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综上所述用英语说是" Summary",还经常被译作in conclusion,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到87个与综上所述相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Summary

综上所述翻译为 Summary 。

示例:综上所述,我们不应该为了快乐而太过努力,这一点很重要。 Having said all of above, it's important to add that we shouldn't try too hard to be happy.


2. in conclusion

综上所述翻译为in conclusion。

示例:综上所述,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable, and readily available form of exercise.


3. to sum up

综上所述翻译为 to sum up 。

示例:综上所述,学习受到个人和身边其他重要的人的情绪的影响。 To sum up, learning is affected by emotions of both the individual and significant others.


4. in conclusion

综上所述翻译为 in conclusion 。

示例:We came to a conclusion, asshole! 做个了断吧 混蛋! We came to a conclusion, asshole!



1. Wsh.( 综上所述)


2. from the above( 从以上;

3. the above(以上所述)

4. what follows(下列所述)

5. hereinafter described( 下文所述)


1. The knowledge bubble that sits around the outside, the stuff that costs nothing, because that knowledge is free -- bundle that together and where do we come out?

译文:知识到处都是 知识不用花钱 因为知识是免费的- 综上所述我们得到什么结论呢? 。

2. in a word, the above result shows that JH06111 is a novel variant iBV isolate.


3. And above all, to me, food is about respect.


4. Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence.

译文:综上所述,不管用什么方法起卦,资讯来自个体感应是确定无疑的。 。

5. To recap, good snapback but slowing momentum as we proceed through the year.


6. that at the end of the day,in general terms, you would probablyfind that not to put too fine a point on it, there probably wasn't very muchin it one way or the other.

译文:综上所述 概括说来 that at the end of the day,in general terms, 您很可能发现 you would probablyfind that 尽管也许不中听 not to put too fine a point on it,。

7. Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence.


8. Okay, so, to wrap up, in summary:

译文:- 好吧,那么,包裹起来, 综上所述:。

9. To sum up, the conclusion has shown that Cat is a melodrama that has an especial manifest form and histrionic melodrama very strongly.


10. Now if all that sounds as if i'm simply flogging the ideological merits of the FSUW, well, you're dead right.


11. Collectively, this list of harms is the artifact of our more primitive selves.

译文:综上所述,这一系列的问题, 都是我们的原始罪恶一手造成的。 。

12. One scary conclusion you could draw from all of this is to worry about structural unemployment.

译文:综上所述,可以得到一个可怕的结论 那就是令人担扰的结构性失业 。

13. And so, in conclusion, what this case is about, what this case is all about, is a predator.

译文:综上所述 本案所呈现的就是一个猎杀者。

14. Due to the above and executing articles 142, 240, 741and 742 of the social Defense Code and the Criminal Prosecution Law, we render the following verdict:

译文:综上所述,执行《社会辩护法规》 和《刑事诉讼法》的 ... 第142款,240款,741款和742款 我们做出如下判决:。

15. in summary, space and time are varying and illusionary phenomena.

译文:综上所述,空间与时间是可变的、错觉的现象。 。



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