炒菜用英语怎么说 炒菜英语翻译

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炒菜用英语怎么说 炒菜英语翻译

炒菜的英语翻译是" Stir-fried dish",在日常中也可以翻译为" cook vegetables",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到14个与炒菜相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Stir-fried dish

炒菜翻译为 Stir-fried dish 。

示例:这家人正在用热油炒菜。 The family was cooking vegetables with hot oil.


2. cook vegetables

炒菜翻译为 cook vegetables 。

示例:厨师炒菜前先在锅底涂上一层油。 The cook greased the pan before frying the vegetables.


3. a fried dish

炒菜翻译为 a fried dish 。

示例:榨出来的油就装在大桶子里,用来炒菜。 The oil is then put into big vats and used for cooking.


4. a fried dish

炒菜翻译为a fried dish。

示例:is Linguini's dish done yet? 对不起 Is Linguini's dish done yet?



1. Hsua( 炒菜)

2. rapyer( 炒菜)

3. saurage( 炒菜)

4. sautees( 炒菜)

5. sautere( 炒菜)

英语短语&俚语, Wok frying pan cooking pot cooking stuff ( 炒菜锅 )

aluminum frying-pan ( 铝炒菜锅 )

FRIED VEGETABLES WITH SHRIMP PASTE fried vegetables with shrimpaste ( 马拉盏炒菜 )

Cai Miau with Salted Fish ( 咸鱼炒菜苗 )

Fried cauliflower ( 炒菜花 )

Chinese shovel ( 炒菜的铲子 )

Mixed Vegetable Mixed Green Tender chap chye ( 炒杂菜 )

Chinese cooking hot-plate ( 中餐燃气炒菜灶 )


1. These red little Japanese plums add a perky taste to stir-frys and soups.

译文:这种红色的日本小李子在炒菜和放汤时,味道很带劲。 。

2. Why don't someone go to the Chinaman's and bring back a load of chop suey?

译文:- 谁去中国餐馆,买点炒菜啊。

3. Things like stir-fries or pasta, anything that doesn't take a ton of prep or...

译文:(淡出): 比如像 炒菜或面食, 任何不 取一吨准备或.。

4. And this one... this one is a gift to any man, if she could cook a little better.

译文:这个小妞 男人都认为是天生尤物 如果她会炒菜煮饭就会更好。

5. But in a restaurant who's more important, buyer or chef?

译文:好比你开一餐馆 买菜和炒菜的谁更重要。

6. Hanging is not the original hack, plus a few of the oil dipper i started cooking the.


7. Buy everybody chop suey. You understand?


8. but i must admit it's really difficult to season when you're only using a motor oil base.

译文:但我必须要承认 日子有点困难 用机油炒菜不好调味.。

9. The breast was roasted, hands and feet were used for soup.


10. it can be grated and eaten raw in salads, or in stir-frys or soups.

译文:它可以生吃,也可以炒菜或放汤。 。

11. By the main courses, most everyone was slurping up the fried rice, lo mein and stir fry topped with assorted critters.


12. Hey, don't just go cooking without my permit!


13. Fine, braised pork ribs and vegetables, please

译文:好啊 要一份红烧排骨 清炒菜心。

14. The product can also be used for frying, stewing, acetarious dishes, noodles, bean noodles and vermicelli.


15. i've become a good cook now



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