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关于”二用谁的书“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Whose book do you use。以下是关于二用谁的书的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Whose book do you use

Once upon a time, one day, a child was about to be born. He asked God, "they told me that you would send me to the earth tomorrow, but I am small and helpless there. How can I live?" God replied, "of all the angels, I've chosen one for you.

She'll be waiting for you and will take care of you." "but," the child said, "tell me." I'm in heaven and I don't do anything but sing and smile. That's what I need to be happy about. " God said, "Your angel will sing for you and smile for you every day.

You will feel your angel's love and you will be happy." the child said, "if I don't understand human language, how can I understand when people speak to me?" Say, "that's easy," God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet thing you've ever heard. Your angel will teach you how to say it with great patience and care." the child looks up at God and says, "what should I do when I want to talk to you?" God smiles and says to the child, "Your angel will put your hands together." It will teach you how to pray. "The child said," I heard that there are bad people on earth who will protect me.

"God put his arm around the child and said," Your angel will protect you, even if it means risking your life. " The child looked sad and said, "but I'll always be sad because I'll never see you again." God hugged the child, "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you how to come back to me, even if I am always with you." At that moment, there was a lot of peace in heaven, but the sound from the earth could already be heard. "Oh God, if I'm going to leave now, please tell me my angel's name," God replied, "Your angel's name doesn't matter.

You just call her mother.".






My friend, I have a lot of good friends. Lily was the best we played together when we were very young. She is a very beautiful girl.

When people see her, they always pat her little head and say, "Oh, how lovely lily is also very brave. I remember one night two weeks ago, my mother asked me to go downstairs to buy some salt and sugar. When I went back to the dark stairs, I suddenly saw a shadow behind me.

It was a ghost that scared me to cry" God ". Lily came, She yells at the shadow until it disappears, and then we run home safely. Maybe you've got it.

Yes, lily is my dog, my best friend, and I love her.




It is a novel written by Eileen Chang. I read it with disgust. It tells me a phenomenon: the world is like a lock.

Everyone is not free. They do things they don't like and love people they don't love, but they can't get rid of them because they have to live for the life they don't like.




标签: 四年级 作文 真题 年级

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