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关于”写一篇介绍同学之间友情“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write an article to introduce the friendship between students。以下是关于写一篇介绍同学之间友情的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article to introduce the friendship between students

Life doesn't always bring us the happiness we want, we don't always get our hopes and dreams, we don't always go our own way, but don't give up hope, because you can change an environment, one person to find the beauty around you, in nature, in others, in yourself, believe in the love of friends and family You can find love in a smile, a helping hand, a thoughtful gesture or a friendly word. If you look for it, you will find the power in life, along with happiness, happiness, patience, understanding to believe in the goodness of others. Remember that anger and depression can be offset by love and hope, even if you feel that you can't do much to change unhappiness Or problems, you can always do a little bit, a little at a time, and eventually it will make a big difference.




More and more people pay more and more attention to relationship in their career success. Politeness is the first and most important step in developing good relationship between friends. Politeness always says "please" and "thank you" in your daily life, which will make your friends more comfortable and more important.

We all know that a person's success depends on how he or she is On the basis of getting along with people. He is always grateful for the kindness of others and expresses your gratitude with what you say. The more support you get from others, the faster you will move towards your goal.

Although it is easy for some people to ignore politeness, we students should form good habits and behave appropriately. First of all, we should learn to be friendly to parents and relatives at home. Then we should listen to teachers' instructions respectfully and listen to their suggestions to improve ourselves in school.

If you can express your gratitude in time and remember to be polite, you will make greater progress at a cost of only a few million dollars.





In college, friendship between boys and girls is very common. It is difficult to deal with personal contact between different genders. The key is to distinguish between love and friendship.

Friendship is the basic need of human feelings; friendship may lead to love, but love does not necessarily come from friendship; friendship is the basis of love. Without friendship, there is no true love. Love is selfish and exclusive.

Although friendship is selfless, extensive love does not necessarily have to be returned, but friendship needs a restraint and exchange. I believe that there is pure friendship between the two sexes. Sometimes the power of friendship exceeds the power of love.

There may be misunderstandings and rumors in this regard, and even slander against heterosexuals. There are many inexplicable things in the world that actions speak louder than words.





标签: 高二 翻译 作文 介绍 满分

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