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关于”描写家里的环境“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Describe the environment at home。以下是关于描写家里的环境的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the environment at home

There are many interesting places in the town. In this beautiful city, I have my favorite places. For example, my favorite restaurant is the Xingye Hotel, where there are many delicious food.

It is my favorite clothing store and its name is Yiyi clothing. This clothing store has the most fashionable clothes, which is especially suitable for people who pursue the trend. There is a big park in the town called emperor Magic Park is the most popular entertainment place.

At last, there are many people playing here every day. I would like to introduce a recent cinema. It is an advanced cinema.

There are also some 3D movies called phantom test theater. It is the most charming place in my town. I hope you can visit our town when you have time.




Hello, everyone. What I want to tell you today is a video clip. Its Chinese name is "single life", and its Chinese name is "single life".

It is the video unit of the 10th Oscar competition. It has a very profound significance. A person's life is like a music, or beautiful, or fluent, or cassette tape.

Ideological life is like a song, which can be fast forward, can be Pause, rewind, do what you want, as the master knows, busy autumn, life at the end of the song.




Martin just got his new driver's license. Everyone in the family went to the driveway and climbed into the car. He took them for a ride for the first time.

Dad immediately walked to the back seat, behind the new driver. "I bet you've been sitting in the front passenger seat for months. I bet you've come back for a change of scenery," the beaming boy said to his father Say, "no," dad replied, "I'm going to sit here and kick your back seat while you're driving, as you've been doing to me all these years.".




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 万能 年级

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