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关于”沟通是美好的开头结尾“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Communication is a beautiful beginning and end。以下是关于沟通是美好的开头结尾的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Communication is a beautiful beginning and end

I have a good holiday in the last three days of school, my biggest wish is to get up late, but every morning, I was woken up by my mother in the holiday, my wish was realized in this holiday, my parents took me to the zoo, we had a sumptuous dinner outside, the food was delicious, and there was no homework these days, so I can play with my friends, No With the worry about unfinished homework, the best vacation is to have a good rest, in this holiday I got two happy, so this is a great holiday.




Yes, it makes us the best seller of this year, but everyone forgets our name. Do you think I can check my product? Our latest product this year has more quality functions than any other phone. Exhibition art exhibition teaching exhibition industry exhibition Travel Exhibition creativity let us do better.

Start a happy good time, good taste, McDonald's Connecting people, diamond forever, Bierce, I think the most important thing now is to let people know the existence of the product, rather than emphasize its specific benefits. We might as well invest more money in specific products. Do you mean to let the widest audience, or the lowest cost, or not my deadline? You must meet the advertising classification advertisers who let us kick off some ideas Advertising publishers advertising television advertising insurance company advertising.




We do not litter, spit, love grass, trample on the lawn, do not damage public property, do not say dirty words, do not fight, respect the teacher, ask the teacher, although there are only a few things, we can do this, our school is very good.




标签: 托福 英文 作文 万能 开头

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