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关于”城市和乡村的不同之处“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The difference between city and country。以下是关于城市和乡村的不同之处的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difference between city and country

There is no fundamental difference between rural and urban living in cities with better infrastructure. Health, education and transportation have been improved. However, there are various problems in cities: for example, environmental pollution, unfamiliar interpersonal relationship.

Living in rural areas will lead to a more stable living environment. Like clear mountains and rivers, lakes, animals and natural vegetation, rural living conditions are poor and basic living conditions are not complete Good, does not conform to the modern lifestyle, urban life pressure is great, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places have developed economy and transportation, but information exchange makes people living in the city often have to pay a lot of efforts for a better life. Those young people with competitive advantages who adapt to life in cities and towns hope that the pace of rural life will be fast and free, without too much pressure, However, due to the needs of basic life, you have also lost the convenience brought by modern civilization, such as network, information and transportation.

For me, in fact, there is no big difference between rural and urban areas. It lies in personal mentality. If you are confident and generous, open-minded and have a good attitude, whether it is rural or urban, urban or rural, I live in a city where the farmers just want to Live your own life, your own home.




I live in a big city, but this summer I want to go to the countryside to relax. The big city is very modern and lively, but there are a lot of noise, pollution, traffic, and the people inside are very busy. I don't like to go to the beautiful and quiet countryside far away from the city.

I like to walk in the places without shops. The air is fresh, the water is clean, the trees are green and the air is quiet. I can Boating in the lake, fishing and swimming in the river, climbing mountains and picking fruits.

I hope I can go to the countryside. It will be very interesting and healthy.




I live in a big city, but this summer I want to go to the countryside to relax. Big cities are very modern and lively, but there are a lot of noise, pollution, traffic, and the people inside are very busy. I don't like to go to the beautiful and quiet countryside far away from the city.

I like to walk there. The places without shops, crowds and air pipes are fresh. The water is clean, the trees are green, and the air is quiet.

I can row boats in the lake and fish in the river Fish and swim, climb mountains and pick fruit. I wish I could go to the countryside, it would be very interesting and healthy.




标签: 考研 作文 乡村 满分

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