4、This thesis is focused on discrimination and identification of food-borne pathogens by using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.


5、Acrylic is a polymer-based medium and is essentially plastic in nature.


6、Grubman and his colleagues introduced type I and type II interferon genes into an adenovirus, which they administered to groups of pigs.


7、We need to know not only what are the primitives, but how do we make things meaningful in that language.


8、The text puts forward a new trinomial tree model to study the solution of Asian option. The text consists of

5 chapters.


9、In my clinical study, I choose patients with defect of dentition whose bone mass in edentulous ridge is insufficient and picked five representative cases, then treated them by different surgeries.

本发明的目的是提供一种新型多支链聚氧化亚烷基衍生物和制备 该多支链聚氧化亚烷基衍生物的中间体。

10、An object of the present invention is to provide a novel multibranched polyoxyalkylene derivative, and an intermediate for the production thereof.


11、Gene chip technology is one of biochips which is based on DNA hybridization and gene sequencing.


12、A multiple products model is presented, based on the method of activitybased costing, which can help to make right product decisions.


13、Finite length inclined positively buoyant jets in uniform cross flows is one of basic flow shapes of environmental pollution.


14、The weight of retrieval concept is computed by two methods which will be used in the two corresponding retrieval models. RCE is used in one model.


15、It is widely known that Cinderella is not only an old famous fairytale but also a love mode and archetype in literature.


16、Five tiny steps for getting started Here are a few basic tactics for freeing up time in your life.


17、The three-ring internal gear reducer(TRIGR) in this article is a new type transmission which have been developed on the basis of involute few teeth difference (FTD) planetary transmission.


18、Although many types of customer value such as technology, cost, government performance and relationship- oriented exist in markets, but they always surround the fundamental values.


19、Using the said trial mode in practice shall be judged by the basic principle of judicatory.


20、It is the most common genetic cardiac disease, there are at least

11 genes that encode sarcomere proteins, more than 200 types of mutations relate to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

21、By cultivating five genetic types of Purple Flowing Stalk on nature conditions, the influence of addition of activated charcoal(AC) on the isolated microspore embryogenesis has been studied.对五个红菜薹基因型的品种进行培养,研究活性碳对小孢子出胚的影响。

22、Shun-hui hardware located in the China National Hardware Association was named "China's industrial base metal" in Zhongshan Xiaolan set.顺辉五金座落于被中国五金制品协会命名为“中国五金制品产业基地”的中山市小榄镇。

23、CEG student management model, which takes the difference coordination mechanism, the reality explanation mechanism, the conflict guidance mechanism as the basic contents, is a news.“CEG”学生管理机制以上述三种差异为基本依据,以差异协调机制、现实解释机制、冲突引导机制为基本内容,是一种新型的学生管理机制。

24、Electron spin is a fundamental property, in addition to basic electrical charge, that can be used in electronic circuits.电子旋转和基本的电荷都是一种基本属性,被用于电子电路中。

25、Under high phosphorus conditions, however, the grain yield of the Andean genotypes was lower than that of the Mesoamerican genotypes.然而,在高磷条件下,安第斯基因型的种子产量显著低于中美基因型。

英文句子26:,26、Such logic would not change fundamental semantics, but, for example, only change parameter values involved in the fundamental semantics.这种逻辑不改变基本语义,只改变非语义特征,比如基本语义中涉及的参数值。

27、They discovered, for example, that five genes known to help build blood vessels were closely related to five genes that yeast cells use to fix their cell walls.他们的发现之一就是,五种已知用来构造血管的基因和五种酵母菌用来修补细胞壁的基因之间关系暧昧。

28、The mitochondrial genomes in the smaller females then show up in populations of the larger species.这样,小体型雌性象的线粒体基因组就可以出现在大体型象的种群中。

29、Roll-up processing is performed against base facts or measures in a dimensional model.上卷处理是对维度模型中的基本事实或测度执行的。

30、The spore morphology of 本文通过扫描电镜观察了五种中国藓类孢子的形态特征。

5 moss species in China(

1) Oncophorus virens(Hedw. ) Brid.

31、Thirty years after "the May 4th Movement", the Chinese intellectuals mainly underwent three different historical ways.五四以后xx年,中国知识分子基本上经历了三条不同的历史道路。

32、As noted in the article "How to Choose a Telescope, " telescope mounts come in two basic types: equatorial and altazimuth .在《如何选择望远镜》一文中提到,望远镜支架有两种基本类型:赤道式和地平式。

33、Based on the fifth census data, by using indirect estimation methods, the author estimates the gross mortality, unreported death level and life expectancy at birth.本文运用几种常见的死亡水平间接估计方法,以中国第五次人口普查原始数据为基础,估测了五普人口粗死亡率、死亡漏报水平和人口平均预期寿命。

34、The utility model relates to a liquid test piece for measuring liquid, which comprises a base plate, an interlayer, and a top head piece.本实用新型一种液体检测试片,用于液体量测,其包含一基板、一中 间层、一上盖片。

35、A replica locating method based on Small-world Theory and peer agent was proposed in allusion to current replica locating method in Data Grid environment and P2P data location method.针对目前数据网格环境中已有的副本定位方法和P2P中的数据定位方法提出了一种基于小世界模型和对等代理的副本定位模型。

36、The utility model relates to a novel multiple section stick for exercising Wushu and building body.本实用新型涉及一种习武及健身中使用的新型多节棍。

37、The present invention relates to a manyprickle acanthopanax leaf total flavone extract preparation method.本发明涉及一种治疗脑中风的刺五加叶总黄酮提取物的制备方法。

38、Benedict leads The Fifth Estate in his starring role as controversial WikiLeaks founder Assange.本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇在《第五阶层》中出演备受争议的维基解密的创始人阿桑奇。

39、The sequence of epidemic strains in China revealed a new clade of virus, the clade H, belonging to H1 genotype.中国流行的麻疹病毒主要为H基因组的H1型 ,是一种新的基因型。

40、The utility model discloses antiskid shoes for icy and snowy pavement which has a layer of backing fabric embedded with wire on the rubber sole.本实用新型公开了一种冰雪路面防滑鞋,它在橡胶鞋底中有一层植上钢丝的基布。

41、The team identified a peptide that was five amino acids long and could block NEP in a test tube.他们鉴别出一种五个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,在试管试验中这种蛋白质可以阻滞NEP。

42、The basic work principle and method of an new style smell dispel solidification of chicken manure are introduced.介绍了一种新型鸡粪除臭固化剂的基本原理和应用概况。

43、Folksongs, featured by rich contents, extensive subjects and diverse types, are the most essential and significant part of the literature of the Qiang people.羌族民间文学内容丰富,题材广泛,有多种类型,是羌族文学中最基本最重要的部分。

44、The utility model relates to a tunnel-type microwave dying machine which is capable of drying fabrics continuously in dyeing and finishing industry.本实用新型涉及一种基于染整行业中织物连续烘干的隧道式微波烘干机。

45、In designing the legend, karst water is assigned two or three basic colours and the different shades of colour are used to distinguish the degree of water storage capacity.在图例设计中、岩溶水常按以上两种类型采用两种基本色调,并按颜色深浅区别其富水程度。

46、They then grouped all subjects into five equally-sized groups based on their blood levels of vitamin D.之后,基于血样中维生素D的水平,样本对象被均分为数量相等的五组。

47、Although the main characteristic of this family was established before the origin of seed plants, they also showed some differences between the members of non-seed and seed plants.尽管在种子植物出现之前该基因家族的基本特征便已经形成,但本研究依然发现该基因家族在种子植物和非种子植物中存在一定的差异。

48、The principle of digital module EU-Ⅴ-Ⅲ and its application in adding energy power supply are introduced.主要介绍EU-Ⅴ-Ⅲ型数字式纯正弦波调压模块的基本工作原理,介绍它在一种特种电源——赋能电源中的应用。

49、Ideally, you want any changes in the model to be instantaneously reported in the implementation, but it is seldom possible to achieve this ideal.理想的情况是模型中的所有变动都立刻反映到实现中,但实现这种理想情况基本上是不可能的。

50、Enterprises merging is a basic form of capital centralization in the condition of marketing economy.企业并购是市场经济条件下资本集中的一种基本形式。

经典英文句子51:中的五种基本句型,51、The present invention discloses one kind of pentanax tea.本发明公开了一种五叶参茶。

52、Follow-up studies of this gene pattern are being planned.这种基因分型的后续研究正在计划之中。

53、On the base of other isolation lead-rubber bearings, a new bearing model including the axial-load effect is developed.在其他铅芯橡胶隔震支座模型基础上,本文提出一种考虑轴向荷载效应的新模型。

54、Basic composition and preparation are presented. A Variety of influencing factors during preparation are discussed.介绍了新型水包水多彩涂料的基本组成和制备工艺,讨论了制备过程中的各种影响因素。

55、These four types of maritime literature of the Pre-Chin period reflect a distinctive heterogeneous world of enormous valley-type spaces and rebirth.在此四种书写类型下,海洋在先秦文学中,基本上呈现出奇特的异质世界、巨大的谷型空间、超越的重生场域等意蕴。

56、The MSP-119 gene has six genetic variations that occur in various combinations in different strains of the malaria parasite.MSP-119基因有6种突变型,在不同类型的疟原虫中有不同的组合。

57、Wuxing Theory is Chinese ancients' abstract summary of the essence of all things of creation.五行学说是中国古人对自然万物本质的一种抽象概括。

58、The fifth chapter based on the research foundation, the inheritance which and reforming embroiders on Tao proposed deals measure.第五章基于研究的基础上,就洮绣的传承和转型提出应对的措施。

59、It showed that few varieties with high NUE could be found in the present wheat production.表明生产中应用的品种(基因型)中,耐低氮能力强的氮高效品种极少。

60、In the third set of experiments, five popular types of TCP-based attacks were tested and they are summarized in Table I.在第三组实验中,基于TCP的五个流行攻击类型被测试并汇总于表I。

61、The Yueling literatures have greatly influenced the Yin-Yang and five elements, serving as the decisive foundation for the ancient Chinese philosophy.《月令》观念系统通过影响阴阳五行在某种程度上决定着中国古代哲学思想的基本面貌。

62、Practical block is a new garment block cutting method that is based on Chinese garment size standard and Chinese figure.实用型原型是基于中国服装号型标准下的一种适合中国人体形的原型裁减法。

63、Xingyi Five-element Boxing also called Xingyi Mother Boxing is the most basic fist technique in the series of Xingyi Quan.五行拳是形意拳系中最基本的拳法也称之为形意母拳。

64、Based on the conceptual model of the five-axis simultaneous CNC bevel gear cutting machine, a new machining theory is proposed.以五轴联动CNC弧齿锥齿轮加工机床的概念模型为基础,提出了一种新的复杂齿面的加工原理。

65、There is provided a new thermo-gelling composition made with methylcellulose and citric acid.本发明提供了一种用甲基纤维素和枸橼酸制备的新型热胶凝组 合物。

66、To invigorate state owned middle sized and small enterprises, four basic types must be treated respectively. Those that run well should be supported;要搞活国有中小企业,必须区别对待四种基本类型:对经营状况好的,应加强扶持;

67、Boceprevir is only expected to be effective against one variety of hepatitis C, known as genotype Boceprevir只是预期对付C型肝炎,其中以多种已知的基因1型,有效的。


68、Boxin Palletizing Robot is a new model developed on the basis of the characteristics of many models home and abroad.博信码垛机器人是本公司在参考了国内外多种机型特点的基础上研制开发的新机型。

69、In these materials, lithium intercalates in two mechanisms, i. e. alloy type and ion type.锂在锡基负极材料中的储存机理主要有两种:合金型和离子型。



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