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关于”对父母的回报“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Return to parents。以下是关于对父母的回报的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Return to parents

My mother always joked, if they were old, would I raise them? Then I assured my mother that I would not leave them. My parents were the best parents in the world. They gave me what I wanted and took care of me so that I would not leave them when they were old and it was my turn to repay their love.




Sometimes, I hate my parents. Although I know it's not right, I just think they take me too seriously. For example, my mother always asks me to help her with her housework, and also tells me: "don't always play with friends, you should learn".

My father thinks that I should not be allowed to choose my own clothes. I like fashion clothes very much. They don't allow me to be in school Watching TV at night.




In Chinese culture, every child has the responsibility to repay his parents as he grows up. Children know their responsibility, they try to make their parents have a better life, I am very grateful to my parents, because they gave me all the love, so I decided that I must earn a lot of money, and then I can repay my parents' money, but as I grow up, I realize that money is not the only way I can repay my parents, and my parents don't care about my money, they just If I want to spend more time with me when I grow up, I will move out and live far away from them. If I often go home, they will be very happy.

I think every parent wants to be cared for by their children.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 真题 父母

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