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关于”你喜欢看的报子“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:What newspaper do you like to read。以下是关于你喜欢看的报子的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What newspaper do you like to read

Fruit, like vegetables, is essential to our daily diet. I eat a lot of fruits every day, not because I have to eat them, but because I love them. Not only are they healthier than meat, but we can also get natural vitamin C and natural antioxidants from them, especially citric acid fruits like oranges, Clementine or tranger.

My favorite fruits are mango and sarong fruit. There are all kinds of French fries on my table and all kinds of fruits in the refrigerator. People in the western world are very serious about eating fruits and vegetables.

It's called "five days", and I always make sure to eat different fruits and vegetables every day to keep healthy.





My favorite newspaper, century, is my favorite newspaper. It is an English newspaper and is published in Beijing every week. It has different kinds of pages, including weekly news, the world today, language, sports, music and student reports.

There are many beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I like reading newspapers. I read it to improve my English.

I learned a lot of new words and useful expressions. And I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and sound Ledu is very popular with students and English learners.




I like January, because it is the beginning of a new year, which will abandon my bad mood and pride. In the new year, I will be more confident. I seem to be watching my success for January.

Because of January, I will try to thank January for everything I do. It makes me believe that I am happy and like it. This is my lucky baby.




标签: 四级 英文 作文 真题

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