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关于”五百字“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Five hundred words。以下是关于五百字的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Five hundred words

My toy, he opened his eyes, and then he reached for the rope, which was about two feet long. The cat had been able to amuse itself for hours. Now put each end of the rope in one hand.

The cat ordered the man to do so. The left end was my birth, the end of the right hand was my death. Now put the two ends together.

The cat said M.




A man slipped down a rock at night, and he was afraid that he would fall thousands of feet high because he knew it was a deep valley. He grabbed a branch and hung on the rock at night. All he could see was a bottomless hole.

He yelled. His own voice was reflected in the back. No one could hear the man you could imagine.

He stayed all night Fear died every moment. His hands became cold. He lost control.

When the sun came out, he looked down and said with a smile that there was no abyss only six inches deep. There was a rock there. He could rest all night and sleep well, but it was a nightmare.

Fear was only six inches. Now it's up to you. Do you want to keep holding on to the branches Turn your life into a nightmare or are you willing to leave the branch and stand up.




Chinese New Year is called light new year because most people want to buy a pair of good Spring Festival couplets, prepare daily necessities, clean up and have a good new year. I am in Xinyang. In January, I get up very early and walk on the balcony.

I see red lanterns in the street, and "bump" more and more severely. My mother took me to the commercial center, where the business center is full of people For the sake of trouble and "crowded flow of people", signs of Spring Festival transportation can be seen everywhere on both sides of the street. The citizens enter the market and the supermarket buys them Xinyang.

The whole city is filled with festive atmosphere.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 真题 年级

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