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关于”马云成功的原因“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Reasons for Ma Yun's success。以下是关于马云成功的原因的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons for Ma Yun's success

N officially resigned from his official post, established a website, and expanded e-commerce applications, especially B2B business. It is one of the world's largest B2B websites. Ma Yun has been invited to give lectures to colleges and universities in the world for many times.

The center includes Fengshang University, Provincial Institute of technology, and the second University, Harvards. He is a lecturer in Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering English and international trade, and founded China The first Internet business information publishing website "China Yellow Page" has become the focus of attention of the outside world. China's international e-commerce center has been established on the website of the authoritative organization for the development of foreign economic relations and trade, and has rapidly become the world's largest B2B e-commerce platform.

Now it is the independent third-party electronic payment platform in Asia's largest personal compulsory sales website At present, it ranks first in the Chinese market. It cooperates with Yahoo, the world's largest portal website, and merges all of its properties. Therefore, it has become the largest Internet company in China.

It has become the most distinctive and most affected set of s-win that has been seen in China so far. It also provides a platform with Chinese Yahoo and winner on China's official website to win the sponsorship of Chinese: the king's interests.




Ma Yun (Chinese: [Ma ̀ y ̌ n] from Wikipedia was born in September. He is known as Jack Ma, a Chinese business giant and Alibaba group He is one of the wealthiest people in China and one of the richest people in Asia, with a net worth of US $100 million. As of October, he has become an idol of the global business and entrepreneurs, one of the most influential businessmen in the world, and a philanthropist famous for his business philosophy.

He is listed in the "world's greatest leader" of Fortune magazine Second on the list. Ma Yun is one of the most powerful people in the world. For many people, it is a kind of global inspiration.

He has made countless speeches, inspirations and suggestions in his career.


来自维基百科的马云(中文:,[Mày̌n]出生于xx月,专业上被称为杰克·马云,是一位中国商业巨头,是阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)的创始人和执行主席,他是中国最富有的人之一,也是亚洲最富有的人之一,净资产达亿美元,截至xx月,他已成为全球商界和企业家界的偶像,世界上最具影响力的商人之一,以及以阐述其商业理念而闻名的慈善家,他在《财富》杂志“世界最伟大领袖”排行榜上名列第二。马云是世界上最有权势的人之一,对许多人来说都是一种全球激励,在一生的职业生涯中,发表了无数的演讲、启发和建议。


Some people think that money, a house, a car and a woman are successful. Some people think that success means doing what you want to do and even deny the existence of success. He thinks that the world is not successful, there is only endless pursuit.

I want to give it a new definition of success: success means that people are very eager to do good things and get satisfaction and excitement.




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